University of Florida students make difficult decisions all the time. For example, choosing what’s worse: a 7:25 a.m. class or one that ends at 9:30 p.m. a dilemma I am currently facing). For this edition of would you rather I asked UF students questions only we understand. What’s worse and what’s better?
1. Banned and sad vs. apartment hell

Would you rather: Get banned from Fort during game-day season or live at Social 28 after its first year of construction?
Known as one of the go-to party houses during the game-day season, you don’t want to get banned from Fort. However, off-campus apartment complex Social 28 gets its popular status for its malfunctioning…well, everything. 73 percent of the 30 students surveyed said they’d rather be banned from Fort during game-day season. Sorry, Social.

2. Biggest waste of time vs. personal attacks from a guy who wears short- shorts

Would you rather: Fail and retake Good Life or be the only one in Turlington while Dennis rants about college students being phonies?
Every UF freshman has taken the iconic course – The Good Life. They’re forced to read and take tests on books they’ve probably already read during high school, and attend a lab and a short lecture for the course. Dennis, on the other hand, loves to lecture for hours and hours in Turlington pretty much everyday. He likes to single out people who walk by and it’s pretty terrifying. 100 percent of the 40 surveyed students answered that they’d rather be the only one in Turlington during a classic Dennis rant. Guess The Good Life really isn’t that great.

3. Giving up prime real estate vs. giving up one of Gville’s greatest gifts

Would you rather: Give up a prime spot at Lib West the night before your final or give up Relish for a whole semester?
Library West serves as the place to be during finals and test cramming time thanks to the fact that it’s a 24-hour library. However, it’s both a blessing and a curse. Trying to find a spot here seems almost impossible on some days. Luckily for us UF students, we have Relish for post-studying munchies. Probably the best burger place ever, Relish also has great hangover food for post mid-town activities. Recent graduate Brian Betancourt said, “I’d give up Relish, my spot in Lib West is essential and very dear to me.” You know what they say: UF students play hard but work harder.
4. Slushy heaven vs. veggie heaven

Would you rather: Skip the line at Fat’s for free 5 times or get free Grill Fresh for a semester?
Let’s get real, if you haven’t gone to Fat’s, do you even UF? Known for their tasty AF slushies and great music, but getting in to Fat’s can feel a real pain in the rear end. What if you could get in for free and skip the line? Right across the street you can find Grill Fresh, possibly one of the best and healthiest places to eat in Gainesville. “I’d rather skip the line at Fat’s,” junior Sofia Restrepo said. “Slushies and fun sound like a much better night than eating a bowl of vegetables at home.” Very true, my friend.
5. Mid town FOMO vs. game-day FOMO

Would you rather: Only go to Balls for a full semester whenever you go out or miss 3 home games during tailgate season?
You can find some of the best bars and places to go out in Mid-town, home to Fat Daddy’s, The Rowdy Reptile, the Social at Midtown and Swamp. However, some of the less visited bars include Balls and Salty Dog Saloon. Aside from the fact that they’re both too small, literally no one I know goes there. However, the most fun any student will have happens during game-day season when we cheer on our Florida Gators. Gainesville turns into a massive sea of orange and blue and everyone chomps maybe 200 times a game day. Out of the 19 students who voted 16 chose to miss 3 game days. FOMO for 3 days beats FOMO during a whole semester.

6.”Hey Dad, so here’s the thing” vs. game-day FOMO

Would you rather: Get an MIP or miss the entire football season?
The two worst things that could happen to a UF student/true Gator fan involve getting a Minor in Possession (MIP) during a night out at Midtown or missing the treasured football season. This is a tough one, folks. Junior Solomon Isi said, “I would give up football season because there always another one next year and I wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of dealing with my parents and having to explain it in job interviews because I feel like MIPs stay on your record for a few months/years.” That’s one way to make your parents proud.
7. B vs. C

Would you rather: Miss summer B as a freshman or be forced to take summer C as a senior?
I know for a fact that crazy memories are made during the Summer B term at the University of Florida. Freshmen get their first taste of their home away from home and life without parents. However, as a senior, you want nothing more than to be officially done with classes. Watching your classmates graduate at the end of the spring semester feels like being a kid watching everyone through the window having fun outside while you’re sick with the flu. “I made too many great memories during summer B and can’t picture my time at UF without it,” junior Jonathan Nickas said. “I would take summer C as a senior.” Agreed.
8. Gainzville vs. Rainesville

Would you rather: Run stadiums on a super hot day or walk to class in the rain on a super cold one?
A great way to get fit includes utilizing the school’s very own Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, or as we like to call it, the Swamp. Nothing sucks worse than getting dragged to run stadiums in typical hot, Florida weather. Another type of weather that Gainesville, or Rainesville, is known for includes unpredictable gloomy, rainy days. “I would rather walk to class in the rain because it’s difficult enough to get myself to do stadiums on a nice day,” said sophomore Alexa Padron. Rainesville wins.
9. #LUX vs. #SUX

Would you rather: Live for free in a penthouse at The Standard for a year or get an automatic A in one of your classes?
Gainesville’s newest and most luxurious off campus housing option to date, The Standard, also doubles as one of the most expensive. It will have rooftop pools, a golf simulator, and a racquetball court. It’ll also provide free tanning, an arcade and game room, and multiple study lounges and rooms – not to mention all the restaurants and stores on the first floor. If you’re lucky enough to live here coming fall of 2017 then you’ll definitely live the high life. Junior Fernando Mariosa chose living in a penthouse at The Standard. “Getting an automatic A would be like just getting credit for that class, and I’d much rather gain the thousands of dollars associated with living in a penthouse.” Not to mention those extra dollars can go towards a few shots, here and there.
10. Orange and blue vs. garnet and gold

Would you rather: Never wear orange and blue again or wear an FSU shirt to a Gator game?
Gator fans are all in when it comes to supporting their team. Recently voted as one of the most spirited schools in the country, it’s no surprise to real Florida fans that the FSU Seminoles are one of our biggest rivals. True Gator fan and UF student Vicky Garcia-Linares said, “I’d rather wear an FSU shirt for one day and get to wear blue and orange for the rest of my life so I can continue to support my school and be a fan forever.” That’s what being a Gator’s all about, right?