New York University undoubtedly offers one of the widest array of classes and course selections in the country, maybe even the world. Even though it’s located in New York City, it’s considered a universal university, as its classes are not only found in America, but in Abu Dhabi and dozens of other study-abroad sites. With its “make your own major” college, Gallatin, NYU tops the list when it comes to memorable courses. If ever granted the opportunity to take one of these NYU classes, don’t lose it.
Check out 10 NYU classes you’ll actually want to show up to.
1. The Science of Happiness

This course—whether they’ve taken it or not—is known by all NYU students, and for good reason. Students from all majors are able to participate in arguably one of NYU’s most popular classes, through the “Core Curriculum.” The point of this class? It’s literally in the title. You’ll learn about the true science behind happiness and similar emotions in our lives.
“It’s so interesting. This class was not what I expected, but in a good way,” said NYU senior Nicholas Safier. What more could you ask for?
2. Enlightenment Literature & Philosophy

As an absolute favorite, this class gets recommended for both English majors and anyone else. Taught by Adjunct Professor Wendy Lee, this diamond-in-the-rough has so far only been taught once, but proves to be an incredible chance to learn how to read philosophical and literary texts through the eyes of the Enlightenment era.
As Lee talks about in her syllabus, this course will investigate how each of the 18 th century philosophers demonstrate knowledge and how we use it. Heavy questions and discussions take up most of this course, but you’ll come out with a much deeper understanding of philosophy without having actually taken a philosophy class.
“I was overwhelmed at first, but not once did I regret my decision. I learned so much from Professor Lee,” said NYU senior Erin Adams. Feeling smarter is always a plus.
Course not offered for the 2024-2025 academic school year.
3. Feminism & Theatre

In this Theatre Studies course, you will study plays by female playwrights, as well as feminist theatre.
According to the description, “Considerations include strategies for asserting new images of women on stage, the dramatic devices employed by female playwrights, lesbian aesthetics, race, class and the rejection of realism.”
As a course focused on feminist writings and writers—and not simply on the concept of feminism—this class showcases all the products of feminism in our world. Not only will you expand your feminist literature knowledge, but you’ll have the opportunity to write your own thoughts and perspective on feminism and its effects.
4. Love Actually

“[It’s] one of the best rom-coms and one of the best Psych classes,” said NYU junior Emily Ferrari.
Yes, NYU does offer a course named after one of the best rom coms ever and yes, it really is about love. Surprisingly, this is not the only CAMS course offered that is also named after a heartwarming film, but it’s one of the best. Discussing the topic of “love” as an actual psychological aspect of life—instead of an emotionally abstract one—makes this class extremely interesting and fairly difficult. And just like love, it’s worth it.
5. Journalism and Society: Minorities in the Media

Journalism majors are used to taking required courses, but everyone should take advantage of this elective. This class covers discussions regarding all minorities including race, gender and sexuality. Active stereotypes discussed thoroughly throughout the course.
The professor takes it a step further by discussing what we can do to actively fight against them and all other prejudices also get brought up. How relevant is that? Students will not only learn the political and social truth behind the discrimination in this country, but also how we can take the steps to fight against it.
Course is not offered for the 2024-2025 academic year. However, offerings include Women and the Media; Minorities in the Media; Covering the Earth; and Sports and Society.
6. Human Sexuality

“Sexuality is an essential aspect of everyone’s life.” That’s how the course description begins.
First impressions? It’ll be like nothing you’ve ever taken before. It’s not exactly how we all view sexuality—at least, not this in depth. This NYU class does a lot of things differently, and in a good way. Sexuality is discussed in a way that society has deemed “inappropriate,” and it also enlightens it in a new way.
Along with this new perspective on teaching sexuality, the course also focuses on more than just the physical aspect of it. As the class description mentions, you’ll also talk about topics like, “Theories and methods of sex research, atypical sexualities, sexual dysfunctions, sexual coercion, and the qualities and benefits of good sex.”
7. Blaxploitation

This Cinema Studies course “explores the rise and fall of Hollywood’s ‘Blaxploitation’ period and genre.” Through the contexts of “black identity and liberation,” this course maps the evolution of black exploitation in the media—specifically, in film.
And, the best part? There are even rumors that the professor analyzes Beyonce not only as a powerful black public figure, but one who is both exploited and exploiting. Queen B creates interest in any context.
Course is not offered for the 2024-2025 academic year.
8. Food Photography

This Food Studies course teaches “the demonstration of techniques for photographing foods for use in print and other media formats.” It will take you through all the basic steps of taking food photography to a professional level. Not only will you get to be around food, but you will get to capture it in all its glory. A 101 on how to take aesthetically pleasing food instas? Hell. Yes.
9. The German Intellectual Tradition: What is Power?

