Another year gone. Can you believe it? And what a year it was—from hurricanes to political scandals to the pandemic that’s going on its third year, 2021 definitely qualifies as one of the craziest. For better or for worse, 2022’s arrival will be here before we know it. But what’s a new year without a resolution? Resolutions bring things down into a bite-sized piece; they also give you room to grow throughout the year. That’s why we asked our team for their 2022 resolutions (just in case you need some inspiration for the new year).
Ring in the new year with College Magazine’s 2022 resolutions!
1. Focus on Your Hobbies

“I try to keep my resolutions pretty relaxed and simple. In the new year I plan to make more time for my hobbies: painting, reading and writing. And I’d like to focus on getting stronger by working out more regularly with weights,” Publisher Amanda Nachman said.
2. Find Your Confidence Boost

“My New Year’s Resolution is to continue working on my confidence. I’ve always been a pretty anxious person, and I want to get rid of my habit of second guessing myself or needing outside approval. I want to believe in myself and my capabilities, and walk through the world with purpose. This is especially important to me as I’m working in a new role,” Editorial Director Macey Spensley said.
3. Make that Routine Count

“In 2022, I want to get into and stick to a routine that works well for both my body and my mind! Covid impacted my life a lot, but it also made me realize that I need to schedule out time for myself to do things that I love, whether it be reading a good book or working on my writing. It’s so important to be kind to yourself and others during this time, and for me, it makes things easier to stick to a flow,” Editor-in-Chief Jillian Delaney said.
4. Mindfulness Matters

“For 2022, I want to focus on being more mindful and present. For a lot of 2021, I felt like I was living on autopilot, going through the motions and completing tasks without much thought. I want to make the most of my youth,” St. John’s University sophomore Nicole Sutherland said.
5. Move Forward

“For 2022, I want to focus on constantly moving forward. There were times in 2021 where I felt stagnant. Moments where I knew I could be doing more to better myself,” St. John’s University senior and Editor-in-Chief-in-training Luke Peteley said.
6. Be Kind

“For 2022, I want to be kinder to myself. 2021’s transition from remote to in-person college again wore me out emotionally and socially; I knew that, yet I often felt disappointment and frustration when I found myself exhausted and couldn’t pick myself back up. I hope letting myself rest and accepting when I’m at my limit will allow me to continue pursuing my future again without burning myself out,” University of California, Los Angeles sophomore Linda Tran said
7. Take Time for Mental Health and Nature

“For 2022, I want to focus on two things: continue to better my mental health during pandemic-times, and to find beautiful new nature spots, such as hiking trails, beaches, mountain tops, etc. This past year and a half has been hard on us all, so what better way to boost some serotonin than by exercising outdoors and enjoying cool views and new adventures with your friends and loved ones!” University of Maryland senior Margo Cerrone said.
8. Find Yourself

“For 2022, I want to focus on figuring out who I am. It sounds like an impossible task, I know, but that doesn’t matter to me one bit. Even if I’m able to just figure out what kind of pasta I like better, that’s ok. I think even having a closer look at my likes and wants to both better myself and go through a transformation will help me feel a bit happier with life as a whole,” University of California, Los Angeles sophomore Lisette Serrano said.
9. Schedule Those Workouts

“For 2022, I want to focus on working out a few days a week. As a washed up cross country runner, I haven’t made time to run in a few months, and I have always been intimidated by going to the gym. In the past few weeks, I’ve been going to my hometown gym and really working up the confidence to work out alone. I hope to continue working out and focusing on my health throughout 2022,” University of California, Los Angeles freshman Emily Schwank said.
10. Find Your Creative Soul

“For 2022, I want to really focus on carving out more time in my schedule for my creative writing. I have so many ideas that I feel always get thrown on the back burner because there are so many other things I need to get done. In 2022, I really want to focus on actually making time for creative writing because it’s something that greatly soothes me, and is also something I’m passionate about!” University of Massachusetts, Amherst junior Archana Purohit said.
11. Fighting that Imposter Syndrome

“For 2022, I want to focus on giving myself time to myself. Focusing on self care and my imposter syndrome along with giving myself credit where credits due,” Ohio State University junior Kaylah Vo said.
12. Work With the Clock

“For 2022, I want to focus on being more efficient with my time. This way, I can get the things I need to do out of the way faster and can spend more time on the hobbies and activities I enjoy,” University of Florida senior Jonathan Blasberg said.
13. The Only Person that Matters is You

“For 2022, I want to be a lot kinder to myself and focus on what I want to do and not so much on what I think other people want for me,” UCLA senior Maegan Smith said. “I want to have more control over my life—whether that be through asking professors for extensions on assignments or getting my ears pierced again for the hell of it.”
14. Hone Your Skills

“For 2022, I want to focus on improving my skills in editing, filming and all other aspects of production. I want to get better with different editing programs such as iMovie, Adobe premiere pro and Final Cut Pro” St. John’s University junior Courtney Lemkin said.
15. Live Healthy

“For 2022, I want to live a healthier lifestyle in every way possible. Mentally, physically and spiritually I want 2022 to be the year that I feel better than ever,” Temple University senior Miles West said.
16. Push Yourself

“For 2022, I want to lift heavier than I have before and become a more consistent and dependable person,” Penn State junior Brianna Herder said.
17. Study for Your Dreams

“For 2022, I want to focus on getting my grades up so that I can get into law school,” St. John’s University junior John Hagan said.
18. Be the Best You

“For 2022, I want to get back on track with eating healthier and look my best,” Penn State freshman Daniel Maiorana said.
19. Find Your Dream Job

“In 2022 I plan to focus on my internship and job applications. I am a senior, I am graduating in May, so I really want to use all of the resources on campus and outside to get a job offer post-graduation,” St. John’s University senior Daria Wilk.
20. Level Up Your Skills

“My New Year’s resolution is to take on more responsibility at my job and interact with clients in an engaging way,” Editorial Director-in-training Kendall Russell said.
21. Make More Memories

“In 2022, I want to make more memories,” St, John’s University master’s student Diana Arena said.
22. Read, Read, Read

“I want to make a Goodreads account to log what books I read this year and write mini reviews!!” Former Editor-in-Chief Francesca Vultaggio said.