Senior Sorority Girl Struggles
As a senior, you’ve probably figured out the best way to get through the three S’s of …
As a senior, you’ve probably figured out the best way to get through the three S’s of …
I don’t really understand why nobody seems to make a bigger fuss about studying abroad. …
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and the age old question remains: what do you get …
Ladies, Valentine’s Day is exactly a week away, and you still didn’t get your guy a …
Get good grades so you can get into a good college so you can get a well-paying corporate job so you …
Dear College Magazine, I've noticed lately that girls don't want to stay the night at my …
For the hopeless romantic, there's The Bachelor. For the karaoke-crazed, there's The Voice. …
For single college students, Valentine’s Day can either be considered either the worst holiday …
What does it take to begin a personal revolution, anyway? Five-time Grammy winner, humanitarian, …
New Years was more than a full month ago, and you need a break from all the countdown parties, back …
I’m about to blow your mind. Ladies, ever sent a nude picture of yourself to a boyfriend? Ever …
*writer’s apologies for the awful, awful things she is about to say concerning the general …
Even saying the words “Valentine’s Day” can send single girls into full-on panic …
That was quite possibly the best Super Bowl in the history of Super Bowls. Now that all the fanfare …
From her vast collection of Manolos to her even vaster collection of men, Carrie Bradshaw had been …
January isn’t just the start of another year. For many, it’s meant saying goodbye to …
Seven short years ago the world met Liz Lemon, a woman with brown hair, glasses, a messy office, a …
As my roommates and I have been trying to relive our glory years (aka kindergarten) by re-watching …
Upon arriving in Spain six days ago for the first time in my life, I was immediately taken aback by …
Phone interviews can be tricky because you can’t observe your interviewer’s nonverbal …
Ever since the Royal Wedding and Prince Harry’s bare-bottomed Vegas fiasco, one thing is …
Wouldn’t it be great to live your life like a sitcom? The funny, quirky, inspiring and often …
*****SPOILER ALERT***** Dear New Girl, You are now officially the spiritual successor …
We’ve all heard our friends tell us at one time or another, “they won’t change …