It’s Time to Stop Snubbing Community Colleges
I enrolled at Moorpark College (MC) as a freshman around two years ago because financially, it made …
I enrolled at Moorpark College (MC) as a freshman around two years ago because financially, it made …
Reading: you either love it or you don’t. For those of us that do, there’s nothing like the crisp …
Before accepting my admission to the University of Florida, I knew that Black students accounted for …
Did you ever decide to try out a new book and suddenly found yourself with strong emotions, unable …
YOLO: I used to hate that phrase with every fiber in my being. It seemed like a cop out for people …
Obstacles and life go together like milk and cookies. College makes no exception to this rule. …
Do you count yourself as a diplomatic but indecisive person? Does having balance in all aspects of …
Let’s be honest: dating kind of sucks. You get all gussied up to meet a stranger and hope to …
College creates a great space to meet new people and make new memories. Sound exciting? For …
1. The Purge The Purge franchise pumps out new content every year progressing from a single scary …
As someone who has lived in Garden Grove her entire life and seen it grow, I’d say that the homey, …
When you pick out what college you want to go to, location plays a huge part in your decision. Do …
We all know allocating college funding makes up 90% of the headache that comes with applying to an …
For almost two years the hustle-and-bustle atmosphere of Times Square completely died out, something …
Colleges boast that they offer an organization that’s just right for you! But as college students, …
When Luna went to the pool, Jess Lee was already there. Her feet skimmed lightly over the icy blue …
As a graduate student studying English Literature, I remain on a tight schedule. Last semester, I …
Dear Freshman Me, You are about to embark on the best and most challenging four years of your life. …
Dear, well, me, You’re probably wondering right about now, when is high school going to end? I …
Choosing and designing your major at university is, in my opinion, an extremely personal decision. …
In the eleventh grade, I officially decided what I wanted to do with my life: read. More …
Dear freshman self, It’s me… (well you) but two years in the future as your junior year self. I’m …
A letter to Jackie, the freshman: Your freshman year crept up on you a lot faster than expected. You …
The best four years of your life. This is what I heard before arriving at college in 2018. When I …