Some people will say some wild and even desperate, stuff to hook up with their crush. Of course, some of the best pick up lines are kind of clever—maybe sometimes cute, but most should be used with caution.
Let these tanks be the perfect response to those terrible pick up lines:
These 21 best pick up lines show you’ll find people who will say anything to get laid.
1. The “impressed by your major” line

We often find ourselves trying to make small talk when flirting with our crushes. The “what’s your major” line can definitely tell you a lot about your crush, but this question can definitely go wrong, too. “Someone once said, ‘wow that’s your major? You must be so smart,’” said American University junior Sofia Passick. First of all, lame. Beyond that, no one needs a competition on how smart they are. GPA and SAT scores are probably not the best pick up lines for a first date.
2. The “biochemistry major making a pun” pick up line

If you were ever approached with “I’ve got my ion you baby,” you may giggle at this attempted pun. Smart puns usually do well when on the quest for love, but while you show off your smarts, don’t challenge theirs.
3. The “uncomfortable I’m financially stable” pick up line

“My eye twitched after someone told me, ‘I’ve got money,’” said AU senior Cara Horan. Maybe these sorts of things are better left unsaid. Trust funds aren’t too cute to brag about on the first date. Buy your love interest a drink if you have the money—this is the perfect instance where actions speak louder than words.
4. The “creepy allusion to the nation’s financial crisis and something sexual” pick up line

In your college days, a suitor may approach you with a creepy line like “the national debt isn’t the only thing that’s rising.” Not only does this line scream “come home with me,” but it probably won’t work well on most people— unless you’re dealing with a dude like Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy who lives for inappropriate sex jokes. There may be someone out there that finds this funny, but most will walk away in disgust.
5. The “you’re exotic” pick up line

“I wish I could be joking but someone said to me you’re so racially ambiguous, almost exotic. I like it,” said AU junior Nina Conover. Probably not the best idea to go with the racial comments… this weird pick up line will probably make your wannabe lover speechless, but in the worst way possible.
6. The “making moves in history class” pick up line

You’re probably not alone if you say you sit bored throughout your history class. Until someone says to you, “Quit Stalin and give me your number.” This will surely get a laugh and maybe even a shot at a date. However, you should only use this if you’re studying mid 20th century Soviet Union affairs.
7. The pick up line that will “ruin the holidays for you”

“How cringeworthy is this: If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas can I come and visit between the holidays? My answer was no,” said AU sophomore Carissa Campo. If there’s a pick up line that makes you hate the holidays, here it is. This gross line was actually said to someone in a sweaty frat basement and they were never able to look at a Thanksgiving turkey the same way again.
8. The “classic late night” pick up line

A lot of people out there love a good booty call. But beware: This message may have been sent to a few people, so maybe think before responding to this special three word love poem.
9. The “financial aid” pick up line

Sometimes we joke about college tuition to soften the reality of our future student debt. Alluding to financial aid may give you some aid in the dating world. Consider the pick up line, “If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as pretty as you, it would still probably be better than my financial aid.” Not a bad way to start a convo— yes, a bit creepy but also pretty relatable.
10. The “kind of punny and cute” pick up line

“I’m no organ donor, but I’d gladly give you my heart. It honestly made me laugh because it was so cheesy,” said AU sophomore Lily Pourahmad. This is slightly creative, but also one of the best pick up lines that will charm the pants off any McDreamy fan. But it may feel a bit weird coming from a stranger at your fave dive bar after four margaritas.
11. The “very straightforward” pick up line

“‘So do you wanna hookup?’ I pretended I didn’t hear it, it was the middle of a frat party dance floor,” said AU junior Megan Galt. Getting straight to the point is one way to make a move, but you should probably try to get to know them a bit more before blatantly asking to hook up on a dance floor covered in jungle juice.
12. The “I have food” pick up line

“Looking for someone to eat a pizza with and possibly make-out— specifically had you in mind. It was one of the top five best text messages I have ever received,” said AU sophomore Penny Kmitt. Food may be the key to most people’s hearts, so why not make it the best pick up line, too?
13. The pick up line “that will make you lose your appetite”

While food can be great, it can also become a touchy subject. If someone came up to you and said “excuse me…do you work at Little Ceasars? Cause your hot and I’m ready”— you’d probably never want to eat pizza again. Even if you don’t necessarily use a pick up line, commenting on someone’s eating habits will guarantee a ruined mood. “Some girl kept going on and on about how cool I was for eating a Subway sandwich in the middle of a party. It made me a little uncomfortable,” said AU grad Jordan Greenberg.
14. Every vegetarian’s go to pick up line

“If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber” should be a go-to line for anyone trying to hook up with a vegetarian. This cute play on words may not secure you a date, but it will definitely get you a smile.
15. The “very creepy allusion toward your ethnicity” pick up line

