Monday through Thursday, for most, is when you’re focused on your college education, when you forget what the word freedom even means. But once Friday hits, the schoolwork you once thought was important slips to the bottom of the priority list. This is the time to let loose and dig into something other than a book. If you need some ideas on how to spend that free time, here’s how students around the nation spend their typical Friday night.
1. “Friday night starts out with me attempting to start homework. That never really works out but at least I get an idea for what I have to do Sunday morning (when I actually do homework). Then I head to the kitchen to casually take a shot of some liquor and head back to my room. At around 10:30 I’ll start getting texts from people hosting parties…Once the night starts dying down, we all head back to my place and end the night with Mario-Kart.”– Paul Mahesh Persaud, Rochester Institute of Technology, Senior
2. “I usually meet up with my friends around 9 at Culps and we drink and hang there. Then around midnight we go to the Coney to dance and then around 2 I’ll either head home or go to a house party till around 3:30.”– Sara Kelly, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Senior

3. “Saturday is rugby day so there was no partying on Friday. So after practice Friday night we would have a team get-together — watched movies, carved pumpkins, made T-shirts, etc. Then I’d honestly go to bed at decent times so I could get a good night’s rest for the game the next day.” – Emily Carter, Millersville University, Junior
4. “Well usually my typical Friday night would be hanging out in sweats, drinking lots of coffee, and studying for some type of nursing exam that I would have that following week. If I wasn’t studying I was working third shift at a personal care home.” – Julianna Lakota, Nursing- Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, Graduate
5. “My girlfriend and I have been dating for three years and ended up going to the same school. As soon as we got to college we decided that during the week we would be in a relationship, and then on the weekends when she went home we would be on ‘a break.’ I’m cool with it if she is!” – Justin Stauffer, Baylor University, Freshman
6. “On Fridays I usually study. That’s is not the typical answer you would hear from a college student but being an science major and an athlete, academics is my number one priority. I want… to show that in college you can be an athlete and be academically achieving as well.” – Fay Ansary, Penn State Harrisburg, Junior

7. “Lately Friday nights have been theme party nights. We all pitch in money to get on the guest list. We had a Catalina wine mixer and ugly Christmas sweater party recently. Other than parties, some Friday nights the school organizes events like bowling with shuttles or shows like Emotion which is a student organized dance performance.” – Casey Meier, Elizabethtown College, Senior
8. “My friends and I love eating together and out at our favorite restaurants. There’s this one place in Virginia Beach called the Hair of the Dog and it has the best chicken and waffles EVER… If I’m feeling introverted, I cuddle up either alone or with two of my main girls and watch a movie.” – Elizabeth Landon, Regent University, Sophomore

9. “One time, post-drinking, a couple friends and I were walking to their house when my roommate, Josh, pointed out a building and mentioned how I always wanted to get on top of it… Walking along the wall, we were able to step on an overgrowth of vines and reach the windows of the building which were adorned with metal sheets so people couldn’t break inside… [We] then managed to get to the very top section of the roof and the view of the city was absolutely breathtaking.” – Nick Lewis, The University of the Arts, Senior