What It Feels Like to Run Into My Ex-Roommate
It’s really difficult to have beef with people on such a small campus; it’s a lot like hooking up. …
It’s really difficult to have beef with people on such a small campus; it’s a lot like hooking up. …
Professors actually like when students reach out and communicate. So don’t hesitate to ask, because …
When you tell people you attend Temple University, you will almost always be asked, “Isn’t it …
Let’s face it: between frat parties, extracurricular meetings and classes, there’s little time left …
College living is a little bit like Big Brother – just on a smaller scale. You can stalk Room Sync …
It would be nice to rule the world by the time we’re 33. Beyoncé has a net worth of $115 million and …
It’s game day at Syracuse. Get your gear ready, stock up on the booze and be prepared to tailgate …
10. Lehigh University Every fraternity party here is completely FREE, so you’ll never have to worry …
If you’re from the South, you know that a good tailgate is just as important as who’s playing in the …
The other day I ran into a girl from one of my classes who excitedly asked, “How are you?” I …
At some point in your college career, you’ll have to face the dreaded early morning class. We’ve all …
Over 98,000 students bustle through Penn State’s hallways, and that’s just at the main campus alone. …
Before you cuddle in bed with your boys, Ben & Jerry, and cry about the latest person who …
When the lights at the bar switch on, the DJ yells, “last call for drinks” and everyone stumbles out …
I come from a Latin household so naturally, I’m quite attached to my parents. Typically kids don’t …
We’ve all been there. One moment you’re enjoying lunch with friends and the next minute, bam; …
You’d think that going to school with thousands of other people would make it impossible not to get …
The housing process at Boston College brings out the worst in everyone. Friend groups split up in …
One of the best things included in your pricy college tuition is the opportunity to make new …
Call numbers have changed and shelves have been moved, but it has proved impossible to expunge the …
The days of dressing up for candy may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it for other …
As we get older our Halloween costumes get skimpier. If you want to take it back to the innocent …
Your roommate straddles the line between B- and C+ in her Shakespeare class. It all comes down to …
Dropping out of college doesn’t necessarily destine a life of coupon clipping and burger flipping. …