Environmental protection needs your attention. With time ticking, we must reduce the destruction of our eco-systems that allow us to live and enjoy the place that we call home. We can’t sustain the long-term health of animals, humans and plants without taking action. Today, you have the opportunity to lead a new generation of green living. All of you across different regions of the United States can make a difference. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to go green. Simple changes in daily lifestyles make an enormous difference. From social media to media consumption to lifestyles, we can all make a difference.
How to Get Involved with Helping the Environment
Organizations and Impact Groups:
1. Dogwood Alliance

Attention southern students. Looking for an opportunity to improve water and fresh air? Do you also want to protect from floods and the effects of climate change? You found your group. The Dogwood Alliance stands with the forests and people of the south. Through steady support, advocates provide the sustained resources needed to protect our forests. The Southern forests, home to some of the country’s most beautiful and unique greenery, need your help to live as vibrant as before.
2. Climate Change 350

Stopping fossil fuels will help build clean energy for all. Climate Change 350 aims to build 100% renewables. They envision a future built on just, prosperous, equitable and safe means of climate change prevention. “When we honor the ripples of our actions beyond just what’s convenient for us, and when we collaborate with one another, we can have profound impacts,” said Riley Kaiser, the Voice of Youth Project Coordinator at 350 Madison, a branch of the Climate Change 350 organization. Supporting community–led energy solutions, 350 wants to speed up the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Stopping and banning all oil, coal and gas projects from beginning starts with defunding and de-sponsoring fossil fuel companies. As college students, we need to take action. Get involved with 350 and find a chapter near you. For all you know, your school might already have one. It all starts with knowledge and advocacy.
3. Sierra Club

Sierra Club desires a vibrant and healthy world—from city parks to forests of redwoods, from the air we breathe to the water we drink and from the land we walk to the agriculture we harvest. “At Sierra Club, we come at change to protect our environment from every angle,” said Cassie Steiner, Campaign Coordinator for Sierra Club Wisconsin. Whatever your passion, Sierra Club has the resources. Through information, marches, projects, news and policy, students advocate by joining a chapter near them. Creating opportunities for everyone to experience the transformative power of the outdoors, Sierra Club exists to improve our mental, physical and social health by getting outdoors. Your actions matter. Get involved with Sierra Club.
Expert Quotes
Dr. Tracey Holloway, the Gaylord Nelson Distinguished Professor at UW-Madison, describes herself as an air quality scientist, studying the intersection of air quality, energy, climate and public health.
“There are a lot of actions that can make a difference. I think reducing energy use—by turning off lights when you’re not in, insulating windows to keep heating costs down and taking public transit or walking—all are win-win-win: they save money, they avoid carbon dioxide emissions and they improve the air we breathe.”
“Running the bathroom fan can reduce your exposure to mold (by avoiding humid conditions), and opening the windows when using cleaning products can reduce your exposure to volatile organic compounds (by ventilating your space).”
“Outdoor air is more complicated, but individual actions still play a role. For example, choosing to walk or bike rather than driving can reduce emissions of nitrogen dioxide that affects health, as well as carbon dioxide that affects climate.”
Top 3 Sites:
1. TreeHugger

Do you ever think about our impact on the environment? TreeHugger keeps readers up to date on country-wide environmental news. Their staff post about 20 new articles a day ranging from topics of health to sustainable fashion. Adopt their tips and start making a difference using the information given about the environment, our impact on it and how we can treat it better.
2. Grist

Drop the formal news and hop on the Grist bandwagon for news you actually want to read. Grist covers digestible topics for students all across the country. For example, you could check out an opinion piece on Big Little Lies’ climate change episode or read Trump’s officials’ silly climate comments.
3. RealClimate

If you have a passion for climatology, you will love RealClimate. This website includes commentary from different climate scientists. With many options, you can choose from different categories ranging from climate science to solutions.
Top 3 Twitter pages:
1. @World_wildlife

The World Wildlife Fund takes a global approach to facing big conservation challenges. A World Wildlife Fund tweet looks a little like this: brilliant shots of a certain species, followed by information about their habitat and life on earth and different operations or proposals that put them at high risk of extinction.
2. @Nature_org

This twitter page works to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Unlike revolving around negativity, the writers at Nature Conservancy focus on earth optimism. Highlighting reasons to feel positive, writers highlight our achievements as human beings while still staying realistic about the challenges ahead. See the brighter side by giving it a read.
3. @Climateprogress

Do you want the cold, hard facts? Climate Progress provides the progressive perspective on climate science, climate solutions and climate politics. With the risk our environment faces, you must educate yourself of these dangers and vote with that in mind. Scroll through the page’s information on the candidates to ensure that you back your vote with knowledge and research.
Top 3 Instagram pages:
1. @Oceana

Who doesn’t love an aesthetically pleasing Instagram account? Oceana’s profile displays some of the most beautiful shots of animals in their natural habitat. Each post highlights the history of the species as well as provides a status report on their well-being. Give their page a follow to see how our actions affect the place they call home.
2. @Leonardo DiCaprio

Although most of the icebergs have melted by now, Leonardo DiCpario would much rather run the risk of another Titanic like scenario instead of our warming temperatures. DiCaprio, actor and environmentalist, has devoted his Instagram account to exposing the struggles and victories people face as environmentalists. Give him a follow for daily environmental updates.
3. @nrdc_org

The NRDC acts as the earth’s best defense. Some of the story categories include whales, coal, transportation and food. Simply clicking through these categories provides users with loads of information on latest news happenings, transportation tips and success stories resulted from changed behavior. Search no more, follow NRDC for any and all of your environmentally conscious tricks.