To go to the party, or to not go to the party? That is the question. Every college student at one point during their time at school has faced that dumbfounding dilemma. Well, Temple students are no different. Oftentimes the night seems to take on a life of its own, but no matter what you decide to do or where you decide to go, some things are the same for everyone.
1. Do I even want to go out tonight?

The age-old struggle for the college student… figuring out what he wants. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out if you actually want to go out or if you’re just experiencing the very real FOMO. After spending a fair amount of time running the pros and cons you decide it’s time to make a decision. Pros: You get to socialize with your friends. Cons: There isn’t Netflix at parties. You decide why not, you’re young, it’s college and YOLO… right? It’s never a dull night in North Philly after all.
2. Text the squad.

Now that you know you’re going out you need to see what everyone else is doing. We all have that one friend who always knows where the party is. They might be Greek, they know everyone and most likely are already intoxicated.
3. Take a pre-party nap.

This one’s important, people. Freshman year I had a friend who always napped Friday night before getting ready to go out. She had the right idea. Get your beauty rest so you don’t crash and be that guy who wants to head home at 1 a.m.
4. Begin “the process.”

Girls, if you’re reading this you know what I’m talking about: shower, hair, clothes and makeup. There is a lot that goes into evolving from the messy bun/leggings you to the sexy party girl you. It’s downright miraculous if you ask me. Guys, I hope you too put in the time and effort into getting ready, but let’s face it, this one will be pretty quick for you. There’s just not as much to do.
5. Find the perfect outfit.

Bodycon or crop top? Button down or T-shirt? The tone of the night begins with how dressed up you decide to get. And if it’s any kind of themed party then that’s a whole other story. Bring on the corporate bros and office hos, you knew that old oxford button-down would come in handy one day. You have no worries because if anyone can slut up an office outfit, it’s you. Off to Kappa Sig you go.
6. Document the night with 1,029,019 pictures.

Because did you really go out if you don’t Instagram it? The answer is and will always be “no.” Countless selfies later and after finally deciding on a filter you are ready to venture out into the night. So what if there is graffiti on the walls of your party pic? It adds…character. Plus, that’s what the Inkwell filter is for; greyscale has the power to make even a North Philly basement look classy.
7. Hit the off-campus pre-game.

Meet up with your girls and your guys (maybe even your SO) and head out to see your gracious friend hosting the pre-game. You banter about how much fun tonight is going to be. You hit Broad St. and from there have a number of options: Do you head north to Park? Nah, you cherish your life and stay in the Cecil to Norris vicinity. On your way, you probably see gangs of students (aka freshman) traveling 20 deep to a party entirely too early. You make fun of them, but secretly smile to yourself because a year or two ago you were them.
8. Go to the actual frat/house party/unknown basement.

You’d think this stage would be earlier, right? Wrong. The party might be the easiest part of the night. The hard part is deciding where to go, what to wear and rallying your friends to try and make a plan. Once you’re there you dance your little heart out, flirt it up and engage in the usual college debauchery. Whether it’s a rager at KDR or a kickback on Berks, you are destined to have a good time.
9. Hit Maxi‘s, Munchies, Philly Style, Jimmy John’s etc.

Temple is awesome for many reasons, one of them being the food. Specifically, the drunk food. I mean, what other school offers Maxi’s pizza, Munchie’s loaded fries, Maple Star Chinese, Tasty Chicken, Wendy’s and Jimmy John’s all within a few blocks of each other? If you’re an Owl, you’re also probably a diehard fan of one of these places. #TeamMaxis
10. It’s 3am and you’re home.

If you live on campus you get to play the game of being 100 percent “sober”—just coincidentally walking in to your dorm at 4 a.m. in a bandage skirt. You hit your bed or someone else’s (but that’s a different article for a different time). You sleepily undress (or not) and climb under the covers into the soft, warm safe haven that is your bed. As you drift off to sleep thinking back to the events of the night, you smile because you survived yet another Temple night out.