With UF football season comes new wave of drinking games to keep you and your friends drunk–I mean busy. Instead of casually sipping on your rum and coke when you hit up Social for the Kentucky game (because honestly, who wants to go to Kentucky?), turn it into a drinking competition with your friends. This year, instead of settling for the classic games like beer pong, flip cup and ring of fire, try this UF-themed drinking game. Follow the rules, and add your own.
Start drinking at kickoff, and don’t stop until somebody catches the ball.
Take a sip…
- Every time the Gators get a first down

- When the Gators get money down and the crowd puts their hands in the air and dances

- Every time the band plays a chant

- Every time a player is helped off the field

- When either team gets a penalty

Take a shot if/when…
- The Gators are intercepted

- You see a freshman in the new Spurrier shirt; you know, the shirt that most people think is super whack.

- The Gators get a turnover

- Either team goes for it on fourth down

- A kicker misses a field goal (Doubt this one will happen. #WeLoveYouEddy)

Finish your drink when…
- The band plays “My Girl.” Ah, the classic song from the 60s that still gets 90,000+ people in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium up and dancing, even though 95 percent of them weren’t even alive when the song was first released.

- The Gators score a touchdown

- Halftime hits

- The stadium sings “We Are The Boys.” At the end of every third quarter this song rings our ears. Everybody links up and sways, singing at the top of their lungs, “We are the boys of old Florida, F-L-O-R-I-D-A…”

- The game ends, win or lose

College Magazine does not promote underage drinking. Please drink responsibly.