Sometimes it seems as if scholarship organizations primarily offer opportunities and contests to high school students while disregarding current college students. That’s not true! There are plenty of scholarships for students presently in college. You just need to know where to look. Here are a few unique scholarships that you may have missed in your search:
1. The Blogging Scholarship (
This scholarship has two requirements: you have to be a college student and run a blog with interesting content. As long as you’re passionate about whatever you’re blogging (even if it’s just about your life), you can enter to win the $1,000 scholarship. The website lists past winners with links to their blogs, so you can check those out if you’re unsure if your blog fits the needs of the contest. The deadline is November 13.
2. Project Yellow Light (
If you enjoy making videos, this is the scholarship for you. The Ad Council needs a short PSA (less than a minute long) about the dangers of texting and driving. The grand prize winner will receive the $5,000 scholarship. The deadline is April 1.
3. Scholarship (
For all you grammar Nazis out there, has a $1,500 scholarship for the student who can write a clear essay comparing and contrasting two specific historical events. What’s the catch? The essay must be a minimum of 1,500 words and be free of grammatical errors. The deadline is July 1.
4. USDirect School Spirit Scholarship (
All you need to do to win this $1,000 scholarship is take a picture of yourself displaying your school pride during one of your college’s sporting events and post it on Instagram. Use the hashtag #usdirectscholarship as well as other hashtags for your school name and the team nickname. The deadline is June 15.
5. College Prowler “No Essay” Scholarship (
Is writing not your forte? Look no further because College Prowler offers a sweepstakes style scholarship where you simply fill out your contact information and submit it. You will receive a notification if you’re the winner of the $2,000 scholarship. The deadline is March 31.
6. Do Something's Craziest Thing I Did to Save Money Scholarship (
This organization wants to know about the wildest thing you’ve done to save money. The most exciting story will earn the $4,000 scholarship. That sounds so easy it almost seems… crazy. The deadline is April 30.
7. US Bundles Scholarship (
What’s your opinion regarding traditional textbooks and digital textbooks? Write a short article elaborating on your preference, post it to your blog, and submit an application on the US Bundle scholarship page to qualify for the $1,000 prize. The deadline is July 14.