Sh*t You Should Know: November 12th
Between being harassed on campus and not being allowed to use Gradesaver to save your ailing papers, …
Between being harassed on campus and not being allowed to use Gradesaver to save your ailing papers, …
As October 31st approached here in Sydney, us American study abroad students carefully planned our …
College mascots are huge—both literally and in the hearts of their fans. They rile both the …
You think your school is looking out for you. But this week's news may have you thinking twice. …
College can be a scary place. Literally. Halloween may be over, but the spirits still linger. During …
My parents always referred to college as the “glory years.” Growing up, college was the …
Oh that time of year when the mass consumer market shoves pumpkin-spiced everything down your …
Hi, friend. I think you know why we’re all here. Don’t be upset, we just want to have a …
The smell of pumpkin-flavored coffee wafts towards you on a crisp morning breeze. Fuzzy sweaters, …
In college, Halloween is not just a one-day–or a one-costume–affair. For a straight week …
Living in your first apartment is like being a real person without actually becoming a real person. …
Hey America, what’s going on? No, seriously, what is going on? One day we have a government, …
Sure, zombies might be the living dead, but at their motionless, cold hearts, zombies are just like …
The Charleston, the Lindy Hop, the worm, the twerk – so many timeless dance moves, so little …
Nude photos, pepper spray and priceless art lead this week’s top news stories. If there was …
I could wax poetic for a million articles about the greatness of television, but around the …
Yup, it’s that time of year again — time to binge watch the ghoulish, garish and great …
Confession: Freshman me was often nostalgic about high school. I know, damning, considering 99% of …
90% of differences between high school and college are improvements. No parental supervision? …
It never gets old watching fresh-faced college students struggle to survive the torment of an …
This year brought us wecking ball memes, painfully obnoxious songs and government tantrums galore. …
Did you know one in two sexually active young people contract a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) …
By your senior year in college, you think know the ropes. You know which classes are easy A’s, …
Cooking, cleaning and taking care of the family wearing pearls and heels: this has been the image of …