The time that all of us exhausted college students have been waiting for has finally arrived—yep, Thanksgiving break. For most of us, Thanksgiving represents a time to rejoice and give back our thanks. It also gives us time to relax and a clear ticket to ignore our student responsibilities. Even with UF’s many flaws, students from all classes still manage to share why they are thankful for the Gator Nation.
Continue to read to find out 10 things that University of Florida students give thanks for.
1. Gator Career Closet

With events like Career Showcase and the loom of summer internships hanging over everyone’s heads, Gators dress to impress on the regular. To ensure students’ success, UF dedicated a whole closet for students to check out professional attire. If you have an interview to go to but have no clue what to wear, Gator Career Closet has your back. Their clothing selection ranges from clean-cut ties for men and stylishly fitted blazers for women. “I’m thankful for the Gator Career Closet as it always has everything that I am looking for when it comes to dressing for professional events the staff is very helpful and polite, and the clothes are not only professional but stylish,” University of Florida junior Hannah Wilson said. The best part of it all, you don’t have to spend a dime. Go grab your UFID and check out the cleanest professional fit you can find.
2. #BlackUF

Ahhh, sweet ole BlackUF. Although small, BlackUF never fails to thrive here at the University of Florida. Students find comfort and a sense of belonging in the arms of BlackUF. “I’m thankful for BlackUF. BlackUF has made UF enjoyable for me as far as meeting new people, networking, and embracing my blackness!” University of Florida junior Genese Africain said. Many students couldn’t imagine their gator days without UF. Being a minority, students claim how they appreciate the support that BlackUF provides. You’ll never have to feel alone or walk through the scary swamp by yourself when you have BlackUF by your side.
3. Professor Humor

Some professors teach and then other professors teach TEACH. UF’s students love to boast about their favorite professors and appreciate humorous professors who take the time to ensure that their lectures have flavor. “Professor Klein really goes out of his way to find nice things to say about ya so we’re not discouraged in class,” University of Florida junior Ashley Brickhouse said. And it as it turns out, professors that exhibit humorous behavior tend to get the best results.
4. Friends Who LISTEN

Not everyone listens, but when you find those who do, you better hold onto them. UF students give thanks to friendships they developed during their four plus years at the swamp. Sometimes you need to rant about annoying pre-med classes or how you miss Dennis walking around Turlington. Regardless of the issue, having a friend that can sit there and listen can help you emotionally. “Sometimes you just have to let things out, free of judgment and not to people who listen to respond but listen because they care. Shit gets hard you know and sometimes you can’t do anything about it but to have someone willing to listen really means a lot,” University of Florida junior Heaven Taylor-Wynn said. Go tell your special friend who helps you remain sane a big ol’ ‘thank you’.
5. Study Abroad

From Little Gators to Little Einstein’s, UF shares their thanks with UF’s Study Abroad department, where students get the opportunity to learn from outside the swamp while filling up their passport. “My study abroad experience in Paris was amazing. Opportunities like this truly paved the way for me to gain new friendships and broadened my understanding of the African American experience. Thank you UF study abroad department!” University of Florida junior Krystina Derby said. Students can select from study abroad programs based in Europe or Australia to learn from a different perspective and take in the sights.
6. Rigorous Curriculum

We’ve all heard that C’s get degrees too. UF students proudly say thank you to UF for teaching them the value of hard work. Although many students don’t favor the stressful studying nights, they understand the importance of the rigorous curriculum—and how much it will help them later on in life. UF ensures that their students leave the swamp knowing the beauty of all-nighters. “I am thankful for the rigorous curriculum that has ultimately strengthened my mind by enhancing my critical thinking/analytical skills,” University of Florida senior Warren Miles said. As crazy as it might sound, this rigorous curriculum might get you that promotion after you flip that tassel.
7. Scholarships

Many Gators earn scholarships and no one would complain about some extra funds. These students state how without scholarships, their education would have stopped at high school. Luckily, UF ensures that those deserving students with financial need get a scholarship. Scholarships such as Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars help first-generation low-income students continue their education. “I have MFOS and being a first-generation student, the advisors actually treat us like family so I’m thankful for that,” University of Florida junior Brianna Lett said. Students appreciate and recognize the importance of scholarships. Giving back our thanks surely is the least we can all do.
8. Midtown

Who can forget delicious Relish after a 3:30 p.m. class? At Midtown, you can find many restaurants to stop in before or after class, or at least a good drink when the sun sets. Restaurants such as Relish, Tijuana Flats and Pita Pit normally has students screaming thank you. “I’m thankful that the school is right across the street from all those food places. If I choose to spend money on food I can just walk across the street for better options,” University of Florida junior Tyana King said. Sometimes boring Broward and Gator Corner just can’t hit the spot. What better way to say “thank you UF for your spot-on location,” than to go get lunch with your friends at Midtown?
9. Gator Success

Success doesn’t just happen overnight, or does it? As a top eight university, many Gators feel successful just for walking around campus. But calling yourself a Gator means more than just a line of your Instagram bio—instead, it’s about being a part of a very special community. “I feel very blessed to have made it this far and that I am attending a top university receiving a great education. We’re only given 24 hours a day and I’m thankful that I’m able to make the best of mine,” University of Florida freshman Dayna Peyton said. Take pride in being a Gator, because not many are lucky enough to call themselves one.
10. Sports

No doubt, sports give us all a reason to express our thanks. UF sports represents a time for everyone to come together and cheer on the Gator Nation. Cheering on Gator teams allows students to clear their minds and relax. And even if football season is over, you can always find a sport to support. “I’m thankful that students are able to attend the basketball games for free. It’s nice to go out and watch your favorite sport with those you love. Taking a break from your studies to watch sexy boys dribble back and forth the court is always worth it,” University of Florida freshman Ashley Dann said. Next time you find yourself at a sports events, go give Albert a warm hug and thank him for being the BEST mascot anyone could ask for.