As soon as I stepped on Temple’s campus, upperclassman rushed to warn me about the hardest classes at Temple I was about to endure. And I don’t want to send anyone into a panic, but boy were they right. But with excellence comes great preparation.
Temple outdid themselves with these 10 hardest classes at Temple University.
1. Micro Economics

Only the power of a heaven-sent professor who intentionally makes the curriculum easy will pardon the daily migraine associated with this class. Unfortunately for most students, professors don’t tend to be very heavenly. “[My Micro professor is] a smart guy; it’s just really hard for him to explain the concept in a way that somebody that doesn’t have a Ph.D. in economics can understand,” Temple freshman Sydney Klein said. I understand. If it weren’t for my professor, I would still be trying to comprehend the concept of supply and demand.
2. Organic Chemistry

There hasn’t been a level of chemistry that I haven’t completely sucked at. So, naturally Organic Chemistry threatens every certainty of survival I have. And apparently, I’m not the only one who would walk into this class with my dukes up. “It’s a totally different language. You have to learn brand new vocabulary. The content is completely different that other chemistry course,” Temple sophomore Jordan Rubenstein said. I’m sure past chemistry courses will, at least int eh slightest bit, help you succeed in this class. However, Rubenstein shares that it’s a whole new and much more challenging branch of content that students have to learn. Good luck, my friend.
3. Studio Class for Architecture

Fun fact: having to teach yourself content that’s already extremely difficult is the leading cause of long study sessions and several mental breakdowns during the week. Students in this class have to stumble upon key lessons as they complete several projects. The professors don’t give in depth instruction on how to complete an assignment, but that’s not even the most challenging thing of the course. “I think the hardest thing about the class is that it’s very subliminal. [For]a lot of these projects, due to the nature of ever changing style and technology of architecture, you can’t go to upperclassman and be like what was successful and what wasn’t,” Temple freshman August Barrett said.
4. Intro to Engineering

College will change your entire definition of the word “intro” very quickly, but this course in particular will teach you that intro definitely does not always mean easy. This class has four different rotations: civil, bio, electrical and mechanical. The rotations are two weeks each, all taught by a different professor. The professors don’t have the time to go in depth enough to adequately prepare students for the final project at the end of each rotation. “For mechanical, we were using solid works, it’s like a program on the computer, and I just didn’t understand it that well and so on the homework I didn’t do well,” Temple freshman Rebecca Gray said.
5. Statistics in the News

Anything with the word statistics in it should automatically send a warning that hell is on its way. “All the formulas make it really complicated and the teacher over explains things. He confuses me,” Temple senior major Nico Rossi said. I actually have to take this class too and I’m stressed about how stressed I’m going to be while I’m taking it. I’m pre-stressed.
6. Media Arts 1

Do not underestimate the power of a gen ed primarily for freshman. The title Media Arts doesn’t evoke much fear, and to be honest the content doesn’t require any expertise. The real challenge begins during the many group projects. “It’s challenging to balance working with groups and getting your work in on time and meeting criteria for the videos,” Temple senior Kaley Wade said. I feel you, Wade. Group projects pluck every string of patience and tranquility I have.
7. Workings of the mind

Let me say it again a little louder this time: gen eds still get challenging, despite the misleading “intro” or “freshman” categorization. Still, the class’s content is far from boring. It focuses on the conscious and unconscious mental processes. The only downfall is the amount of work required and how accommodating your professor is. “There’s a lot of material you need to read for each class and the PowerPoint doesn’t have much information on it. Instead, it’s discussion based and that’s how his tests are too,” Temple freshman Rachel Swierc said.
8. Capstone

All history majors know that this class has the possibility to make them regret their whole major. The class focuses on a cumulative project forcing students to use everything they’ve learned in the last four years to write their first 25-paged journal article. “If you really enjoy the major, there’s an enjoyable aspect to it, but still a challenge,” Temple senior Alex Rocca said. Meanwhile, I’ve never written a 25-paged anything.
9. Human Anatomy and Physiology

Behold, ladies and gentlemen, the class where every kinesiology student starts drinking on a Wednesday afternoon and stealing their roommates Red Bull. “The concept isn’t hard, you have to keep up with the studying and memorizing. The class is an hour and 20 minutes long, but it goes by so fast because you absorb so much in that time period,” Temple freshman Ashlye Fitzmaurice said. Taking a class on the functions of the human body can be an intriguing learning experience, but at what cost?
10. MSOM

I’m pretty sure this isn’t even a real word. However, upon further inspection, it’s a slightly outdated and unfair operations management course for a Business Management major. The class examines the activities necessary to successfully provide a product or service. Students are taught skills like the distribution of resources, waiting line problems, inventory control and staffing requirements. Of course, if you’re interested in Business Management this sounds quite interesting, right? Well, your interest may waver when you learn the outdated program the class requires you to use. “It’s all about OM excel and if you don’t know it you won’t pass the class. They should renew because not many people know how to use Excel OM,” Temple senior Natasha Zubair said.