It’s been a long, hard and especially cold semester, and you can’t wait to get on that plane to Florida and leave it all behind for a week. Unfortunately, while your body craves a beach getaway, your single digit bank account screams “apartment pool.” Rather than sit around and pout all week, why not still get the spring break experience you deserve thanks to your pal Hollywood?
1. Spring Breakers

You know that wild spring break experience you’ve always dreamt of but never had the guts to go through with? Live vicariously through Cotty, Candy, Brit and Faith (played by Rachel Korine, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Selena Gomez) as they’re arrested, become thieves and get high. You now have a front row seat to what its like to go to prison. Oh yeah, and weird James Franco makes an appearance, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on that or his epic corn rows and grillz. But remember: as fun as it all looks, armed robbery is never ok.
2. High School Musical 2

Admit it — your heart still does a double flip whenever you see Troy and Gabriella sing one of their famous duets. Join the Wildcats as they struggle to earn money for college, and laugh because even though you’re broke at least you never had to deal with Sharpay. This movie is also an awesome reminder that summer is just around the corner, so cheer up and go ahead and sing along. We know you want to.
3. Literally any Disney movie

“It’s fun and it’s nostalgic, which is why I want to rewatch Disney movies,” University of Washington junior art major Sabrina Oh said. Part of the reason everyone wants to go on spring break is to get happy (and drunk) and what better place for that than “the happiest place on earth?” Even if you can’t actually get your butt to Disneyland, Netflix has a wide array of Disney movies, from Mulan to Tarzan to Lilo and Stitch that’ll make you feel like you’re standing in those long lines, just waiting to go on Splash Mountain.
4. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Missing that sense of adventure that comes with any getaway? Experience all of that wrapped up in blankets on your bed as you watch Indiana Jones battle snakes, the Nazis and countless traps in temples, only to save the day as always. Turn up the volume and you’ll still get that nail biting, heart stopping sense of mystery you so desperately crave. Best of all, you won’t have to lift a finger.
5. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Oh, think of all the carefree fun you’re missing by being stuck at home. You could feel sorry for yourself, or you could watch Ferris ride around town and get into the most ridiculous adventures, such as joining a parade or lip syncing in front of a huge crowd. There’s nothing like laughing at his ridiculous attempts to keep from getting in trouble for skipping. You may not be dancing the night away under the stars, but at least you can skip class whenever you want.
6. The Hangover

Nobody likes the raging hangover that comes with a night of partying. But hey, if you want the full spring break experience, this movie provides it. Complete with memory loss, illegal drugs and a baby in the closet (of all things), this is what hangover dreams are made of. Best of all? You’re totally safe from that nasty headache. Plus, you can stare at Bradley Cooper’s dreamy face.
7. Accepted

What better way to forget all about school than to watch a movie about a fake one? Even if you can’t go to that sunny island to drink the week away, Bartleby’s epic failure turned raging success will certainly make you feel better about bombing that last final. “Accepted is just funny, because that kind of thing does happen, even to the best of us. That certainly happened to me when I applied for the ivy leagues, but there’s just this sense of humor about that movie that I enjoyed,” University of Washington freshman sociology major Molly Carbary said. Even if you didn’t land that perfect 4.0 GPA you’ve been dreaming of, at least you never had to create a fake college.
8. Eat, Pray, Love

Spring break isn’t just about getting as sloshed as possible and hooking up with random strangers. Travel the world and find yourself along with Julia Robert’s, Liz, as she journeys to Italy, India and Indonesia. Soak in all of that wonderful culture through your TV, and by the end of the movie you’ll be able to brag that you actually went there (shh we won’t tell). Seeing is believing, right? Added bonus: remember that not being able to physically travel means not having to deal with TSA.
9. Cast Away

Remember that exotic island you were dying to go to? While you sit on your couch surrounded by snacks, watch Chuck struggle to survive with no one but Wilson the bloody volleyball. We guarantee you’ll feel ten times better about staying landlocked this spring break. Even if you can’t #turnup with the rest of your friends, at the very least you don’t have to catch your own dinner tonight or live in that horrible Wi-Fi free cave.
10. National Lampoons Vacation

Relive all of those awful family vacations your parents forced you to go on (but you secretly loved) by joining the Griswolds on their road trip. “[It’s] funny and reminds me of being in the outdoors as a kid,” University of Washington junior econ major Alex Chang said. Be glad that your vacations were never as dysfunctional as the Griswolds’, and that you never ended up stuck in the desert. Keep in mind that there are worse things than not being able to afford that spring break you know you deserve.