I love the feeling of putting on a TV show and having it relate exactly to your life or how you feel. It’s the best. You can laugh, get mad or cry with the characters (catch me chillin’ in a puddle of my own tears along with my now broken otp, I’ll admit it). Next thing you know, your mood changes and you need a new show or you’re like me and you realized you’ve been binge watching for eight hours straight. Whether it’s a classic everyone has seen or a new one you’ve discovered, tv series are a great way to escape your reality for a little while or project your life onto them.
1. When Boredom Strikes: The Office

Although college is filled with stuff to do, hectic schedules and weekends packed with activities and parties, there’s also a lot of free time. Sometimes I find myself bored with absolutely nothing to do and no energy to do anything even if I did have, say, a 5-6 page paper waiting to be written. The answer to said self-induced boredom: The Office. You may also recognize it as the modern-day classic of the mid to late 2000s. The people in the show work at a paper company (which seems pretty bland, right?) but they find the most hilarious ways to fill their time. Not to mention everyone’s personality is different and funny in its own way. It’s just the unique twist on a bland environment to prompt inspiration if you’re bored and feel like laughing. You can forget your boredom while watching the people in the show figure out ways to fix theirs.
2. When You Survive the Annual Campus-Wide Illness: The Walking Dead

Once a semester— or at least once a year— there seems to be a sickness that spreads like wild fire through the entire school. If you’re lucky, like I somehow was this year, you can avoid it. Don’t ask me how I did it, it was a miracle considering how many people were sick. If you didn’t manage to avoid this campus wide plague, put on The Walking Dead. The characters in this show know better than anyone how to survive the ultimate sickness— becoming a zombie. I know, it’s a little drastic and unrealistic, but at least your illness will seem irrelevant in comparison; plus you’ll learn how to stay alive if a zombie virus somehow sweeps through school next semester.
3. When You College-Life-Compass Goes Missing: Wentworth

Getting into college is tough enough, but actually attending and figuring out how to balance everything and navigate a whole new environment is harder. If you feel this way, put on Wentworth. This New Zealand women’s jail drama is a parallel— in its own unique way— to the college experience. Yes, college is not jail, but it is similar in that you have to figure out how to live in a new place, make new friends, navigate through the different challenges that come at you and how to be successful. Although you might feel like you can’t relate to this show, just give it a shot. Even if this epiphany doesn’t rattle you, at least you’ve now added a seriously good show to your watch list.
4. When You Survive Yet Another Semester: The 100

Like I said, college is amazing but it’s also super tough. If you survived your first semester or yet another, put on The 100. This post-apocalyptic sci-fi tv show follows 100 teenagers who are sent down to see if Earth is livable after an apocalyptic event about 300 years ago sent those remaining to live in space. They’re left to fend for themselves and organize their new lives. You may not have dodged a knife flying at your head or possibly been exposed to deadly gases the moment you stepped out of your dorm and/or spaceship (hey, I don’t know how you live your life), but no one can blame you for feeling just as stressed walking into your calculous final. College isn’t as tough as figuring out how to coexist with strangers on a planet you’ve never stepped foot on, but I’d say it’s a close second.
5. When You’re Catching Weird Vibes From a New Friend or Possible Partner: Imposters

In college, you meet so many people all the time. Sometimes those people become our friends or even a possible love interest. Before you decide to give all your trust over right away and make them your new bestie or lover, watch Imposters. With its crazy plot twists, identity switches and twisted lies, this show opens your eyes to the fact that people may not always be who they seem. Although that person you just met is probably not fabricating an entire personality and identity, they could be putting up a front and not being their true selves. If you have a weird feeling about it or you just don’t know, take it slow and be aware, you don’t want to end up like the people who get tricked by imposters. Or, in the true nature of a plot twist, become the imposter yourself (*enter evil villain music* duh, duh, DUH).
6. When You Ace that Impossible Class: How to Get Away with Murder

They told you that that class was impossible… but you took it anyway; and you didn’t just take it, you passed it or even aced it. If this happened to you (or if not, it will because you got it & I believe in you) first give yourself a pat on the back, then put on How to Get Away with Murder. This show is the ultimate example of making the impossible possible. The people in this show figure out how to get away with murder and how to do it in the best way. Somehow, they always overcome the craziest obstacles they face. For those on the road to being “unstoppable” next semester, feel free to take some notes.
7. When the Haters Get You Down: Insatiable

Haters come in many different forms: people, classes, exams, life in general. If you’re feeling down because of a hater or a discouraging situation, put on Insatiable. Patty, the main character, faces the challenge of proving old bullies wrong and becoming the top beauty queen no one thought she could be. This dark comedy series is the epitome of proving haters wrong and fulfilling everything you knew you could. If you are needing a witty show to lift your mood, or one to relate to when you’re down, I recommend Insatiable.
8. When You Fall a Little Too Head Over Heels for Your New Boo: You

If you are in love with someone, it’s a fact that sometimes you ignore all the red flags even if they’re waving right in front of your eyes. It happens to the best of us and it’s totally normal. Before you get mad about it, watch You. This show is an extreme example of ignoring red flags and falling in love with someone who doesn’t share their true selves with you. In budding romances, you don’t always remember that two people make this “dream couple”—one of them being your amazing self. It’s best to take a step back from time to time and remember your true priorities (aka you) over how great their hair looked today. You’re probably not in love with a psycho stalker-killer, but this show will prove that its best if you try and stay aware and with your head out of the clouds.
9. When You Make a Life Shattering Mistake (as we all do): Big Little Lies

Mistakes are inevitable; they are a natural part of life. We’re growing and discovering ourselves during our college years, it’s completely natural to mess up along the way. This is how we learn. If you just crawled back to your dorm after getting caught up in a mistake— big or small— put on Big Little Lies. In comparison to the mistake this group of moms get tangled in (no, I won’t tell you and spoil it) yours will seem very small and completely manageable. In the grand scheme of things, the mistakes you make in college won’t be as drastic as the one in this show, so take a deep breath and watch this show instead of worrying.
10. When You Finally Land that Dream Internship: Selling Sunset

Landing that awesome and competitive internship is one of the best feelings. You worked so hard and definitely deserve it. While you’re feeling proud of yourself (as you should), turn on Selling Sunset. This reality show about the competitive world of LA real estate will give you a taste of beating out the competition and thriving at the top. These relators are serious about landing the expensive clients and selling the most luxurious houses, just like how you’re serious about building the stepping stones to your bright future. This show won’t only relate to your achievement but also give you goals in terms of lifestyle and success.