Remember when you were five years old and your mother had to force you to take a nap? Flash forward to now–just like flip phones, getting enough sleep is a thing of the past. In between copious amounts of homework and trying to have that thing called a “social life,” it can hard to get over five hours of sleep a night. No wonder UW students love naps so much. And there’s no shortage of places to catch a quick snooze.
1. Odegaard Undergraduate Library

“[I nap in] Ode in the morning (before 10 or 10:30 when it’s all quiet), in the big chairs behind the staircase. You can put your feet up on the cushioned bench and the staircase blocks some light, which is great for sleeping,” said junior Michala Quince. Frequently featured on UW Sleepyheads, the rows of cushy seats along the benches on Odegaard’s first floor are a popular napping location. It’s even complete with outlets so you can plug in your phone while you recharge your body’s batteries.
If you want to sleep somewhere with fewer people around, head for the third floor’s study room. It’s usually dimmer thanks to the high windows, so you’ll barely remember that you’re surrounded by dozens of other students as you drift off in the padded chairs.
2. Suzzallo And Allen Libraries

“[I like] Suzzallo library, third floor, near a window. I can doze off while watching people walking outside and it’s high enough they probably won’t see me,” said junior Salome Frevol. If you’re afraid of ending up on UW Sleepyheads, this more private spot is for you. Sit back and allow people watching soothe you to sleep.
A very common alternative is the reading room. “It’s quiet and it has this warm and relaxing mood that makes you want to peacefully fall asleep,” said sophomore Rama Banskley. Nicknamed the “Harry Potter room” (seriously, this room is straight from Hogwarts–just look up at the arched ceiling), this is a prime spot for buckling down and finishing your thirty page paper…or catching up on some much needed sleep while you dream about joining your favorite Hogwarts house.
3. The HUB

The Husky Union Building, or HUB, is more than just a place to grab food and catch up on gossip with your friends. Mmm, dozing off in front of a roaring fire. Classy and relaxing. Could there be anything cozier? “[I like to nap] on a rainy day in front of the fireplace in the HUB. You can set up one of the big chairs and prop your feet up on the ledge so your shoes dry as you nap,” said junior Chloe Meisner.
Another great place in the HUB is the commuter commons, perfect for those who don’t live on campus. It’s restricted for commuters only, so you won’t run into people hogging all the seats while they’re hiding in there to avoid their awful roommates. It’s a very appealing spot and gets crowded pretty easily so plan ahead if you want to nap there.
4. The Quad

“If it’s nice out, [I nap on] the Quad for sure. You can take your shoes and socks off, it’s more natural and relaxing than an indoor area and I always end up seeing my friends while I’m there,” said junior Alex Bruell.
You can’t call yourself a Husky if you don’t spend some quality time on the Quad, whether you’re reading, snapping selfies with the cherry blossoms or taking a page out of a cat’s book and enjoying a nice nap under the sun. Getting a tan while sleeping? Yes, please.
5. Home Sweet Home

“[I like the] sleeping porch in my sorority! 24 hours dark and quiet,” said sophomore Tenicia Young.
For those who really don’t like to nap in public, fear not. Your home away from home, whether that’s your dorm or fraternity/sorority house, make excellent sleeping spots. “I used to retreat to my dorm room because there was less of a chance to end up on UW Sleepyheads,” said junior Gerlene Ragsac. With a big blanket and some fluffy pillows, snuggling in your UW issued bed will be like floating on a cloud.
6. Class Time

If the options above don’t appeal to you, napping in class always works. Be warned: Use this rarely, because it’s rude to others and there’s a high chance your professor will want to murder you. If you’re seriously about to pass out, just skip class and curl up somewhere else. It’d be a lot more comfortable and none of your classmates or your poor professor will have to listen to you snore with the force of a freight train.