We’ve all been there. One moment you’re enjoying lunch with friends and the next minute, bam; everyone’s phone is going crazy. No, your life did not just become an episode of Pretty Little Liars. It’s just another series of security alerts from your school. In most cases this requires little to no action on your part and you can go back to enjoying your lunch, but you can’t deny that the security alerts we all know too well never fail to start a storm inside your mind.
1.“Oh, a text!”

Because you’re so popular. These alerts don’t have their own specific noise or vibration, so following that signature buzz… there’s no way to know that it’s a security breach alert and not just Amanda asking about tonight’s plans.
2. “Oh no… not again.”

Really [insert college name here], don’t you think it’s about time you get your shit together? You swear you get an alert at least once a week… at least.
3. “What is it this time?”

You quickly realize something is wrong. You briefly panic, but brush it off because it is probably something dumb. You’re all for empathy, but how many times can you actually feel bad about a stolen iPhone?
4. “Please don’t be a shooting.”

Because this is everyone’s biggest fear and honestly, what the hell would you do? You then realize if this actually happened your school would alert you with that paralyzing alarm system and not some dumb text message.
5. “Let me just read it, just in case.”

You figure you kind of have to read it just in case it’s a zombie apocalypse or something. You wouldn’t want to be THAT student who sticks around because you didn’t just read the text.
6. “Who actually talks like this?”

Police have to keep some sort of mystery, but that doesn’t mean they have to talk in circles. The suspects are at large and police are still investigating? PLEASE JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED.
7. “But everyone wears hoodies…”

“Suspect is believed to be wearing a black hoodie.” Well isn’t that descriptive? You look down and of course you are wearing a black hoodie. You slowly put your hood down.
8. “Wait! I am always there.”

Of course wherever said crime happened is your favorite study spot and now you will have to think twice every time you go there.
9. “Is it too late to transfer?”

Maybe my parents were right and it is too dangerous here. The second this thought pops in your mind you push it out. You don’t scare that easy.
10. “Area is safe. Avoid Area.”

I’m sorry…what?