One of the perks of being a Michigan wolverine lies in the fact that wherever you go — be it the UGLI or Malaysia — the sense of community follows you around. Lucky for this generation, you can reach that community with a click of a blue-bird button. This essential social media outlet allows you to see the latest campus gossip while you’re stuck in that 3-hour physics lab. The Twitter accounts dedicated to Michigan are filled with just as much need-to-know info as that syllabus thing your professor keeps talking about.
1. University of Michigan: @Umich

Hail to the victors valiant! I don’t know about you, but when I officially got accepted, I obsessed over the school completely. That meant following the all-encompassing Michigan Twitter handle right away because, ya know, I officially became a part of the fam. Not only does following @Umich validate your wolverine-ness, but it gives students helpful information about events on campus like student town hall meetings or the awesome achievements made by fellow Michigan students.
2. Michigan Students: @UmichStudents

If you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a Michigan student, click the follow button for @UmichStudents. Even with the great strides in the world from notable alumni, I would argue that this Twitter account wins as one of the greatest inventions by any Michigan student. Every week, one lucky student gets the opportunity to be the voice of the campus and tweet out any (don’t get too crazy) thoughts about the university. Some quality tweets include awesome photos of study abroad trips that always make you jealous, and sad posts about the horrific winter vortex that never fails to make its way to campus.
3. Michigan Football: @UmichFootball

Student or not, Michigan football remains a topic of conversation for most college football chats. Similar to ESPN’s live-tweeting style, this account covers all the bases of what’s going with the center of the university’s sports department. Don’t have your season tickets yet? @UmichFootball will let you know where to go and when to go…and they won’t let you forget it. Craving intense action shots from yesterday’s game? Their personal photographer gets the detailed shots posted right away. They’re so up close and personal, you’d swear the football was going to come through your phone screen.
4. Michigan Problems: @MichiganProbz

I followed this account near the beginning of my Twitter journey and well into my years of being a born and raised Michigander. There’s just certain things only a person in Michigan will ever experience, like finding a mitten shaped potato chip and getting excited about it or needing to be up-to-date on everything that has to do with the Detroit Lions. We have a unique obsession over Michigan and Michigan State games and use every expletive in the book when you ride over a Michigan pothole. @MichiganProbz knows our pain, and they express it in 140 characters or less.
5. Michigan Dining: @MichiganDining

I don’t know about you, but getting updated about the fresh chicken nuggets in North Quad’s dining hall is pretty essential to my daily schedule. @MichiganDining acts like everyone’s mom in Twitter form, letting us know what she’s cooking and reminding us to eat a well-balanced diet everyday. Even though we can’t eat you because you’re a Twitter account, we still appreciate you @MichiganDining.
6. Dr. Mark Schlissel: @DrMarkSchlissel

He may not tweet like a rockstar, but as the president of our school he’s the closest thing we get to a rockstar. Although many of us will randomly cross paths with President Schlissel on the snowy streets of Ann Arbor, there’s nothing better than seeing what our prez is up to through the good ol’ act of social media stalking.
7. Michigan Alumni: @MichiganAlumni

If knowing about North Quad’s chicken nuggets no longer benefits you as a grad, following @MichiganAlumni subs as an alternative to staying connected to the university. With updates on what fellow grads are up to or announcements of networking events happening on campus, Alumni’s presence remains a part of the university’s social scene, even if finals hell isn’t your reality anymore.
8. The Michigan Daily: @MichiganDaily

Here you’ll find news about the campus with a journalist’s flair. If you miss the stack of Michigan Daily newspapers outside any building on campus or you’re all about saving the environment, you can always hop on the newspaper’s twitter account. Real newspapers are so 2000 and late, right?
9. Umich Campus Info: @UmichCampusInfo

Twitter once again saves the lives of Michigan students everywhere (seriously, what did we do before social media?). Everything you need to know about the campus’s happenings will run through this Twitter feed, like those blessed events that give out free food. I almost missed out on the “pet a dog to relieve the stress of finals day” last semester, but luckily @UmichCampusInfo gave me the memo just before I had that mental breakdown.
10. The Ann Arbor News: @AnnArborNews

While the University of Michigan may seem like all you need to know about the city of Ann Arbor, you’ll find some legitimately cool things outside of our collegiate bubble. Shocker, right? The Ann Arbor Food Festival wins as my personal favorite of mine, and @AnnArborNews never fails to tweet about its presence in the city. Also, following this account let’s you stay updated on all things government, as it recounts the daily moves of our city’s officials. You know, those political things adults talk about that you totally don’t understand.