Good-bye finals, homework and stress acne. Hello, summer! Time to kick back and unwind. Time to sleep more, drink less, and… what else is there to do? Don’t waste all this extra time bored in your parents’ basement. College Magazine compiled 20 things that you can do to make sure your summer is as fresh as The Fresh Prince.
1. Get a booty like a Kardashian

Time to get the killer bod that you always wanted. If you want a booty like Kim Kardashian, start squatting from now until eternity. If you want a body like Dwayne Johnson—well, I don’t know what you would do for that…
2. Become the Floyd Mayweather of Super Smash Bros

Now that exams are done, it’s time to play Super Smash Bros. online in the dark for days at a time. Who needs social interaction when you have a remote control?
3. Pick up odd jobs

“Mo’ money mo’ problems.” Diddy obviously has never been a broke college student. Now is your chance to make a little cash and ditch your dignity. With a saving accounts as empty as yours, nothing is too degrading.
4. Road trip to another state

Say hi to your parents and then kiss them good-bye. It’s road trip time. Grab your friends and drive for at least 24 hours straight. Survive only on Burger King, slushies and gummy worms. Return armed with candids to blackmail your friends down the line.
5. Create the perfect summer playlist

Yeezy season is approaching this summer. If that wasn’t enough, Frank Ocean, Breaking Benjamin, Charles Hamilton and Rihanna all have releases scheduled for this year. You won’t have to search far for a summer mix.
6. House-party like Kid ’N Play
Get some speakers, booze and shorties and you can have one hell of a night.
7. Spice up your wardrobe
Hit up thrift stores and pop some tags… Considering how high college tuition is, that is probably the only place we college students can pop tags.
8. Ballin’

If you always wanted to be like Mike, now is your chance. Well, it’s a chance to become somewhat decent at a new sport.
9. Make time for family
If the Fast and Furious movies taught me anything, it’s that family is everything. Spend some time with mom and dad.
10. Finish that gen ed. credit

Summer classes may sound like a legal form of torture, but they can be much easier than fall and spring courses.
11. Remember the exams never end

*Cough, cough**Graduate School Exams, you bastards. Pre-law and pre-med students may want to take this time to study. Spending a summer even in a 10 foot radius of textbooks may suck, but it’ll be worth it when you’re making six-figures.
12. May the Fourth be yours

Going to see fireworks on July 4th can be a crowded, mosquito-infested ordeal This summer, celebrate ‘Merica by setting off fireworks from your own backyard.
13. Binge on that one Netflix series

School might have made you miss episodes of Orange is the New Black, but you can catch up this summer. Now’s the time to finally watch that one series that’s been on your to-do list for years.
14. Fall in love

You might begin getting the feels with all the late nights and good vibes in the air. It’s quite alright. Go find yourself a bae.
15. Have a summer fling

If you’re not into all the love stuff, there are plenty of people looking to hook up. Live it up.
16. Turn you beach trip into a scavenger hunt

Mix up your usual beach trip with some terribly undignified dares. Whoever embarrasses themselves the most wins. But when you watch your friend try to get girls’ digits while doing the Cotton-eyed Joe, everyone wins.
17. Transform your basement into the newest club
All you need is a cheap disco ball, a killer playlist and a decent-sized guest list. If you don’t have classes you can actually have the club going up on a Tuesday.
18. Go to a theme park drunk

If college has you feeling old, hit up the nearest amusement park. But no more g-rated fun. Who said pregames were only for Friday nights?
19. Throwback to high school homies

Your choice is hang with the parents or reach out to old friends. Choose wisely, grasshopper.
20. Bum it

You’re not guaranteed to get a whole season off once you enter the real world. So while you’re still a student, be sure to fully embrace your laziness and have some much deserved R&R.