Moments from your favorite Toonami shows can easily be applied to college life. Who knew Super Saiyans, ninjas, half-demons, alchemists and adorable super-powered animals were so relatable?
When you first walk into your dorm freshman year:

When you eat at the dining hall for the first time:

When you get back from the dining hall after that first night:

Whenever you ace an exam:

When you see a roach in your dorm room:

When you start feeling nostalgic about your high school friends #neverforget:

When you just can’t do any more homework:

When you invite your buddies over for a late-night video game session in your dorm:

When the cute girl in class sits *extra* close to you:

When you piss bae off:

When you bond with a professor twice your age:

When you see a dog on campus and you have no idea what to do with yourself:

When nobody knows how to pose for the pregame group Instagram photo:

When your professor lets you know you done good:

When you better haul ass to class, son!:

When you gotta hunt for food because your bank account says you broke:

When you’re *finally* alone in your dorm:

Whenever you boss a paper:

When you’re pissed at your professor and she’s not looking:

When you hit the game-winning shot for your intramural basketball team:

When you have no social skills and can’t pick up on the signs:

When someone tries to talk to bae, thinking you’re not around:

When her Tinder profile says “If you’re not at least 5’8″ swipe left”:

When you feel like showing off at the gym:

When you try to catch your falling GPA:

When you and your random group members *actually* get along:

When you surprise yourself by getting a good grade:

When you so tired you about to go crazy:

When you want to say something special to your partner but have no idea what to say:

When you wonder “what’s next after college?”: