Are you scrolling down your Instagram and seeing the same three #basic poses? Spending the day at the beach and feeling desperate for a unique way to model your new bikini? Or maybe you’re just bored and want to strike a fun pose. Try any one of these and you’ll feel like you’re on the cover of Vogue.
1. The Off-guard Bikini Check

This way you can look off-guard and show off your swimsuit.
2. The Tree Hugger

Demonstrate your love for nature and all things #green.
3. The Sitting Pretty

This pose combines the two best picture poses: over the shoulder smirk and carefully draped arms.
4. The Hungry Hungry Hipster

If you’re ever lost for what pose to strike, sneak your plate into the pic. Then people know you’re looking good and eating good.
5. The “The Sun Is In My Eyes!”

One of the more popular poses, “The Sun Is In My Eyes” has been struck by famous stars like Rihanna and Hailey Baldwin.
6. The Superman

Hands on your hips, legs spread apart. You’re not a bird; you’re not a plane. You’re f–kin’ Superman.
7. The Namasté

C’mon, if Zendaya’s doing it, you know you need to. Channel that inner peace and Zendaya when you try “The Namasté.”
8. Stuffed Selfie: A Selfie Within a Picture

A great way to show that yes, you have friends, the “Stuffed Selfie” makes sure everyone knows just how much fun you’re having. #OffGuard
9. Rest, Relax, Repeat

When you’re roasting in the sun trying to get that #TannedPerfection, get one of those cute lifeguards to take a picture of you.
10. The Tree Toucher

Not to be confused for the tree hugger, the tree toucher shows that you’re all about nature, but in moderation. Double tap it.
11. The Drank in My Cup

Baddiewinkle knows how to party. The next time you’re lost for a post, make sure to grab a drink.
12. The Bae-sic

Be bae-sic. If you’re happy with your boo, show him off.
13. The Beyonce Looking For Her Haters

This is probably the most simple pose ever, but Beyoncé is still slaying. Also known as the “can’t find my contact” pose.
14. The Hands-On-Ya-Knees

Werk. Show off those curves, ladies.
15. The “I Heart the Beach”

When you’re in your happy place, make sure it shows. It doesn’t matter if you love the rain, snow, mountains or KFC–just throw a heart on it.
16. The Walking on Sunshine

Maybe your hair isn’t looking the best today, or your skin just doesn’t want you to succeed. Have no fear–the Walking on Sunshine’s got you covered. Plus it makes for a nice back stretch.
17. The Champagne Papi

Don’t get this mixed up with the Drank in My Cup, cause the Champagne Papi requires you to down your drink while someone else takes your pic.