We all know that friend that’s a little too much into Halloween. And we also all know that friend that couldn’t care less. For the couldn’t care less friend, we got your back. We get it. You lack motivation. You may even be a tad sleep deprived. You have an exam on Monday. But you also forgot all about Halloween, which means you need a costume ASAP and preferably an easy one. We’ve got you! Look no further.
Read on for 10 last-minute Halloween costumes for lazy college students.
1. Mummy

Defining it literally, a mummy is a person whose body has been preserved after death. But don’t worry. For this costume, you won’t need to actually die or be buried in a pyramid. Unless of course, your exam grade killed your spirit. But you can forget about that for a day with just a little bit of Halloween fun. Just grab a roll of toilet paper and wrap yourself from head to toe. A classic. What costume gets easier than this?
2. Cowboy/Cowgirl

Giddy-up and get going. You don’t have much time. Go rope yourself a pair of jeans and a plaid T-shirt. Do you have a hat? Maybe some boots? How about a big ol’ belt buckle? If you don’t own all of these things, that’s okay too. Just grab one or two of them and say “Yeehaw” every few minutes. It’s all in the day of a cowboy or cowgirl.
3. Student Debt
This costume hits way too close to home. As college students, we know the pain of student debt. But this costume guarantees a few laughs and will probably start some conversations. Unlike actual student debt, this costume won’t be a struggle. Just wear a black T-shirt and tape a student debt sign it. With just a few office supplies, this costume won’t put you in any more debt.
4. Tacky tourist

Is your closet full of random patterns of all lengths and sizes? Tropical patterns? Beach attire? Then you probably own just what you need. . It’s your swimsuit plus a camera and maybe a hat. Oh, and socks and sandals are a must. “Mostly everyone has something touristy in their closet and can pull it off in a heartbeat while still looking cute and fun,” said University of Central Florida senior Ambar Rodriguez. Don’t forget the stripe of sunblock on your nose to really embrace the tackiness. Also, don’t forget the shades, the extra element to put your costume over the top.
5. Bank robber

Want to be stealthy and secretive without the hassle. Then the bank robber costume sounds like your costume. Wear all black and throw on a black beanie or eye mask. Being a criminal for Halloween actually requires almost no mastermind planning. Happyheisting!
6. Identity theft

Nothing is scarier than identity theft. What a perfect costume? This frightening costume requires no pre-planning. Take a bunch of name tags and stick them all over yourself. If people ask who you are, no one will ever know. If you can’t think of one person to dress up as this Halloween, just be more than one. “I typically don’t know what to dress up as until the week of, or sometimes even the day of,” said University of Florida sophomore Mackenzie Kurth. Although identity theft is not a simple problem to fix, this costume will help you stay simple for the big night.
7. Fifty Shades of Gray

Feeling promiscuous this Halloween? Well here is a sexy last-minute lazy costume for you. Stop by your local Walmart, Lowe’s or Home Depot and grab as many gray-colored paint samples as you can carry. Quite literally, dress up as fifty shades of gray. Tape them to your gray-colored T-shirt, and there you have it. Now is it hot in here or is it just me?
8. Nerd

Do you own a pair of glasses? As a college student, you already own the textbooks. This book worm look will be sure to get you an A+ for Halloween, but we can’t promise anything for your college classes. “Money is a big factor in difficulty for preparing for Halloween, said Saint Leo University senior Alexa Klein. “Being a full-time student, it can be hard sometimes to get a great paying job. So, with this, cheap costumes are usually the most ideal, which usually ends up with me choosing to grab whatever is in my closet.” Remember to grab both and maybe wear a bowtie to add more to the look.
9. Goth/Emo

Black everything. Put together a head to toe black outfit. Seriously, all black. Go extra heavy on the eyeliner and black lipstick or any other kind of black makeup. This costume is dark and dramatic. For some, it might just be another everyday look or style. This is a perfect costume for a lazy college student and for the college student who is just into their feelings.
10. 50s

Most college students own a dependable pair of jeans, and you probably have a white T-shirt hanging around somewhere. Pick out your college converse and throw on a leather jacket. Get ready to twist and shout all evening long in this last-minute costume.