The CyHawk rivalry fuels some of the best sporting events in the state of Iowa. All year, Hawkeyes sharpen their tongues for trash talk and their skills for total domination on the field. But it’s time to put this rivalry to rest. Hawkeyes clearly won the popular vote and the nomination for the official mascot of the state of Iowa—here are 10 reasons why.
1. We have less benchwarmers, more MVPs

We know the CyHawk trophy is equally about Cyclones as it is Hawkeyes, but it’s easy to forget about the Cyclones when the Hawkeyes have been constantly dominating the field since Nike Kinnick won the Heisman. “State sucks because they try to hide their shame that they aren’t as good as us by starting a rivalry,” sophomore Hayley Moran said. Yeah, Cyclones, the Rose Bowl does smell like roses. Thanks for asking. Oh, and the Big 10 is a big deal. Sorry, Cyclones, your wingspan just doesn’t measure up to us Hawkeyes, and it’s leaving you a little short in sports.
2. We bleed black and gold

Hawkeyes never turn down a chance to turn up at tailgates or games because the satisfaction of seeing another black and gold win gold is priceless. “Because of football powerhouses and the tailgating, the atmosphere in IC is just bigger—bigger crowds and usually a bigger show. All State has is basketball and a little football, but they normally lose,” freshman Cassie Buchholz said. Winning more games than the Cyclones definitely has it perks.
3. We don’t take L’s, just A’s

Not only do Iowa Hawkeyes play harder, we play smarter. Our classes are smaller, our ranking is higher and we have more majors and programs to choose from. “We have one of the best English departments in the country, top hospital and clinics in the state and an insane business school. And we are top in the country for speech/hearing sciences. State teaches its students how to grow corn,” Buchholz said. Though corn is very important to the state of Iowa, our newly built children’s hospital, top-ranked programs and higher average GPA speak for themselves.
4. We know how to party like it’s 1847 (when UIowa was founded, duh)

Iowa had a tragic drop from number one, to two, to six on the Princeton party school ranking, but Iowa State doesn’t even make the list. Whatever the reason, whether it be Iowa’s superior campus, their more robust downtown nightlife or that Hawkeyes are simply more fun to be around, Hawkeyes always have a good time.
5. We have Hawks from all walks

University of Iowa was the first school west of the Mississippi River to allow African-Americans and women to enroll. We’ve kept up that trend by having a higher female to male ratio than Iowa State and a more diverse population by race. Plus, the liberal arts curriculum and large city atmosphere of Iowa City are breeding grounds for a wide range of opinions, ideas and walks of life.
6. Black and gold is the new red and yellow

“Their mascot doesn’t even make sense—it’s a tornado bird,” freshman Dara Thompson said. Our black and gold colors and sleek tiger hawk profile logo make for much more fashionable apparel than the nasty red and yellow and angry Loony-Toon-in-a-blender of Iowa State. Our classic and chic color palette and mascot make Hawkeyes proud to rep their teams across the country. Iowa State’s colors look more like the uniform of the fast food restaurant they’ll be working in when they graduate.
7. We’re better and we read all about it

We’ve confirmed that Iowa State students can in fact read, but Hawkeyes still beat them in terms of literary knowledge and talent. Iowa City is a UNESCO City of Literature and home of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. You’ve read from at least three of its alumni–Flannery O’Connor, Sandra Cisneros and professor William Faulkner–in high school. Famous writers are always stopping by Iowa City to do free readings, so don’t be surprised if an Iowa student can quote literature better than Iowa State students can quote their own fight song.
8. I don’t remember Iowa being called the Cyclone state?

The state of Iowa is called the Hawkeye State for a reason. University of Iowa alumni are loyal to their school, and even those who aren’t blessed to attend our prestigious university root for the black and gold. “Iowa fans are better. They’ll travel across the country or wherever they need to go to support their team, and that’s not something a lot of schools do,” Moran said. Just take a quick survey of a eyeseye tailgate and a Cyclone tailgate: Hawkeyes come from all over the state of Iowa to scream for their team; Cyclones just stumbled from the dorms for some booze.
9. What does a Cyclone call a Hawkeye when they graduate? Boss.

Aside from Hawkeyes’ superior intellect and work ethic, Iowa’s business school is top-ranked in multiple categories: number one in finance and post-graduation employment and 30 in the U.S. for MBA programs, just to name a few. Hawkeyes usually sport a corner office with a view while Cyclones most likely fetch the Hawkeye’s coffee.
10. We’re pretty birds

This fact can’t be contributed to any scientific study (yet), but if you just look around both campuses, you’ll know it’s true. “Because we’re Iowa students, we smile more. When we smile more, we’re happier which makes us feel better, so we look better and just are better,” sophomore Sydney Bakke said. Plus, the proof is right in our name: “Hawkeyes=hot guys,” Moran said.