Today, you not only finished somewhere between two to four seasons of Friends but also an entire bag of family-sized Cape Cod chips. We all know it—summer makes us lazy. Sure, we all need to recover from finals week madness, but your recovery shouldn’t last until July. If you consider yourself the poster child for couch potatoes, maybe it’s time to get off the couch, throw away your bag of chips and try one of these activities this summer. Just like Phineas and Ferb, we’re gonna do it all.
1. Go on a Road Trip
Road trips may take a bit of planning, but if done correctly they create memories that last a lifetime. Grab your closest friends, a Winnebago and plenty of snacks as you drive to the opposite side of the country. “My two best friends and I traveled the West Coast in a cramped little car from Vegas to the Grand Canyon and a ton of other places,” said Florida State University junior Troy Wisneski. Ever wanted to see the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore? Make that dream a reality by hitting the road. Indulge yourself with the local cuisine, people and culture that come from each state. Just don’t forget to bring back souvenirs for the rest of your family, or they won’t let you hear the end of it. Wisneski said, “It was easily one of the best experiences of my life that I’d recommend to everyone to try at least once in their lives.”
2. Hit the Gym

What better way to avoid becoming a couch potato than to get physically fit? Renew your dusty old gym membership and hop on the treadmill. The gym keeps you active, gets you out of the house and negates all the calories you put on from the ice cream cake you bought yourself for losing two pounds. “The best way to fill in the gap of doing nothing this summer is to gym it up. You won’t be as bored and your body will thank you in the process,” said FSU junior Peter-Paul Grootens. As soon as your regimen gets set in stone you’ll give up all the chicken nuggets, Natty Light and Skittles and replace them all with a toned body admired by the Greek gods. Besides, you’re going to need the extra wiggle room for when fall semester begins and you start eating Chinese food and stressing out all night.
3. Learn a New Language

Have you ever been stuck in an elevator with that European couple speaking some foreign language amidst a plethora of giggles? Don’t you think it’s time to figure out what kind of crap they’re talking about you? Browse Barnes and Noble for language books or order Rosetta Stone and settle in for the long haul of learning shapes, numbers and colors. At first it may seem like that Calculus class that you barely passed last fall, but your hard work will pay off with a nice addition to your resume. Learning a new language not only helps you eavesdrop, but also helps you find the nearest bathroom when you get lost in a foreign country.
4. Start (and Finish) a DIY Project

If you find yourself staring at the TV until your vision blurs this summer, take a trip to your local hardware store to play an epic game of hide and seek! Okay—more seriously, head down to the nearest Home Depot, grab the most random supplies you see and start a DIY project. Embrace your inner seven year-old and build a tree fort in your backyard. So what if you’re 21 and about to graduate college? Escape from the impending doom of adulting by making your own coasters or wall decorations or even an outdoor swing. “I love DIYs so much because they give you this sense of accomplishment, not to mention you actually get to use it after your done. I’m probably going to make a scrapbook, but hey you can do just about anything so why stop there?” said University of Florida junior Marissa Secades.
5. Clean Up Your Resume

C’mon kiddo, time to brush the dust off that old resume of yours and get it into tiptop shape, ready for when that perfect internship falls at your feet. Find the master of all resume guides, and call up your English major buddy to help you clean up your act. Once you finish and submit, your interviewer will offer you the job before you even say your name. “If you have free time this summer, definitely sit down and make your resume as good as it can possibly be so when the time comes for an interview after graduation the only thing you’re worrying about is if you’re dressed the part,” said University of Central Florida senior Daniel Cardona.
6. Host a Mystery Murder Dinner Party

Don’t play clue, bring it to life instead. Invite your friends to dress up as characters from the game (bonus points if you go as Colonel Mustard), and scatter murder weapons throughout the house. Everyone will spend the whole night trying to figure out who killed John, your friend who “unfortunately” drew the shortest straw and had to play dead all night. Don’t worry, we’ll draw sticks again for next year and…yeah, John, looks like you’re going to be dead next year, too.
7. Celebrate Christmas In July with your Friends

‘Twas the night before the Fourth of July, when everyone ran amok through the house. Everyone got turnt, including the drunk white mouse. Stop dreaming of a white Christmas this summer. Hit up the group chat and let them know that Santa traded in his red suit for board shorts and will make a stop at your house. Throw a sweet secret Santa present exchange on the beach, surrounded by your closest amigos and a bonfire to keep the party going all night. The best part? You get to eat the cookies and milk, since Santa wants to keep his summer bod in check.
8. Learn to Play an Instrument

Jealous of watching your friends on Snapchat master pop songs on the keyboard? Buy yourself an instrument and become the next Beethoven. You’ll stay up all night perfecting that drum solo, despite your neighbors passive aggressive Facebook posts. Turn heads come fall when you strum away to Led Zeppelins’ “Stairway to Heaven solo on your Fender with ease. “I spent most of spring semester learning how to play a few songs on the guitar and the basics, but by the time school starts again I’ll definitely be playing most songs with ease,” said University of Pennsylvania senior Sergio Guadix. Watch out Slash, we’re coming for you.
9. Go to a Concert or Festival

Flock to the nearest club, amphitheater or arena because it’s concert season. Blink-182, Weezer, Coldplay, Awolnation, Drake and Twenty One Pilots will all be touring the U.S. this summer. Besides all the baller concerts, check out this summer’s festivals, including Van’s Warped Tour and Bonnaru, which bring music lovers and great bands together in one single venue for a weekend of non-stop partying and good vibes.
10. Go Phineas and Ferb on this summer

That famous opening line, “There’s 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it,” resonates deep within our childish hearts. Why not live this summer channeling your inner Phineas and Ferb? Make every single day a brand new adventure that you’ll remember for a lifetime. You can sleep when you’re dead and watch all the TV you want when you’re stuck in a retirement home. Climb a mountain on Monday, lay on the cool sand of a beach on Tuesday, scuba dive in a coral reef at dawn on Wednesday and end the day in a hot air balloon high in the sky at dusk. You won’t discover the world while stuck at home every day, so get out there and embrace the next three months like you’re Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob before going into hibernation. What are you waiting for? Your 104 days are ticking away…