How I Met your Mother has some of the best Halloween costumes on television – change my mind. From Marshall as a gay pirate to the gang as Frankenstein, his monster and a scared villager, you just can’t go wrong drawing inspiration from their ludicrous looks. You can either get the squad together or dress up solo but be sure to make use of these HIMYM themed Halloween costume ideas.
Solo Costumes: For when You’re as Single as Ted
1. The Hanging Chad

Lily Aldrin called it: “Nobody remembers what the hell a hanging chad is.” After donning this iconic costume, however, you and all your friends will. In the 2000 presidential election, many voters used punch-style ballots in Florida. When casting their vote for Bush or Gore some ballots were punched incorrectly, resulting in partially-punched chads, with a little corner that would still hang on from the incomplete punch. Only Ted Mosby would find a way to turn this forgettable moment in history into a costume. Marshall said it best, “What a sad commentary on our national attention span.” Decorate a piece of cardboard as a voting ballot then keep one cutout hanging precariously off. Remember the chads. Do it for Ted.
2. The Slutty Pumpkin

Warning: wearing this costume may result in making Ted Mosby fall in love with you. He will wear his “hanging chad” costume year after year and attend the same NYC roof party hoping to run into you again. Then, after years of no contact, you two will meet up for the long-awaited date and he will be the most awkward person you’ve ever met. All you need is a massive orange throw with ‘strategic cutouts.’
3. Ducky Tie Barney

Suit up. Then, find the most childish, embarrassing ducky tie you’ve ever laid eyes on. Next, struggle with learning how to tie a tie via YouTube. You should allocate a few hours to that part. Finally, tighten it around your collar. Trick or treat with pride, because you’re the hottest on the block. The timeless fun of a ducky tie will juxtapose the classiness of your suit perfectly. And just so you know, when Halloween ends, you have to keep wearing this.
4. Robin Sparkles

Let’s go to the mall, everybody! For this look, grab your 80’s gear (according to Robin, the 80’s didn’t come to Canada until ‘93) and pull on a bedazzled jean jacket over your denim skirt. Put your hair through a wind tunnel, then slap a bow on it. Find a way to incorporate fishnet fashion, add some big plastic jewelry and voila. Throw every last care away, and head to the mall – today.
5. The Mother

Tracy McConnel. The woman fans have been itching to see since the very first episode of How I Met Your Mother. Back in 2005, dressing up as Ted’s future wife would mean dressing up as an enigma. Luckily it won’t come to that. For this costume, all you truly need is a yellow umbrella. It also won’t hurt to have everything Ted looks for in a woman. Bring a bass guitar (or a ukelele), A CD from “The Unicorns,” Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone and the book World’s End by T.C. Boyle.
6. Ted

Renaissance is now pronounced reNAYssaince. Encyclopedia is now encycloPEYdia. Correct everything other people say and third wheel with every couple you can. To complete the charade, all you need is a pair of red cowboy boots, a blue french horn and an undying love for a girl you just met. Easy peasy. For bonus points, add a goat hoof mark on your forehead or an old Wesleyan University college tee. Don’t forget to say “I love you” to people instead of “thanks” when they hand out candy.
7. Hippie Barney

Grab a colorful tie-dye shirt, a green vest and some cargo shorts. Pick up a long, blond wig from PartyCity. If you really want to sell this costume, then grab an electric keyboard, get some tears going and practice your singing voice: “Will I ever see another rainbow?//Baby please don’t go!”
Group Costumes for the Gang
8. The breakfast club except everyone is John Bender

Five friends dressing each up as individual members of the breakfast club? Nah. Five friends agreeing to dress up as the breakfast club and everybody shows up to the party as John Bender? That’s more like it. This look requires five demin jackets, five red flannel shirts, five oversized gray coats and five red scarves. Practice your delinquent smile. Don’t forget to add in Claire’s diamond earring as the finishing touch.
9. Lady and the Tramp and their bowl of spaghetti

Ah, another classic, absolutely unforgettable trio according to Ted Mosby. You just can’t picture Lady and the Tramp without their bowl of spaghetti. What meatball would be rolled longingly across the plate? Grab some cute dog-ear headpieces, a blue collar and some padded mittens for your Lady and your Tramp. Then, decorate a plain white tee with yellow rope and a couple Styrofoam meatballs. Bonappetit. Your trio is now complete.
10. Lewis and Clark and their canoe

Lewis and Clark, famously lead across the Louisiana territory by… Canoe, the incredible Lemhi Shoshone woman. Canoe, who translated for the two explorers all throughout their expedition. Canoe, the famous daughter of the Shoshones chief. No, no, it wouldn’t make sense to go as Sacagawea. According to Ted, Lewis and Clark owe it all to trusty Canoe.