We all hope to have at least one person we can’t live without like Meredith and Cristina from Grey’s. Your “person” to be exact, shares both the happiest and saddest moments with you. Whoever your person may be—a significant other, family member, friend or even yourself—tell them what they mean to you. Scream these quotes from a rooftop or right into your person’s face.
If you don’t have the perfect words of your own, use these love quotes to say, “You’re my person.”
1. “You’re my person. You will always be my person.” – Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy

The pop culture reference of “my person” really began with the hit medical drama, Grey’s Anatomy, so we have to begin there. Rarely do we have a friendship at the level of Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang—they went from complete strangers to best friends over the course of one season and three simple words. Saying those three words can alter the path of and strengthen any relationship. By defining a relationship as the next level of “best friendship,” any rainy day will instantly transform into a blue sky.
2. “You had me at hello.” – Jerry Maguire

Sometimes when you know, you know. Whether it’s love at first sight or an instant connection with a friend, sometimes we fit together like puzzle pieces that have been waiting for their perfect match. Whether this missing piece manifests as a boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend, you can be thankful that you found them so quickly. You and your person really do have a special connection—after all, no one said choosing a stranger to hold an important part in your life was easy.
3. “If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day so I never have to live without you.” – Winnie the Pooh

For most of us, Winnie the Pooh taught us many valuable lessons about friendship throughout our childhood. Some people we just never want to live without. You just need someone around in order to feel loved, accepted or understood. “It means not doing anything and being okay with that. Just their presence is enough for you, and that you would do anything to not have to leave,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior Gylf Forsberg. I don’t want you to always sit on your phones next to each other all night, but from time to time, knowing someone is there can be just as important.
4. “There is nothing like puking with someone to make you into old friends.” – Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Don’t ever disregard a potential friendship because of how the, uh, bizarre circumstances it begins under. Sometimes the strangest beginnings lead to the best friendships. Whether you run into each other everywhere on campus or end up literally puking with someone, the strongest of friendships can stem from the strangest events. “The people we are most intimate with are the ones we’re comfortable being humans around. We can talk to anyone, we can walk with anyone, but who can you pee with? Cry with? Those are the real ones,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior Katie Herrick. The oddest things show our true colors and match us with the people we truly fit with in our souls.
5. “If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor.” – Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy

One of the most quoted lines in all of Grey’s Anatomy, this quote shows just how close one can be with their person. “They are the very first person that comes to mind any time anything happens. Whether I’m looking for someone to go on a spontaneous road trip with or if I received some bad news and I need to talk, my person is who comes to mind without even thinking,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior Peter Reinke. You go to your person to help you with the good, the bad and the ugly. Often your partner in crime (though hopefully not literally) carries your deepest secrets with you.
6. “Some people are worth melting for.” – Olaf, Frozen

This moment between Olaf and Anna created one of the most “aww” worthy moments in cinematic history. Everyone’s favorite snowman shows us what sacrificing yourself for a friend means (and how much it can make viewers cry). “The key word to me is ‘worth.’ Acting in the interest of someone else at the expense of yourself can be a tough thing to do and every day we decide which actions are worth it. I think sacrifices don’t even require a second thought when they are based on a mutual relationship of respect and love,” said Loyola University Chicago junior Maddy Bonner. Relationships like the one between Anna and Olaf really make you simultaneously appreciate and hate Disney for making you feel every possible human emotion. Regardless, I can (probably) safely assume that we all long for a relationship as strong and selfless as this one.
7. “You don’t need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.” – Rapunzel, Tangled

A knight in shining armor doesn’t come crashing through your window every day, but even when one does, don’t feel like you have to play a damsel in distress. Disney/Pixar’s Rapunzel was a refreshing break from the traditional helpless maiden love story. Mandy Moore’s character shined as her own hero. This princess didn’t miss a chance to tell her knight in (not so) shining armor off; she didn’t need to be saved, and she certainly didn’t need a guy around to complete her. They complemented each other well, they accepted each other’s flaws and realized they were both wonderful (for each other) the way they were. “They are the person you are completely comfortable with and truly yourself around,” said University of Minnesota Twin Cities sophomore Sydney Islam. “They allow you to show your true colors unapologetically, bring out the best in you by being them[selves].” Forget his perfect hair and his sparkly white teeth—find someone who accepts every flaw and quirk and has just as many that you accept too.
8. “It’s bullsh–t to think of friendship and romance as being different. They’re not. They’re just variations of the same love. Variations of the same desire to be close.” – Rachel Cohn and David Leithan, Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List