By looking at Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries, students will have a better idea of the social and political atmosphere. You’ll not only examine power but also look at the critiques and ideas of power.
According to the course description, “Students read a selection of works by authors such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Sabina Spielrein, Rosa Luxemburg, Bertolt Brecht, Max Weber, Walter Benjamin, Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt and Karl Mannheim, as well as relevant commentary.”
Students will learn how power is exercised on a multitude of levels from our personal lives to power in the state.
10. Shakespeare

Okay, every English Department has a Shakespeare class. But why is this one unique? It’s not the class, but the person who teaches it. John Archer is an NYU Professor with a knowledge about Shakespeare that extends far beyond his works. Why is Shakespeare still a vital cultural force 400 years after his death? How was he able to speak both to us and to audiences of his own day? This course will answer all these questions and more.
“John Archer is literally the Shakespeare guru. His knowledge of Shakespeare surpasses any knowledge I have of anything,” said NYU senior Deon Sanders.
Keep reading for 11 more NYU classes to keep in mind come drop/add week.
Written by Faith Gates.
11. Good Death: China and Comparative Perspectives

Now, I know what you’re thinking, how is any death “good”? Well, this course studies how people interpret the concept of death, “[d]rawing on insights from medical anthropology, anthropology of religion, and anthropology of ethics.” By looking at China’s culture and habits, students will learn how people respond to death and how they move past it. This course contains heavy material on how people live with their losses, the aging and dying process, end of life care, and more.
12. Creative Writing: Intro Fiction and Poetry

English and non-English majors alike enjoy this class, because most students spend their time reading and writing anyway, without it being their homework. Not only do students get to read some of the best fiction and poetry writing out there, they also get to try their hand at it in a round-table setting with their fellow students offering feedback. Plus, this is an intro class. Students don’t need to have a writing background to try it out.
“The writing we get to do in class is lit and it’s not as uppity as the intermediate classes,” said NYU sophomore Ashley Yu.
13. Sound Mix Workshop

NYU has a lot to offer with state of the art facilities and experienced professors. Anyone interested in the film industry from aspiring directors to writers to filmmakers, students will enjoy actually getting to learn in a mix studio.
“It taught me so much about the professionalism of post-sound work in the film industry. The professor (James Redding) was extremely credible and has IMDb credit in shows like The Americans and movies like The Matrix. He taught the class as if he was just a knowledgeable friend and has given me more opportunities than any other professor at Tisch,” said NYU senior Kyle Schmidt.
14. Drugs and Kids

Two of everybody’s favorite things, combined. Just kidding. But seriously, this class takes an interesting look at psychoactive substances, abuse prevention, and child and adolescent drug use. Don’t expect a typical college course, but one that will make you think about things you already knew in a different way.
“Drugs and Kids remains one of my favorite classes since my first year at NYU, because the professor was so amazing and also incredibly thorough. We covered so many topics and even went over current events: the minutiae of different drugs, factors of abuse/addiction, drug policies and even school programs,” NYU junior Diamond Naga Sui said.
15. The Performance of Everyday Life

Every student in Tisch knows the ins and outs of acting classes dealing with TV or movies, but this class instead dives into the acting of everyday life (mind game, right?). Performance of Everyday Life takes a typical acting class, but mixes in anthropology, psychology and sociology as well.
As the course description says, “The course invites students to view seemingly non-theatrical social interaction as performance and to consider the significance of the seeming ‘normal’ and inconsequential nature of such performances.”
NYU senior Jeremy Swanton said, “As opposed to drama or other artistic practices, performance studies is more of a theoretical approach, so I’m not just practicing my art, I’m figuring out why I’m doing my art.”
16. Sports History and Film

