We all know the saying “The couple that memes together, stays together!” Okay, maybe we fibbed a little, but you know when you scroll through social media and you see the perfect meme, you just have to send it to your partner so they can laugh just as much as you do. Memes sometimes encapsulate a memory or an event the two of you shared much better than any text or call could. Or maybe you use memes to call out your partner on something funny or embarrassing they do.
Relationship memes become an extension of your inside jokes together, and soon you and your s/o’s meme game will have you both rolling on the floor. Once you and your partner have reached that level, any relationship meme you see on your timeline got created specifically for you two. The creators of the memes must spy on you when they make them because they knew your relationship too well! Well maybe not, but some memes can describe your relationship better than you ever could.
Check out 25 relationship memes you’ll want to send your partner ASAP.
1. The Talking Stage

Send this to your s/o and look back together on all of the awkward and cute interactions you both had until you made it ‘official’. If you haven’t made it official and want to, send this their way to let them know you want to take the next step (take advice at your own risk).
2. Everyone Needs Someone to Touch the Butt

Everyone needs a person who will cherish your booty, big, small or somewhere in between. If your significant other doesn’t gas up your booty, you need to start looking for a new one. After all, if your person doesn’t obsess over your butt who will?
3. Not Dating, But

You’ll definitely have to share this one with your boyfriend-not-boyfriend or your girlfriend-not-girlfriend. Nothing can rush you two, this stage is comfortable, and hey, maybe you’ll become something more, or maybe you’ll stay at this pace. Either way you have each other.
4. She’s Here!

She’s here! Alert the press! Seriously though, getting that “I’m here” text after a long period of time away from each other makes your heart flutter. Send this to your partner to let them know they need to come over ASAP. Make sure to drop everything and run the moment they come to see you, so they know just how much you missed them.
5. No Space Needed

We all know that one super clingy couple, and if you don’t know anyone like that, you might need to look at your relationship. Do you spend every waking moment with each other? We won’t judge you! The best relationships happen when you fall in love with your best friend, so who cares if you like spending time with each other?
6. Hey, Can I Get Your Number?

So cute! Guys, if you want to make your girlfriend’s day you should totally do this. Extra points if you get the bartender to make her favorite drink for her. You’ll be on her good side for the romantic gesture and for saving her the wait at the bar.
7. Too Hot, it Burns!

Why do girls shower like they want to burn off several layers of skin? Maybe the hot water keeps their skin so clear. Why don’t they sweat after you finish showering? Spill your secrets, the people need to know.
8. Baby, Baby, Baby Ooooooh

Sorry, from here on out in this relationship, we only respond to baby. We don’t make the rules; we just follow them. Demand to be called by your rightful name, otherwise how will you know how special you are to them?
9. All of My Love

Sometimes you just have to irritate your man so you can show him how much you love him. After all, you can’t be his s/o if you don’t know which of his buttons to press to cure your boredom. Without you, who knows who might irritate him in your place.
10. Please Don’t Get Hangry

If you have a girlfriend who gets hangry easily, you know what we mean. Soon you will learn, get food first, talk later. Until then the two of you mightgetstuck looking like this. We don’t care, we will come with you to chipotle because we love our hangry queen.
11. Abort Mission

We’ve all been there. She trapped you, and now you have to suffer so you don’t wake her up and unleash the beast. Everyone knows the best naps happen when you lay your head in your s/o’s lap. Carry on soldier, you can make it through.
12. No Straight Drink, Please

Sorry mister bartender, I will never get a straight drink. How kind of you, that drink does look neat. He just doesn’t get it; you definitely need to go to the local gay bar, so your bartender knows not to give you a straight drink.
13. It’s Okay, I’m a Lesbian!

When you come out, no one can stop you, not even the government (okay, maybe they can, but that permit looks pretty official to me). In the words of Billy Eichner, “Let’s go, lesbians!”
14. Yes I am Dating Someone

When you haven’t come out to your entire family yet, we all encounter this question at family dinners. No, Aunt Linda, you won’t meet a lucky boy. The lucky boy doesn’t exist.
15. I’m Never Getting Those Clothes Back

Lazy Sundays after a football weekend means you and your girl will spend all day on the couch together. How did she even get so many of your clothes? Doesn’t she know boxer theft affects millions of boyfriends across the globe? Why can’t you steal her clothes? Someone please advise.
16. Watch Out, She Might be Plotting

I found the reason girls listen to so many true crime podcasts. Make sure to keep an eye out, stay on alert. The next time you joke about her friends or whether she’s gained weight, you might need to start preparing for the worst.
17. It’s Mister Bring Your Girl Back at the Appropriate Time

Finally, a post that perfectly encapsulates your relationship. Why have all the jealousy when you all can respect your time with each other? No partner stealing here, just respectful partners dating each other in your own respective way.
18. Is This a Hug?

If you can’t have your partner, you might as well have their hoodie. Not only do you get to smell their lingering perfume or cologne, but sometimes you will find a forgotten twenty in there. Don’t worry, we won’t tell.
19. Don’t Question Your Boyfriend

Okay, but how can we know that he lied? Ryan Reynolds definitely checks the “handsomest man in the world” box for me. Check back in with your boyfriend after he sleeps the alcohol off, we bet his answer won’t change.
20. It Hurts all Over, Your Honor

Why does it seem like your s/o always manages to watch your show without you? We get it, whenever you see a new episode of your favorite show in your library makes you need to watch right now, but it ruins the sanctity of our show if you watch it by yourself.
21. This Means War

So scary! Don’t say the wrong thing to your girlfriend, people. By now we all know that when your girlfriend asks you if she looks fat in the clothes she has on, no matter how you think she looks, you always tell her what she wants to hear. Otherwise she might start taking a leaf from Pennywise’s book.
22. Imma Head Out

When you’ve been with her long enough, you know if she says out loud that she wants food, she really wants you to go get her food. I know going out to get food that you won’t even get to eat doesn’t sound very tempting, but she will love you for it. After all, she deserves it for being such a cutie.
23. You+Me=Forever

Even if you hate math, we can figure out this equation. We agree here, Homer, when you find the right relationship, you+me=forever becomes the only equation that works. Thanks for making it simple for us.
24. Cuddles Required

We need cuddles, the science backs it up (I think). What did you do to deserve this? Use this meme to get your person to come over right now, because you will totally die if you don’t get cuddles right now. Code red, people.
25. I’m About to Start

Soon he’ll learn that this is the last phrase he wants to use if he doesn’t want to get in an argument. Until then, he better finish drawing that start line, because after saying that, starting becomes the only option.