They don’t call people “soul sisters” or “brothers from other mothers” for nothing. Those might seem like silly sayings but they represent what others mean to us, especially when cut from the same cloth. “It’s having someone complement you so well that they make you feel whole,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior, Claire Chappell. We love them with everything we have, but that love doesn’t have to be romantic. Some of the deepest loves are rooted in friendship. We all want to love and be loved, it’s just human nature.
9. “When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you and I’m home.” – Dory, Finding Nemo

Dory brought us yet another “aww” worthy moment in Disney/Pixar history with her tear-jerking statement. Through the worst times, everyone’s favorite fish sticks by her new friend, proving that time has no impact on the strength of friendship. “You know they are your person when you can have a conversation without saying a word at all,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison senior Maddie Mittelsteadt. Though Marlin felt irritated with having Dory around, knowing she was by his side through the worst made him realize he wasn’t alone in the great, wide ocean.
10. “Sometimes home isn’t four walls, it’s two eyes and a heartbeat.” – Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy

For someone who moved a lot, struggled with close friendships or just loves a good mushy quote, this one from Christina Yang could really tug on your heartstrings. In finding her person (Meredith Grey) she finds a place where she’s able to feel most vulnerable, emotional and truly her badass Christina Yang self—she finds home. We all look for this in a person, and if we find the right one, our home away from home rests there—wherever your person might be.
11. “Okay, but you have to listen to everything I say. When I say jump, you say on who?!” – Blanche, Golden Girls

If you haven’t seen Golden Girls then you’re seriously missing out. The hilarious women of this show are the perfect blend of sarcastic and supportive. “It’s a delicate mutual blend of celebrating each other and challenging each other. Building each other up but not being afraid to call [each other] out as well,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior Hailey Eisenrich. No matter how absurd the request, your person will entertain and support the idea because they know that’s what you need. If they are truly your person, they’ll know how to talk some sense into you as well. “Having a person means having someone you can go to with anything without fear of judgment, someone that accepts [you] for [you],” said University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee junior Brittany Matovich. Whether the friendship began in your elderly years like the ladies of Golden Girls or at birth, there is always someone to go to, count on and jump on people for you—what else are friends for?
12. “If you’re a bird…I’m a bird.” – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

Through thick and thin, ups and downs, good and bad Allie and Noah found their way back to each other. Both recognized the other’s flaws and realized that their imperfections were just one more thing to love about one another. Even though it holds the trophy for Nicholas Sparks’ most quoted lines, don’t expect us to stop shouting from the rooftops any time soon. With these beautiful words, Sparks grants us yet another way of telling someone their place in our hearts.
13. “We’re friends, real friends. And that means, no matter how long it takes, when you finally do decide to look back, I’ll still be there.” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

You may not see or talk to each other every day. Though life pulled you in different directions, you always manage to find your way back to each other because no matter what happens or how much time passes, they’re still your best friend. “It’s about a certain degree of vicariousness—feeling each other’s happiness and pain, knowing what it takes to soothe it and then choosing to stay,” said Eisenrich. We all have ups and downs in relationships, but at the end of the day and when times are tough, your person stands right beside you.
14. “You’re the moon of my life, that’s all I know and all I need to know and if this is a dream I will kill the man who tries to wake me from it” – Khal Drogo, Game of Thrones

I’ll admit, I’m part of the one percent that has not seen Game of Thrones, but if this isn’t tragically beautiful, then I don’t know what is. At some point in our lives, we find the elusive “one.” This person could be a significant other or a friend but when you do find each other and become one in the same, don’t let anyone or anything come between you. “Two lives become intertwined and they brave the trials of the world together,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison junior Van Bassindale. Though everyday life struggles might not quite compare to what Khal Drogo and Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen faced every day, treasuring our loved ones and supporting every obstacle in life is a must.
15. “I wouldn’t have anything if I didn’t have you.” – Mike and Sully, Monsters Inc.

