Though I love my family and friends in my hometown, moving away was one of the best things I’ve ever done. It forced me to get out of my comfort zone and has begun to transform me from a teenager into an adult. It allows you the freedom and responsibilities and practically force you to grow up. It is what many of us need. Here are 10 reasons why moving away to college is a good idea.
1. Avoiding the Awkward Stage

This phase happens when you are becoming more independent, but it is still their job to parent you. With curfews and limitations to what you do, this typically leads to an awkward stage because no one knows where your responsibility lies as it switches from your parents to you. This often puts a little dent on people’s relationship with their parents, because they get mad when they don’t feel independent and their parents get mad because they are disobeying them.
2. Making New Friends

What I am most grateful for when moving to Gainesville is my new friends. I met my roommates on move-in day and they became my best friends. Lucky for me, one day I knocked on my neighbor’s door and told them “If you’re going to play your music loud, at least invite me.” It was the birth of a beautiful friendship with all of them. Getting out of that high school circle was great for me. I still have those friends that I spent four years in high school with, but I get to grow with the new friendships I have formed out here in college.
3. See a New Town

Getting out of your hometown is one of the best things you can do to grow. Everyone has those typical spots, like the movie theater or the mall, but moving to a new city forces you to get out of your comfort zone and do new things. There are so many things you can do in midtown and downtown Gainesville, and you cannot forget about Lake Waleburg. You can kayak and rock climb and so much more. It is all included in UF tuition.
4. Learning Finances

Some people may have everything paid for, but for the majority of us we will probably need a job. Depending on whether you live in a dorm or an apartment, they both take a toll on your finances. I live in an apartment, so I have to pay rent and as well as the food in my fridge and pantry and a bunch of other things. I work as a server at Red Robin and have learned how to balance my finances. When I moved here it seemed like a lot of financial responsibility to take on, but I have come to the realization that this is nothing compared to the future. Getting practice in now for balancing financial responsibilities will benefit me way more than staying on with your hometown job or living with your parents.
5. Learning to Meal Prep

Although I had grown up in an Italian culture and knew how to cook, things got a little tricky when I came to college. I realized eating out was a lot easier for me. Financially, two tacos at taco bell could fill me up for two dollars rather than buying a chicken breast and rice and salad at Publix. Though you’d think this would cause someone to gain weight, it actually caused me to lose weight because I wasn’t getting the proper nutrition. I have since learned to cook at night, and have taken on more of the responsibility of getting my eating schedule right.
6. Getting Your Own Pet

Getting away from the pets you’ve lived with for years can be really hard, but it is such an amazing experience to finally get a pet of your own. Though I prefer dogs, I just adopted a kitten from my local shelter because it requires a little less care. Regardless, I get a furry little companion. It depends on how you grew up, but for me not having a pet in my life was unacceptable. Check with your apartment complex or dorm, but getting any sort of pet, even a fish, can be very beneficial. Just make sure you have the space and time to take care of the critter.
7. Having Your Own Freedom

Getting out of your parent’s rule can be liberating. Use this freedom wisely. Yes, you can go out clubbing every night and show up to class hungover every day, but remember why you’re here: for the degree. With that being said, the new freedom is an amazing reason to move out for college. It allows you to get a jumpstart on being an adult and making your own decisions freely.
8. Testing Your Relationships

Distance is one of the best ways to tell how sturdy your relationship truly is. If you were really meant to be, distance will not alter the love or relationship. Some people change when they go to college and some even cheat while they are separated. This does not mean yours will not last, though. There are plenty of people that stay true to themselves during college, and would never even think to cheat. The distance is going to put a test to your relationship, but in the end it will be beneficial to you whether you stay with your partner or not.
9. Having More Opportunity for Growth

Growth is the biggest part about a college experience. Personally, I believe that moving away from home gives you the best opportunity for growing as a person. Getting pushed out of your comfort zone and getting thrown into a whole new world is going to force you to grow. I honestly think this is the most effective way.
10. Learning Appreciation

Living with your parents for your entire life makes you normalize everything they do for you. Time apart from your folks will give you a greater appreciation for everything they have done for you. Realizing how hard life is on your own makes you realize how much gratitude you can show for those who raised you.