It really doesn’t get better than watching a movie in class every week. Don’t get me wrong, this class is a lot of work with weekly readings and essays. The class goes beyond sports and analyzes race and culture throughout the past century by means of sports and athletes.
“This course will investigate how a visual medium, film, subject to the conventions of drama and fiction and a popular activity/institution, sport, often associated with frivolity, violence, and puerility, might be used as serious vehicles for conceptualizing and analyzing the past,” said Sports Film Professor Jeffrey Sammons.
Course is not offered for the 2024-2025 academic year.
17. Expressive Culture: Music in Prague Field Study

A class that takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, and you get to attend music performances? Instant yes. During this course, students will get to witness 5 different concerts as well as two more which they’ll see on their own. On top of this, you’ll get to view the architecture during your walks and watch films.
This class also consists of a project in which you’ll interview a performer, read the relevant materials, and attend a live concert or rehearsal. At the end of the semester, you’ll present your project to the class.
18. Black Lives Matter: Race, Media, and Popular Protest

Students excel when the class involves current, relevant, and interesting material. This class combines all three.
According to the course description, the class will “debate and engage with a variety of topics, including the moral ethics of ‘looting’ and riotous forms of protest; violent vs. nonviolent civil disobedience; the media myth of ‘black on black’ crime; coalitional politics and the black feminist and LGBTQ underpinnings of the #blacklivesmatter movement; and comparisons between the blacklivesmatter movement and the U.S. civil rights movement.”
Course is not offered for the 2024-2025 academic year.
19. Twentysomething

Being 20 encompasses all of life’s weirdest tendencies into one decade, so thus we should study it. NYU’s Child and Adolescent Studies department always puts together the best classes. This one doesn’t differ. The class evaluates the idea of the “emerging adulthood” theory and “explore[s] the factors that contribute to diverging developmental pathways, review the typical life of the American 20-something, and uncover the truth behind the stereotypes.”
Unfortunately, Taylor Swift doesn’t teach the class, or she might just sum it up by saying “you’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time” when you’re in your 20s.
20. Instrument Lessons

Every NYU student pays for 18 units, but because most classes use four units, students only end up taking four classes, using 16 of the 18 they paid for. A two-unit class is the only way to get this money’s worth. NYU Steinhardt offers brass and strings instrument lessons for people who have never even picked up an instrument before. Rock on, students.
*Quoted descriptions come from the NYU Registrar or Course Syllabi.
Written by Faith Gates.
Keep on Reading for More Memorable Classes at NYU!
Written by: Arpan Josan
21. Movement as Play

If you’re an aspiring NYU student artist, then this class will be a must. Through physical training, you as an artist can free both your mind and body. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, we can all agree that everyone needs some outlet. With this two-credit course that’s open to all majors (except for TISCH drama majors), you can also create your very own art. No matter what the art form is, the artist in you will thank you.
“As someone in STEM, I was glad to enjoy a class that allowed me to express my artistic ideas. My favorite memory was when I performed my midterm body project of a personal poem and a dance routine that was meaningful to me. This was a highlight because I was able to share an intimate side of myself through dance and poem writing,” New York University alumni, Soji Britto, said.
Once you register for “Movement as Play”, you’re sure to find a new part of yourself. From film to writing, finding your outlet will help you in the long run. You’ll create countless memories just by expressing yourself and deepen your self-awareness through class discussions and movement. With this NYU TISCH School of the Arts course, you’ll be able to create your own personal movement piece with the knowledge you gain from this class.
22. Visual Expression

The School of Professional Studies offers an amazing class called “Visual Expression”. With this course, students will get to look at all different art forms from paintings to images. According to their course description, students will learn “how to read and decipher the social and cultural messages of images that lie hidden beneath their aesthetic surfaces.” Unlike other classes, a lot of what you learn is done outside the classroom. As your visual literacy expands, so will your view of the world.
“Another memorable class for me was my Visual Expression class at NYU SPS in the spring of 2023. I learned about the deeper meanings behind images, shapes, paintings, and pictures in contemporary society. I really enjoyed this class because it pushed me to expand my analytical skills and artistic perspective in writing. It allowed me to view objects from a different lens rather than just plain. This class was unique because some of the learning process was done outside of the classroom,”
New York University alumni, Soji Britto, said. This class will truly push you to strengthen your perspective in the art world further. It also expands to the outside world, giving you the chance to view architecture at Gothic-style churches as well as visit the Met Museum. Students will also get an opportunity to look at various artworks in NYC. Once you take this class, your view of the art world will change forever.
23. Writing Your Life

