99 Problems, But a Random Roommate Ain’t One
Ever since your freshman year of high school, you and your BFF have probably been planning the color …
Ever since your freshman year of high school, you and your BFF have probably been planning the color …
Have you ever heard about an abusive parent on the news and had your heart broken, or seen a …
Sorority girls are constantly ridiculed by the media, GDIs and hot and bothered feminists …
Sitting on the uncomfortably peeling blue bleachers at my high school in central Maryland with a …
The words “chemistry major” immediately bring to mind an evil genius wearing a white lab …
I read somewhere (read=watched a lot of Law and Order: SVU) that when face-to-face with someone …
For many of us who have stumbled into the humanities, waving goodbye to the books, coffee hours and …
Transferring colleges symbolizes a new beginning and a fresh start. Ahh, the sound of exhaling that …
It’s coming. You can feel the rumble of the cheers in your feet. You can taste the hot dogs and …
You did it. No matter how many times you may have questioned your abilities, you successfully …
Who wants to create a snazzy classroom or hey, maybe even an entire building? You do. You may be …
I’ll never forget the sight of my first college professor—an apparent sign that my college …
So, you love photography. After years of worshipping amateur Photoshop vlogs and spending every …
Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by your roommate. If your hand is up, …
Freshmen fears have generally been the same throughout history- getting lost, communal bathrooms, …
After a night of Facebook stalking your ex and that girl from last year’s stats class who is …
The first 18 years of my life spent under my parents’ roof and rules was the equivalent to living …
Syracuse University is a lot of things. It’s orange. It’s snowy. Most importantly, it’s a hella good …
You’ve spent so many days slaving away in the library that you begin to feel like there’s no escape. …
I, like the classic newb most freshmen are, arrived at college with the mindset that alcohol is the …
The dim lights go black save for one solitary beam on center stage. A woman whose face you don’t …
Flash back to fourth grade. I’m sitting eagerly in my unbalanced plastic chair, ready to present …
“So, what ethnicity are you?” “Korean-American. My mom’s Korean and my dad’s American.” “Oh, you’re …
Summer started four months ago and I couldn’t have been more excited for a hot, steamy romance. It …