What’s more important, college or the college experience? We all know those four years you spend working towards a Bachelor’s degree is a lot more than just classes and studying. The time you spend at Temple defines you not only as a student, but as a person. As diverse as the student body may be there are certain things that hold us together — for better or for worse.
1. You can remember the first time you tried (and failed) navigating the subway.

You probably ended up somewhere far, far away from your destination.
2. TU-alerts don’t phase you anymore… a shooting on 18th and Berks? *shrugs*

Sirens are your lullabies.
3. You get excited whenever a Temple commercial comes on… #TempleMade.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maPU3H-fSBo]
It’s not just a campaign to you.
4. You live-tweeted the Temple Super Bowl commercial shamelessly.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP93MjbkoLU]
Because Temple really is > than your school.
5. As a freshman you probably made questionable decisions in one of the frat houses. I’m looking at you AEPi and Kappa Sig.

What happens in freshman year stays in freshman year.
6. You know the scariest part of Temple is the squirrels.

I once saw a squirrel carrying a bag of chips. I have yet to recover.
7. You have napped/smoked Hookah/sun bathed on Beury Beach.

Suns out, guns out.
8. You refer to Beury Beach as “The Beach.”

You don’t care if it’s only 60 degrees — you are hitting “The Beach” with an iced coffee in hand.
9. You have been completely grossed out in Gladfelter or Anderson. One word: cockroaches.

Those buildings are black holes.
10. You remember the days of class skipping and day drinking… #RIPSpringFling.

11. You have attended a block party.

Everyone’s Mexican that day.
12. You attended “THE” block party.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsA3Pn3ocO0]
Thousands of students on Park? What could go wrong?
13. You understand that going to a party on Park is accepting the fact you might not come back.

Tell my parents that I love them.
14. You go to the party anyway #TurnUp.

15. You have found a promotional flier under your door.

Explain yourself.
16. You consider Richie one of your close friends.

He knows your order. He has your back.
17. You never say The Draught Horse. it’s either “The Draft Horse” or “The Horse.”

Only freshman say “The Draught Horse.”
18. You have destroyed your shoes in the basement of a party.

And now you have designated “party shoes.”
19. You have drunkenly eaten at Munchies.

Loaded fries = sex.
20. You know that Narnia is much more than a series by C.S. Lewis.

Enough said.
21. To this day you don’t know who runs the non-Temple affiliated Twitter accounts.

22. You remember when @TempleMakeouts made it on the front page of Metro.

I’m sorry if this is you.
23. The homeless woman who has been “seven months pregnant” for two years has asked you for money.

And you said no… we all have our limits.
24. You have survived an all-nighter at the tech…TGFS (Thank God For Starbucks).

You are unstoppable with an espresso in hand.
25. You proudly flaunt the fact that you go to the best university in the world, as you should. GO OWLS.

Because once a Temple Owl, always a Temple Owl.