Want to let the world know your life story? Then this course might be the right fit for you. By putting your life into writing, you’ll be able to better understand yourself. This class won’t be a retelling of your life from beginning to end, but rather writing about specific significant events. By looking at these important events, students will be able to see how they shaped their identity.
24. Machine Learning

With everything NYU has to offer, of course they’ll have options for all of the data science nerds. From machine learning to statistical modeling, this course will be perfect for students interested in a master’s in data science.
The class centers around researching machine learning and its applications. According to the course description, “While mathematical methods and theoretical aspects will be covered, the primary goal is to provide students with the tools and principles needed to solve the data science problems found in practice.” To take any higher course, you’ll have to take this class to serve as your foundation.
25. Advanced Psychodrama and Sociometry

How could I not talk about the Steinhardt School when NYU classes come up? We have the “Advanced Psychodrama and Sociometry” class in the music and performing arts professions. This course allows students the correct amount of hours of training to start psychodrama practicum.
According to the course description, you’ll gain hands-on experience in creating “contracts, scene setting, training auxiliaries, the walk & talk, directing the psychodrama vignette & psychodrama with individuals.” Who wouldn’t want to take this course?
26. Women as Entrepreneurs in Popular Music

A course in popular music and entrepreneurship? Who wouldn’t want to take a class like this? As we see women making great strides in the music industry, this course helps students better understand the music industry. Students will examine all the strengths and skills needed to succeed in their ventures.
According to the course descriptions, “Guest speakers will include women entrepreneurs who are leading companies and who have successfully started their own business ventures in the music industry.”
By the end of this course, students will gain real-world experience and have all the necessary preparation to prepare both a short and long-term plan for their careers in the music industry.
27. South Asian Art – NYU Abu Dhabi

A lover of the arts? Well, then this course will be a dream come true for you. South Asia offers many beautiful art creations that you’ll get to analyze.
According to the course description, “Through the medium of sculpture, paintings, illustrated manuscripts, calligraphy and architecture the course will help to cultivate an art historical vocabulary, explain the visual symbolism, discover the language of sacred and ritual representations, and underscore the power of myths and narratives which give life to these motifs.”
By exploring the prehistoric period to the 19th century, you’ll encounter questions concerning landscapes, the representations of the body, and image-making. Students will take a look at paintings, sculptures, architecture, and calligraphy in order to strengthen their art history knowledge.
28. The Australian Experience

In NYU’s College of Arts and Sciences department (CAS), we have “The Australian Experience” course. Even if we’re in America, we can still learn about Australian culture and society.
The course descriptions describe this course as, “[looking] at issues such as the relationship between Australian settler culture and Aboriginal Australians; Australia’s experience of migration and multiculturalism; Australians’ relationship with their environment; and Australians’ sense of national identity.” This course will always be perfect for anyone interested in cultural analysis.
29. Human Rights: Philosophical and Practical Issues

For anyone interested in public health, the “Human Rights: Philosophical and Practical Issues” is a must. By the end of this course, those enrolled will learn more about the relationships between human rights and the health needs of endangered populations. Students can expect to look into great detail in women’s rights, the right to health, and the rights of refugees.
According to the course description, “This course will enhance students’ ability to think critically about the relationship between theories of human rights and the practical challenges that we confront in defining and enforcing human rights globally.”
30. Difficult Conversations

For all the fans of the Stern School of Business, we have a course titled “Difficult Conversations”. When it comes to business, most people don’t realize that holding your own in a conversation will be vital for this career. This course will help students understand what makes a conversation difficult and the different types of heavy conversations out there as well as strengthen your communication skills through group practice and reflection. By the end of the semester, you’ll be a pro at leading your future difficult conversations.
*Quoted descriptions come from the NYU Registrar or Course Syllabi.
**Updated on September 1st, 2024 to include list items 21-30 by Arpan Josan