Hey girl,
Congratulations on surviving high school! I’m so proud that you have made the decision to go to college. In our family, pursuing a higher level of education is a big deal because not many people in our family have a degree. Even if you’re starting at a community college, don’t feel discouraged because all of your friends are attending four-year universities. Because spoiler alert: you’ll have that “college experience” in two and a half years when you get accepted into Temple University. Your hard work at community college will pay off and you’ll eventually get to study at your dream school. Stay focused and don’t skip class even if you really don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning.
You’re also going to change your major. You will still be unsure of this decision up until your senior year. But please don’t worry, this decision was for the best because you’re going to get a lot of opportunities to write and network in the public relations industry. Remember that it’s normal to be unsure of your dream profession. A lot of people in their 30’s and 40’s still don’t know what they want to do as a career for the rest of their lives. I have faith that you will find your true purpose with hard work and dedication.
You’re also going to experience heartbreak. You and your current boyfriend will have a nasty break up. You both made some mistakes and life will be difficult for a while. Most of your friends who you hold dear today will not be in the picture when you enter your senior year. Just remember that it’s okay to lose people because everyone changes as they grow older. Try not to harbor any negativity towards them.
There will be friends who stick by your side through your bad days. Time will show you who these true friends are. When you move to the city you will meet so many interesting, amazing people. You have to experience these bad times before you can experience the good times.
All in all, don’t change anything that you’re doing right at this very moment. All of our mistakes have a purpose and all of our hard work is paying off. I’m SO proud of you.
Your senior self
Ps… Stop spending all of your money on food. Your bank account will thank us later.
Here is what other upperclassmen would say to their freshman selves:
“Remember that you’re fresh out of high school. You may think this is when you decide on what your entire purpose is. You must realize your personal evolution has just begun. Jump in with both feet forward, don’t forget that the path you’re on is subject to change. You WILL cross the finish line that was meant for you.” Nikki, 22, Moore College of Art & Design.
“I know you feel like you’re only treading water and starting to sink under, but soon you will be swimming like an Olympian. Keep your head up, champ.” Ashton, 20, Bucks County Community College.
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, it doesn’t matter how small you think your problems are.” Brianna, 21, West Chester University.
“Don’t be hesitant to change your major, It’s better to be a little behind in school and be happy than to finish and be miserable.” Shaun, 22, Temple University.