All that we are, we owe to the people around us. Whether we know it or not, every person in our life shapes us. “Your person has molded you as the person you’re seen as now. Your life would be completely different if they weren’t in it. It’s a treasure we tend to overlook,” said The American Musical and Dramatic Academy junior Isaiah Aldridge. Just like Sully and Mike appreciate all that they do for each other (even if it means getting into trouble), we must appreciate all of the unspoken things our people give to us every day.
16. “You are the calm in the center of the chaos. You have been since I met you. And I need you.” – Miranda Bailey, Grey’s Anatomy

Don’t shy away from asking for help, especially from someone you trust. Sometimes the weight of the world falls too heavy for one set of shoulders—that’s when you call in your person to give you a hand. “This is someone who helps you through your darkest moments and is always there for you to lean on. They are not a crutch, but a boost,” said University of Pennsylvania senior Robinson Creighton. We all need someone who grounds us—someone who when everything else spins wildly, remains still.
17. “To face the future with another who means more than any other, is to be loved.” – “Tomorrow Is Another Day,” The Rescuers

The Rescuers know what it means to go through the toughest times together. But what really creates their strong relationship is the way they work together and depend on each other. “Love and life are adventures. Find the person you want to go on those adventure with, and you’ve found something really special,” said University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee senior Griffin Kerwin. “Because in the end, all we want is to do the things we like with the people we love.” Though the adventurous critters may not always know where life may take them, they enjoy the time they get to spend together.
18. “Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time, we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” – Ally Condie, Matched

Your person may not hold an active part of your life anymore, but that doesn’t change the impact they had on you. “Even if we aren’t meant to last, we were meant to begin and will always be thankful for our time together,” said Creighton. We must appreciate the mark they left on our world and the memories we shared with them and recognize that at some point, they were the most important person to you. Life happens in the blink of an eye—value every relationship, every interaction, every second.
19. “You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.” – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

Sometimes people who started as friends foster such a connection that it grew into something more. One might even dare to call a best friend and significant other a soulmate. “He (Noah) loves both sides of her (Allie) endlessly. There is not one side he loves more than the other because together they make his lover,” said University of Wisconsin-Whitewater junior Dreyel Taylor. That’s all we can ask for from our partners and our friends. To love and accept all parts of us fully and understand that it’s all of the pieces together that mold us into who we wish to become.
20. “Maybe what matters is not so much the path as who walks beside you.” – Stacey Lee, Under a Painted Sky

It doesn’t matter who was there with you at the beginning, but rather about who went through the fire with you and still came out by your side. Things happen and sometimes life gets in the way, but no matter what happens, your person will never leave you. “Your person is your rock and a constant in your life. No matter how many bumps you hit along the way, they are always there for you,” said University of Mississippi junior Rachel Clark. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what happened, it matters that someone shares in your happiness, joy, sadness or pain. Always.
21. “[He] is the love of my life, but you are my soulmate.” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

No one’s questioning how much you love your significant other, but no one can replace the love you have for your bestie. I’ll tell you a secret: It’s OK to have more than one person. In fact, the more the merrier. More than one person, especially in different aspects of your life means that you successfully surrounded yourself with people who truly care about you, your happiness and your relationship. While the you probably can’t replicate the “Twisted Sisters” duo of Meredith and Christina, we are all bound to find our person (or people.) For those of us who have been fortunate enough to find our people so early in life, take the time to tell them what they mean to you. One of the best things to do lies in surrounding yourself with people who support you and build you up. Those kinds of people are keepers, don’t let them go. If you haven’t yet, don’t work yourself into a tizzy—just wait. When you do find them, you’ll know exactly what to say. The best could be yet to come.
Read on for 10 more ways to say “you’re my person.”
Written by Nikki Gallant
Everybody has someone in their life that they consider their person, but sometimes expressing that becomes hard. Don’t let the stress get to you when your words fail.
22. “You’re the one what I want.” – Grease