Leave the racial pick up lines to Orange is the New Black. “Lemme taste that hot chocolate was once said to me,” said AU graduate Kui Mwai. Most would cringe at the thought of someone drunkenly slurring this to anyone.
16. The “play on your name” pick up line

Name puns may be cute in theory, but no one wants to hear their name made fun of. “[I once received] ‘if you ever need me just give me a Yael.’ I was livid,” said AU junior Yael Shamouilian. It may work for some, but probably will just piss off most.
17. The eager “space pants” pick up line

“’Are you wearing space pants coz your ass is out of this world’ works every time, guaranteed,” said AU senior Mike Lowenthal. This works great if you’re at a space themed mixer, but if not, the line seems a bit confusing. Although a funny and slightly clever phrase, this pick up line should be saved for a girl or guy who has a thing for NASA.
18. The “I’m waiting in line at the campus coffee shop” pick up line

Are pick up lines okay before your morning caffeine? What if the cute girl behind you said, “Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte?” This may come off as direct, but a little pun never hurt anybody. This girl probably deserves a short coffee date for attempting one of the best pick up lines early in the morning.
19. The “student athlete” pick up line

“Do you play soccer? Because you’re a keeper!” might be good for a soccer player, but may not do the trick for a lax bro or field hockey hottie. Maybe keep this one for the Cristiano Ronaldos in your life or anyone that looks like they have toned calves.
20. The “spring break” line

Spring break calls for you to pull out sunscreen, tequila and your best pick up lines. “Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?” will make any inebriated spring breaker laugh, but may not have them begging to pregame with you later before the club. Either way, this line will give you a spring break to remember—or one you want to forget.
21. The now unoriginal “Netflix and Chill” Line

Hands up if you’re tired of hearing “Netflix and chill.” It may have been one of the best pick up lines at first, but if anyone asked you this in 2017, you’d probably run— and go watch some Hulu. This famous college-y pick up line just doesn’t have the same kick it did two years ago.
10 More Quirky Pick-Up Lines That Are So College
Written by Diana Arena
Nowadays, attempting to “pick someone up” takes admittedly more creativity than just asking if they want to “Netflix and chill.” Most people will cringe at that outdated joke and wonder if you live under a rock.
If the opportunity rises to impress a special someone, check out 10 more pick-up lines that may do the trick!
22. The Pop Culture Pick-Up Line

With the surge in popularity of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy movies, the proper pop culture pick-up lines are sure to catch the attention of any fan and impress them immensely if done right. “Asking a girl out to see the highly anticipated Marvel or D.C. movie is a great date,” College of Staten Island senior Kyle Feliciano said. Who can say no to being the Iron Maiden to his Iron Man? Or if you prefer the villain to the superhero, take a page from Thanos’ book and tell your date that “you and I are inevitable.”
23. The English Major Pick-Up Line

Now if any English majors are reading, surely someone reciting your favorite monologue in hopes to get you to go on a date with them will instantly win you over (even if that monologue is from Shakespeare). However, for all you non-English majors, or those without a specific romantic monologue memorized for that special someone, telling them that “if you were words on a page, you’d be what they call fine print” is totally acceptable too.
24. The Always Running Late Pick-Up Line

Nobody likes waiting on anybody (and being late may quite possibly be the least attractive trait in a person). Yet, nothing proves more flattering than being told that your date “won’t be able to get anywhere on time when it’s so easy to get lost in your eyes.” Maybe it’ll work once or twice, but don’t push your luck if you constantly show up late to date night.
25. The Inviting the Significant Other Pick-Up Line

Everyone’s been hit on before, and it always seems to happen when you find yourself in a relationship. I once experienced a guy asking me out for coffee with him sometime and I politely declined. Upon saying my boyfriend probably wouldn’t like that, he responded, “Your boyfriend can come too.” Probably not the best pick-up line that exists, but it may be worth the shot.
26. The Fraternity Boy Pick-Up Line

Whether you participate in Greek life or not, you will inevitably stumble into a frat party sooner or later while studying at college. Which then means that there will undoubtedly be frat boys at that frat party, trying to score a date with a very unoriginal “wanna see my keg?”
27. The Gamer Pick-Up Line

Just like movies, video games demonstrate another wildly popular branch of pop culture. So if the person you desperately attempt to get with loves gaming, it wouldn’t hurt to ask if you could be their “Player Two.”
28. The Punk Rock Pick-Up Line

Whether people want to admit it or not, they did undergo a punk rock phase. “I don’t love you like I did yesterday, I love you more,” St. John’s University sophomore Jake Van Tassel said. This notable tribute to early 2000s punk rock band My Chemical Romance might score you years of shared band tees and head-banging bliss.
29. The Broadway Pick-Up Line

