Whether you just left the Heights or you haven’t seen the welcome sight of Gasson’s looming towers in decades, Boston College has a distinct and strong draw. You might sometimes miss the academic rigor or the enlightening discussions from your old classes, but let’s be honest: you mostly miss the New England Classic and the charmingly disgusting Mod parties. Whatever your connection to BC may be today, there are certain things about you BC alums that always seem to be true.
1. You watch the marathon religiously now, no matter where you are

The news broadcasts give you a little bit of the same rush as watching from the barricades as thousands of runners stumble down Heartbreak Hill. Sure, you probably aren’t drunk while you watch from your living room sofa, but it’s pretty close to the real thing. Your boss must wonder why you’re always “sick” on Patriot’s Day… Why this isn’t a nationally celebrated holiday yet, you have no idea. Maybe try to restrain from using your novelty cowbell, though.
2. You’re always looking for ways to give back

Volunteering at BC is both popular and super competitive; we’re talking Hunger Games-style competition. 4Boston, Appalachia, Arrupe, and the countless other volunteer groups on campus are like our own versions of elite co-ed frats. BC alums—whether you actually made it into these groups or not—always look for ways to give back, either from a passion formed in college or from a post-grad rebellion against the Pulse program that turned you away. We are (very aggressive) men and women for others.
3. And you also give back to your school

There’s a reason why BC expends so much energy in attacking recent alumni for donations: it works. Last year, BC received $1.8 million in just gifts of $100 or less. That’s more than 18,000 donors, not including the high rollers coughing up more than just a crisp Benjamin to ensure their alma mater racks up around $133 million in total annual giving.
4. You’re probably married to a fellow Eagle

The rumor is that St. Ignatius Church is booked nearly 2 years out for Eagle weddings. But not all Eagle-couples decide to marry here, and the lucky few who do manage to snag a date are only a fraction of the alumni couples that get hitched every year. BC boasts a massive statistic of 7,000 alumni couples. We set the world aflame…with love.
5. And if you’ve had children, they’re probably Eagles, too

It seems like every other person you meet at Boston College either had a parent, grandparent, family friend, cousin, great-uncle, babysitter, or a favorite town troubadour who went to BC. It makes sense, since BC parents spend a significant amount of time rooting for BC teams and talking about the crazy times they spent in the Mods their senior year. What kid wouldn’t want to go to BC after hearing about how their dad won Mod 17B’s 1982 annual shotgun competition? They have to defend the title.
6. You’re still in Boston
Because you can’t get enough of that dirty water, right? The Charles may be almost completely clean at this point, but it still runs in your blood. According to surveys, 50 percent of BC grads stay in Massachusetts after they get their degree. We love to pretend we’re still in school by staying really—really, really—close-by.
7. You wear your Superfan shirt every Saturday in the fall

…and you’re pretty sure it may actually be fused to your skin. And since you probably still live in Massachusetts, you go that extra mile and drive your car up to Shea Field for the tailgate whenever there’s a home game. You probably tried to storm the field during the USC game, didn’t you? Don’t be embarrassed; current students appreciate the alumni love.
8. You can spot a BC sweatshirt from a mile away

The welcome sight of maroon-and-gold is like a drug to BC alums. Somehow, some way, BC alums always find each other in the weirdest of places. It’s like we all have the logo tattooed on our forehead or something. Wait, maybe that’s what they really do at convocation…
9. You probably work for and with other BC grads

It’s no secret that BC has a killer alumni network. With over 156,000 alumni scattered across the world, you’re bound to stumble across an Eagle or two in the job hunt. And when alums do find each other in the workplace, their water-cooler discussions center around the hockey team’s chances in the Beanpot. When a prospective hire graduated from BC, they’re pretty much guaranteed the job. It pays to be an Eagle.
10. You’re doin’ just fine

The Jesuits certainly put us on the path to success: 92 percent of Boston College students actually end up graduating from BC, and recent grads average a $51,900 starting salary. That almost makes up for the ridiculous tuition costs—besides, only 29 percent of BC grads paid the full rate, anyway. You’re going to do just fine out there.
Let’s be real, though. If you’re a real Boston College alum, you won’t need any of these tips to spot your fellow Eagles; it’s a sixth sense. We just know.