The 4th of July truly marks a ‘Party in the USA.’ Tailgates, beach trips, fireworks – we go all out. So grab your red, white and blue and check out how our editors and writers at College Magazine are celebrating their fourth.
1. Soak in the Sun

“I will be booze cruising on the lake with my friends for most of the day. When the sun sets, we‘re headed to Valleyfair in Minnesota to watch fireworks,” — Mitchell Pralle, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2. Grindin’ it out

“The grind don’t stop but after work it’s fireworks and hot dogs.” — Vanessa Vazquez, University of Florida
3. Day off Vibes

“It’s the one day I get with a summer baseball game, firework show and relaxation in the pool,” — Jaclyn Childress, Wake Forest University
4. Netflix and Chill

“The 4th brings the ultimate binge of season 3 of Stranger Things: junk food, eight episodes of oddities and fireworks.” — Alexa Sauvagere, University of Florida
5. Indulging time

“Start the day off running 13.1 miles then indulging in some fun and fireworks the rest of the day.” — Natalie Maxam, Boston College
6. Movie Marathon

“I’ll spend the day binge watching movies and ending the day with fireworks.” — Rayonna Hobbs, Temple University
7. OverSEIZING the Day

“I’ll be in Paris, which means I’ll have to bring the party over here. I’m thinking American flag boxers and a Big Mac combo, something classic” — Kyle Cunningham, University of Florida sophomore
8. Taking Time to Reflect

“I’ll be taking time to think about how far our country has come, but also how much work we still have ahead of us,”— Nikki Gallant, Temple University
9. Puppies and picnics
“I’ll be picnicking with friends at a park in San Diego overlooking fireworks and organizing a puppy gathering for Frankie.” —Amanda Nachman, Publisher of College Magazine
10. Family Reunion

“The 4th involves spending time with my extended family, feasting on tons of food, fireworks and hopefully starting the new season of Stranger Things” —Meghan Curtis, University of Maryland