Who doesn’t love seeing a good Broadway production? “‘Paris is the key to your heart, but you’re the key to mine’ is so adorable,” Saint John’s University junior Jillian Delaney said. “A little cheesy, but for an ‘Anastasia’ lover, all the sweeter.” Broadway produces plenty of romantic shows to take that special someone to, and you may even be able to use the lyrics of a song to impress your date.
30. The Office Pick-Up Line

Mostly everyone binge-watched “The Office” on Netflix one time or another, and all can agree that the show produced some pretty good jokes. If it happens to come up in conversation that the person you hope to pick up declares an interest in “The Office,” it wouldn’t hurt to try, “Let us start our love affair like Michael Scott started a sentence and let it go where it wants.” In true Michael Scott fashion, if all else fails, “that’s what she said” may save the day.
31. The Astrology Pick-Up Line

A lot of people seem interested in astrology and birth signs these days. It couldn’t hurt to catch their attention by using something along the lines of, “If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d see a galaxy.” Sounds like a relationship written in the stars.
10 More Pick-Up Lines that College Students Can Relate To
Well, that time of the year made its way around again- cuffing season. You know what that means – everyone goes crazy looking for someone to share their cold winter nights with. However, some folks just don’t know how to impress a significant other enough to get them to stay over for the night. If you happen to know one of these people, share some of the following pick up lines, it could help them find love!
Check out 10 more pick up lines that could help you finally attract the one that your heart desires.
Written by Jake Tammara
32. The “Standardized Test” Pick Up Line

You thought you would never have to think about standardized tests like the SAT and ACT ever again, didn’t you? Although you already passed one or both to get into your university of choice, I’ll bet you never knew how much they could come in handy until you try a pickup line such as, “Are you 1600? Because I think you’re perfect.” You can also go a little bit raunchier if needed and say something like, “Are you the SAT? Because I want to do you in a room for hours.” This line could potentially get you a date, or a black eye – users beware.
33. The “We Have Chemistry” Pick Up Line

The cliche about having chemistry with someone you find attractive comes quite in handy when you actually take a chemistry class. If you aren’t enrolled in one, you could always use the line, “Are we about to make a reaction right now? Because I’m feeling like you might turn my negative into a positive.” Hopefully, this line won’t blow up in your face.
34. The “Library Card” Pick Up Line

People go to the library to study all the time; however, it can get quite lonely studying alone. If you need a study buddy, a good line that could work for you may sound like, “Do you want to come with me to the library, because I was thinking of checking you out.” While this pickup line may come off as a bit nerdy, you never know who you will meet while looking for somebody to study with.
35. The “Student Loans” Pick Up Line

Student loans are a pain for those stuck with them – they take years to pay off and stress students out more than finals week. Even so, you could still make the best out of the idea of these torturous loans if you find the right person and ask them, “Will you be my student loans? Because I’d like to have you around for the rest of my life.” Who knows, they may even find this gesture sweet.
36. The “Astronomy Class” Pick Up Line
If you take an astronomy class and want to impress somebody with your knowledge of space and the sky, try proclaiming your love with the line, “I can attest that you are a star because I can’t stop orbiting around you.” This should flatter your desired partner if it doesn’t creep them out too much.
37. The “Do I know You” Pick Up Line

If you are convinced that you recognize someone on campus and you think they caught on to your staring, shoot your shot in an ambitious way with the line, “Kiss me if I’m wrong, but have we had a class together before?” This way either you begin a relationship with somebody that you randomly recognized, or you get a kiss; what a total win-win!
38. The “Simple Question” Pick Up Line

Sometimes, the risk of making yourself look like a fool by saying some nonsensical line that most likely won’t end up working anyway outweighs the potential reward that may come with its success. If you want to play it safe, a few pickup lines that you could use include, “Hey, did you do the homework” or “Do you mind if I borrow a pen?” These are unoriginal conversation starters but good ways to evaluate the overall personality of your potential significant other.
39. The “Music Major” Pick Up Line

If you major in music, or simply enjoy music in general, some lines that you could use to attract the one that you have your eyes on include, “I bet we’d get into some serious treble together” or the even simpler, way more straightforward line, “You had me at cello.” These lines could be the perfect way to score a duet at a karaoke bar.
40. The “Communist Sympathizer” Pick Up Line
If you’ve secretly been a Marxist this entire time, you will surely impress your other sympathizers with the line, “According to Marx, there will be an uprising in my lower class.” Warning: this pickup line could scare somebody off immediately for multiple reasons — proceed with caution.
41. The “Alphabetical” Pick Up Line

If you want love, but don’t want to be too aggressive, go for something sweet, simple, yet grammatically correct and use one of the best pickup lines that you can, “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.” This cliché line will surely give the person you say it to a small smirk and you never know what that could lead to next – perhaps a successful but cliché date.
*Updated on August 1o, 2020 by Diana Arena to include “10 More Quirky Pick-Up Lines That Are So College”
*Updated on November 5, 2020 by Jake Tammara to include “10 More Pick-Up Lines that College Students Can Relate To“