When it comes to getting your point across, simplicity goes a long way. Grease, not only a Broadway and Blockbuster classic, also teaches us the importance of following our hearts rather than our heads. Maybe a boy who your friends don’t approve of or a friend who has some red flags still has you in your feels. Whatever the relationship, we all know the conflicting feeling when our head and heart don’t see eye to eye. So, take it from ‘Zuko baby’ himself and speak upfront and honestly with that special someone.
23. “When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me. It’s you.” – Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill

Whether you shipped Leyton or thought Peyton and Jake belonged together, this OTH quote lives on forever. Think about it: when you graduate from college, land your dream job and live the life you dreamed of, who do you picture standing next to you? Let that person know. Their support means the world to you and you want them there at your highest of moments.
24. “Maybe we can be each other’s soulmates. And then we can let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with.”- Charlotte, Sex and the City

Sisters before misters definitely applies here. Your girls stand by your side no matter what and unconditionally offer their love and support. Sure, boys come into the equation, but sisterhood lasts a lifetime. These soul sisters lift you up at your worst and celebrate with you at your best.
25. “Dude, I would follow you into hell, brother…I would take you on my shoulders, like I’d strap you up, and I’d be like, ‘Let’s go to hell.’” – Ilana and Abbi, Broad City

Ilana and Abbi represent the ultimate best friend goals. They act as each other’s hype woman – the one who supports the other no matter what. Think about that friend who cheers you on when the rest of the world fights against you. Maybe you two show your love through teasing each other rather than sentiments. Whatever the case, you will do anything to put a smile on their face, even if it means making a fool of yourself.
26. “Sometimes it seems like we’re so close we form one single complete person rather than four separate ones.” – Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Bridget, Lena, Tibby and Carmen’s relationship went beyond friendship – it morphed into sisterhood. From sitting around in a circle sharing food and laughs to living their separate lives miles away, their bond never suffered. Let your gal pals know that without them, you wouldn’t be you.
27. “I’ll never let go.” – Rose, Titanic

Whether or not you agree the door was big enough for both Jack and Rose, these four simple words have an impact far beyond their literal meaning. Sure, Rose did let go, but Jack lives forever in her heart. Whether this quote makes you think of that best friend who lives miles away at college or that special someone who landed their dream job across the country, these simple words make an impact.
28. “We made a deal ages ago. Men, babies, it doesn’t matter…we’re soulmates.” – Samantha Jones, Sex and the City

Sure, Samantha didn’t always give the best life advice but when it comes to friendship, she knows a thing or two. Life happens – friends get married, have kids and can’t always spend time with you 24/7. But it’s nice to know that even if circumstances separate you, your people will always hold a special place in your heart.
29. “We’re sisters; you’re my family. What is you, is me. There’s nothing you could ever say to make me let go.” – Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

We all have those friends so prevalent in our lives that they truly become family. No, you might not be family by blood, but your relationship speaks for itself. They know the weird uncle to stay away from at family functions and the grandmother who always has one too many glasses of wine. They fit in and truly feel like an extension of your relatives. You may have fights and vow to never speak to each other again but deep down, you know nothing could ever come between that special bond.
30. “Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.” – Oliver, Call Me by Your Name

The strength of some relationships allows you to become an extension of one another. You share your thoughts, fears and deepest feeling. The boundaries dissolve and you act as your purest self around them. We all wish we could experience a relationship like Elio and Oliver’s — pure and raw. Consider yourself lucky if you find that someone whose soul recognizes yours.
31. “I love you, but I love me more.” – Samantha, Sex and the City

The most important relationship in our lives? The one we have with ourselves. Relationships with others will never fulfill you if your relationship with yourself isn’t up to par. Samantha and Smith may have been a cute couple, but Samantha wasn’t flourishing; first, she had to focus on herself in order to love Smith next. Love yourself first and then work on loving other people. Look in the mirror and love the person who is smiling back.
*Updated September 11, 2019 by Nikki Gallant to include “Read on for 10 More Ways to Say ‘You’re My Person.'”