Everywhere smells like pine and you’re practically tripping over the tinsel. But what are us Jews supposed to do? Chinese food and movies on Christmas day are nice, but why do we have to look through all the gift ideas that are only Christmas specific?
With eight days to celebrate, we have a Hanukkah gift guide that every one can achieve.
1. Head to Toe Make Over

My mom’s Catholic and my Dad’s Jewish. Since Hanukkah usually comes before Christmas my mom would give my sister and me our entire Christmas outfits over the eight days. She would do shoes, socks, tights, dresses, jewelry, hair bows and then by the end we would look great for Christmas and Christmas cards. You can tailor these gifts to your family and choose small gifts–like different pairs of earrings or scarves to revamp your family’s wardrobe.
2. A Home-Cooked Meal

Make the perfect meal piece by piece. Each day you can give your brother or SO one food item. Simple is key to these recipes. Easy items to include are pasta, olive oil, cheese and sauces. On the last day you gift: make dinner together. It’s the perfect way to stretch your dollars and turn material goods into an experience to share. Bonus points to them if they can guess what you plan to make before the end of the week.
3. Drinks

The perfect meal isn’t complete without something to wet your whistle. Did you know that Margaritas are more than just tequila, salt and lime? Choose their favorite drink and give them an ingredient each night. Don’t forget the shaker and a glass for each of you!
4. Divide and Conquer

Gift giving doesn’t have to be all on you! “We usually just did one or two [gifts]. Divided it up by who was giving–I might give the third night, gifts from grandpa on night five, etc,” University of Virginia alumni Billy Baker said. This helps take off the pressure and still brings people together.
5. Get Personal

Remember how your brother begged you to watch “Rogue One” with him on opening night? “My dad usually does a theme of gifts for me and my brother based on our interest. So for my brother it will be based on music or some hero franchise he’s into,” Swarthmore senior Zora Kosoff said. Grab a poster, a t-shirt, a theme mug and more so they can show off their Star Wars love with eight days of Hanukkah gifts.
6. Take it back to Tradition

While Hanukkah has become the Jewish version of “Christmas,” presents weren’t originally a large part of this holiday. Make the most of this time to get together with the people you care about most. Offer to cook dinner and light the candles together each night. Reflecting and being together can be the most special Hanukkah gift you can give.
7. Embrace the Pieces

You’ve heard your roommate complain about a million different things he or she needs. Hanukkah’s your chance to get them to stop their ranting. “For me it’s a bit more random. Like nail polish, books, posters and gift cards,” Kosoff said. Instead of stressing over whether your Hanukkah gifts match, choose small items that you know they’ll use.
8. Build Up to It

Ready to splurge on your SO this Hanukkah? Grab that one big gift and give them seven days of hints to get them excited. Did you get them concert tickets? One hint can be about which venue the concert’s in and another can be a riddle whose answer is the name of their hit single. See if you can keep them guessing until the end.
Still trying to find the best Hanukkah gift for your loved ones? Check out these eight more gifts for Hanukkah!
By: Margo Cerrone
Hanukkah might be one of the most challenging holidays to buy presents for. That’s EIGHT WHOLE PRESENTS. If you’re still looking for a great Hanukkah gift to round out your eight days of gift-giving, don’t worry. College Magazine has your back.
On the First Night of Hanukkah My Loved One Gave to Me…
9. 8 Nights of Hanukkah Gift Box

Nightly Hanukkah Gift Bag Set: $15.99
Since my roommate is away from her family during the holiday season, they were thoughtful enough to send her this gift box. Each night, she’d get to open a small gift. She would first read a fun riddle, try to guess what was waiting for her inside, then open the present and see if she got it right. Having a well thought out gift is the best way to show someone you love them, even when you’re apart.
10. DIY Challah Bread Kit

DIY Challah Bread Kit: $89.99
If you’re someone who is challenged in the baking department, this is the gift that will certainly RISE to the occasion! This easy-to-use kit will have them baking this holiday staple food item for all their friends and family. Even those who eat gluten-free can participate.

Gluten Free Traditional Challah Mix: $15.99
11. Hanukkah Menorah with Traditional Star

The Dreidel Company Hanukkah Menorah with Traditional Star: $14.99
This beautiful centerpiece lights every Jewish household for the eight nights of Hannukah. The 7” tall beauty comes in the following colors: polished aluminum, antique gold and copper finish. A nice variety will give the recipient classic options to fit the color scheme of their home.
12. LED Electric Hanukkah Menorah

Traditional LED Electric Hanukkah Menorah: $26.99
Offered in teal and hot pink, this Menorah will allow the kids to get in on the fun while being safe! Oftentimes lighting a Menorah with young children can be dangerous, if the flames are within their reach and the candles are dripping hot wax. The LED alternative will give them the same cozy light feeling without the hassle of a holiday hospital trip. Yikes.
13. Donut Maker with Mix

CucinaPro Mini Donut Maker: $34.95

Hanukkah Donut Mix: $8.79
Sufganiyot is a jelly donut that is a classic dessert in Jewish tradition. Hannukah is about the small jar of oil miraculously lasting for eight days, therefore frying foods in oil commemorates this miracle. A simple electric donut maker is the best way to celebrate this gift while keeping your hands burn-free.
14. Hanukkah-Themed Mad Libs

Hanukkah Mad Libs: $4.99
Originating in 1967, Mad Libs is a template word game that consists of one player prompting other players to come up with substitute words to fill in the blanks on a page as a part of a story. After you’ve just consumed mass amounts of food with the family, a mellow and laughter-filled way to end the night sounds pretty ideal.
15. Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf Book

Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf: $16.19
Do your children ever worry about why they don’t get Christmas presents even though they’ve been good? This book resolves that problem! In this book, an elf named Shmelf takes a journey from the North Pole to discover the joys of Hanukkah. Although this book claims to be ages 3-6 years, I would personally read this book for the sure-fire holiday spirit!
16. Hanukkah Bingo Game

Rite Lite Chanukah Bingo Game: $15.99
Although this game contains Menorah shaped Bingo pieces, the creativity doesn’t have to stop there. Feel free to use your own Gelt to mark your spaces, and when the game is over, consume your board!
*Updated on December 4th, 2021 by Margo Cerrone to include eight more Hanukkah gifts.