STEM majors, look out for your time to shine. Interested in figuring out how to convince your significant other how much chemistry you have? Pick up lines just got so much better as they now include the science education you studied since elementary school. If those mandatory high school science classes benefit us at all, let’s hope they help us get with a long-time crush.
1. Do you have 11 protons? Because you are Sodium fine.

Comparing your boo to NA, the eleventh element on the periodic table, assures that you deserve a chance with them. The effort of counting out the protons establishes your intelligence so keep it up.
2. If I could make my own periodic table, I’d put Uranium and Iodine next to each other.

U and I belong together. Too bad Uranium, a radioactive metal, has 39 more protons than non-metallic Iodine.
3. Even if there was no gravity on Earth, I would still fall for you.

Gravity keeps us grounded. Without it, we would all just be floating. But as soon as you walk into the room, I fall right back to Earth.
4. Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.

To understand this one, you must understand the concept of radioactive dating. If you don’t, just know that dating in chemistry involves carbon and hope your crush understands that, too.
5. I must be a charged atom because I’ve got my ion you.

If you’re a proton and I’m an electron, then I hope opposites attract.
6. I might be a physics major but I would never Bohr you.

Famous physicist Neil Bohr understands atomic structure, quantum theory and of course, the way to your heart.
7. We must have an ionic bond because it’s difficult to break.

Don’t underestimate the beauty of a metal and a nonmetal sharing ions to create a bond.
8. You must be the one for me, since my selectively permeable membrane let you through.

Only certain molecules enter, and you got through to me so easily.
9. You must be the acid to my litmus paper because every time I see you my face turns bright red.

Anything below a seven on the pH scale surely turns litmus paper red, just like you do when you see that cute frat boy at the on-campus Starbucks.
10. I’d rate you a one on my scale because you are the opposite of basic.

Contrary to the typically 1-10 scale, the pH scale goes from 1-14. The higher the pH, the more basic the solution. I’m not quite sure if being called acidic gets you your girl, but that must be better than referring to her as basic.
11. According to your class schedule, we have chemistry together.

The horrors of college chemistry might be a little less dim if you have someone to share you notes and study with. If we fail, at least we fail together.
12. Are you from Mars? Because you’re out of this world.

What better way to compliment your crush than by telling them they look like an alien?
13. You look very gneiss.

Geology rocks. Don’t let your partner treat you like schist.
14. Can I buy you a drink…in a reusable bottle?

Reduce, reuse, recycle. What better way to win your crush over than by showing them you care about the environment and by paying for their drink?
15. I can’t resist your gravitational pull.

Some may say that I am attracted to you.
16. If you were a year you would be this past one, because you’re the hottest on record.

Ah, global warming. We love to make light of the things damaging our society. If your secret crush is Bill Nye, definitely steer away from this pick up line.
17. Let’s save water and shower together.

While we love our boiling hot 30 minute showers, we waste a lot of water. Keep working hard to protect the environment, no matter what it takes to do so.
18. Are you made of dark matter? Because you’re indescribable.

Not all aspects of science can be explained and neither can my love for you.
19. Are you the sun? Because you’re the center of my universe.

Despite common belief, my world actually does revolve around you all 365 days of the year.
20. If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.

This line may win the award for he sweetest. I make your day better and you think I shine like a star? Yes, I would love to marry you. Thank you for asking.
21. Are you an exoplanet? Because I’m bad at astronomy and pick up lines.

Well, not all of us know how to master flirting down to a science. Practice makes perfect, so study up.
Round 2 STEM majors. Want to find the perfect person for you?
Try out 10 more science pick-up lines that only matter to a special someone. Get it? Matter? The perfect one for you gets your science puns and appreciates them. So, did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK. Hopefully, your date goes more like nickel and cerium. NiCe. Hit success with these great puns. Then, ask your date out for some cobalt, fluorine and iron. Ok, I’ll stop.
22. You look sweeter than 3.14.

Everyone loves Pi. I mean, pie. Simple, sweet and guaranteed to get a smile. Your chances of securing a date surpass 3/14. You don’t need to “run around in circles” to understand this line. I predict a constant 10/10 reaction.
23. You must be my appendix because I have a gut feeling I should take you out.

If you don’t go out with me, the pain in my appendix might move up to my heart. Let’s avoid heartbreak and grab some coffee.
24. I could tell from across the room you’re made of Oxygen and Neon because you’re the ONe for me.

Too soon? I’d be concerned if neon made up a percentage of your body. Did you know that the human body consists of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous? Either way, you shine like a neon sign and I’m pretty sure it says “The One” all over it.
25. If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.

Looking to create a biochemical reaction? Let’s get together and catalyze our relationship.
26. If Gadolinium, Molybdenum, Radon and Indium get together tonight I can guarantee we’ll have a Gd MoRnIn.

Wink. Wink. The periodic table gushes with great pick-up line content. With all of these chemical reactions, we might cause an explosion.
27. You must be related to Alfred Nobel because you’re blowing up my mind.

Speaking of explosions, the founder of dynamite also contributed to my love for you. You take up all the space in my mind—that deserves a Nobel prize.
28. I’m not an astronomer, but I promise to give you the sun, moon and stars.

Ah, swoon-worthy words. You might not classify as an astronomer, but you sure excel as a poet.
29. I know millions of Pi digits, but what I really want to know is the 7 digits of your phone number.

Happy Pi day. Don’t be irrational. Can I have your number?
30. You’re so beautiful that every time I look at you my zygomaticus muscles contract.

Don’t freak out—I meant you make me smile. You may want to explain, but I would rather enjoy the person’s priceless reaction.
31. Let’s stick together like glue-cose.

Are you glucose? Cause you give me high blood sugar (in a good way). Glucose fuels the brain and energizes the body. Stick with me and we’ll rule the world. Power couple!
*Updated by Danielle Martin on 1/2/20 to include 10 more pick-up lines for the one who matters