Let’s be real. UVA has loads of insiders that make being a student a #nextlevel experience. With so many campus-specific quirks, how can one really tell a Wahoo from a nah-Hoo outside of the ‘ville? The list goes on and on, but take a look at a few ways to be sure you’ve spotted that UVA alumnus.
1. They use the weirdest slang

Normal people use “freshman” and “sophomore” to talk about grade levels, while UVA grads literally only understand “first-year” and “second-year.” Also, if you don’t refer to the area as “grounds,” you’re wasting your time. “They chuckle when someone uses the word ‘campus’,” third-year student Julia Hieser said. The real zinger is the constant reference to the deceased school founder, Thomas Jefferson, as “TJ.” The bookstore should really make bracelets that say, “WWTJD?”
2. Their concept of a “mascot” is actually so confusing

Aren’t UVA students the “Cavaliers?” At football games, perhaps. In public places other than C’ville? Nah, they’re the “’Hoos.” Then again, there’s a mixed drink at Boylan Heights called the Wahoo—could that be the proper way to address a student at the university? It’s pretty much a lost cause. Basically, if the alum is speaking in tongues, you can be sure that person graduated from UVA.
3. They constantly wear spirit gear

Talk about swag. Graduates of Mr. Jefferson’s university rarely pass up an opportunity to look the part. You can catch a UVA alum a mile away just from his neon orange rugby shirt, or her perfect navy blue formal dress. Don’t be surprised if you spot the Virginia logo printed on an alum’s T-shirt and tattooed on his first-born child.
4. They take class rings very, very seriously
Is this ring as important as a wedding band? Honestly, for many proud ‘Hoos, the answer is yes. They never take it off. “I feel like many more people from UVA wear it daily than people from other colleges,” alumnus Lizzy Atilis said.
5. They drive like Cullens

Cruising down the freeway, you can be sure drivers are UVA grads if they’re speeding like their passengers are about to give birth. Who has time to obey the speed limit? Not a Virginia fan with a tailgate to attend, that’s for sure. Plus, Charlottesville’s insane parallel parking situation has only improved their #skills. Swerve.
6. They live by the honor code

Mr. Jefferson’s great university doesn’t play when it comes to respecting people’s laptops left on library desks, sunglasses left at bars and wads of cash left in laundry rooms. Legend has it that a girl once chained her bike outside of Alderman Library her first year, and it was untouched when she graduated. ‘Hoo even locks their doors, anyway?
7. They’re a tad too loud

With bombastic hype about Greek life and high standings in university rankings, it’s no wonder UVA alum are high on life. Did I mention Playboy named it the best party school in 2012? You get the picture.
8. Their hospitality is on point

Charlottesville is technically in the middle of some mountains in northwestern Virginia, but UVA aficionados are convinced it’s in the Deep South. Their southern hospitality will be aggressive, especially when paying for drinks.
9. Their school spirit is absurd
Most people like to cheer at sporting events. Well, brace yourself—a UVA alum might try to hold your hand and shout the lyrics to The Good Ol’ Song, if he’s tipsy enough. If he starts jumping and chanting while pumping both fists, don’t freak out. Just nod and smile, and know you’re in the presence of a ‘Hoo.
10. They have amazing genes

Walking around UVA, it’s perfectly normal to see boys who resemble Greek gods and girls who may low-key model for Nike. Maybe there’s something in the water, but these people are stunning. If she has got it all–the smarts and the looks, you can bet she’s a UVA grad.
11. They are hype about life

Optimism comes in many forms, some subtler than others. Still, it’s hard to miss the telling high energy and happy-go-lucky personality of Virginia alum. If they’re talking a mile a minute and have a little sparkle in their eyes, you’ll know what’s up.
As you can see, when it comes to telling who went to UVA, there are some dead giveaways. Open your eyes to the oranges and blues—you can’t miss ‘em.