After you've prepared your sustenance for the night, consider the setting that you plan on studying the night away in. Make sure your area is well lit (avoid harsh fluorescent lighting if possible) and that there are minimal noise distractions. Stay out of high-traffic zones and also consider what you are wearing. It’s a lot harder to focus when you are practically wearing pajamas, so find a blend of comfortable but not bed-ready garments. Comfortable shoes, socks, jeans and a T-shirt and hoodie can provide warmth (but not too much, because we all know snuggly=sleepy!)
You’ve found your corner of the library or dorm that is perfect, and you’re dressed to smash through page after page of Powerpoint slides; now it’s time to get to business. It is unlikely that you’ll be able to power through the night with total focus, so be sure to break up your chunks of studying with 10-15 minute breaks. Studies have shown that studying for around 50 minutes and then giving yourself a 10-minute break is one of the most effective ways of retaining information, as long as that 50-minute period is focused and uninterrupted.