With summer coming to an end, we must face the fact that fall semester looms in the near future like a supervillain. However, for seniors this isn’t just another fall filled with football and tailgates. This is the last fall semester of our college careers. You know what that means? Senioritis. Seniors describe this sickness as easy to catch and almost impossible to get rid of. So sit back and buckle up, seniors. This fall is going to be a long final semester for you. But have no fear, you can be your own superhero and fight the super-sickening senioritis by following these five steps.
Maintain Focus And Organization

Instead of focusing on all the reasons you don’t want to be in school anymore, focus on all the reasons why you should. You kept a clear route to graduation for all these semesters, so why give up now? “If students can recognize the onset, then they need to find the necessary mental discipline to overcome [senioritis] by concentrating even harder on their academic tasks,” University of Utah ethics professor Dr. Vergobbi said. To guarantee you maintain focus, make an effort to stay organized–even if you need to bribe yourself. Personally, peanut M&Ms tend to do the trick. