Check out our latest ranking of the top 10 schools for bros 2014.
Bro: [br-oh] noun – A species of male ages 17-24 who can often be seen sporting a lax pinny, oversized Nike Dunks or Sperry’s, and cheap sunglasses from the 90s. They usually travel in packs officially known as fraternities, and use brocabulary like “legit” and “f*** that noise.” At a party, bros can be found icing other bros, eating brotato chips and talking about how drunk they are.
See: broseph, broseidon, Kodak broment
Don’t get me wrong; this is not to say anything negative about bros. After all, they make us laugh and they also make us cry when they accidently spill beer on us (although I was wearing a sheer white T-shirt so I’m suspicious about the ‘accidently’).
Here at College Magazine, I’ve researched top ranking sports teams with passionate student fan bases, raging tailgating events, Greek life and meat options in the cafeteria (okay, not actually that last one). With this information, I’ve comprised a list of the top ten schools for bros:
1.) University of Arizona
With a basketball team like U of A’s, there’s bound to be some crazy bros in the stands cheering them on. “There are a ton of bros here because Greek life is huge at U of A. They all wear those plastic wannabe Ray Bans, tank tops, shorts and those high socks with lace up Vans. They also wear ‘I Heart Boobies’ bracelets…but not because they support cancer, it’s cause they just really like big boobs. They sport their fraternity tanks a lot, but if not they wear RVCA and Obey,” said University of Arizona junior Shayna Sanderson. University of Arizona is well known for its insane tailgate parties in the sun and its popular Greek life parties and events. Perhaps the sun really has gotten to their heads…
2.) Duke University

With a mascot like the Rebels, how could there not be bros at this school? Located in Oxford, Mississippi, Ole Miss has what I like to call the “southern gentleman” bro. I know what you’re thinking: how could “gentleman” and “bro” be used in the same sentence? Although these Rebels have all the makings of a bro, they still learned a little something from Mama about good ole southern manners.
8.) Arizona State University
Currently the largest university in the U.S., Arizona State has the “Sun Devil” bro. They may be tan, but don’t mistake these bros with Guidos or you could get yourself beaten up. This Tempe, Arizona, university is often described as the biggest party school in the country. Most of the partying here in Tempe is thanks to the amount of bros roaming campus. "The bros who are in the frats here do the whole one-handed half hug and wear the sunglasses with the backwards hat and the tank tops with board shorts, sandals, and are always riding a long board,” said ASU junior Candice Warner.
9.) University of Delaware
At the University of Delaware in Newark, being a bro does not necessarily mean attending the biggest party school or having the best football team; it is a lifestyle. The bromunnity at Delaware basically runs the school so much you’d think Sperry’s were permanently glued to their feet. They may live in a small state, but their backwards Ralph Lauren caps and general bro can be seen and heard for miles.
10.) University of Miami
What’s a bro list without a “beach” bro? Located in Coral Gables, Florida, the University of Miami is where bros can be seen wearing swimming trunks and holding surfboards year-round. Sporting a sunglass tan and skipping classes for the beach, bros at Miami live the epitome of a chill, bro life. The Miami Hurricanes fill the Orange Bowl Stadium for every football game and can be seen having bonfire tailgates on the beach. “Bros here have a frat boy attitude. They wear sunglasses with backwards hats, V-neck T-shirts, boat shoes and board shorts. They have a ton of money and are willing to show it off,” said University of Miami junior Ethan Cloutier.
For a sport devoid of bros, check out our Top 10 Schools for Quidditch.
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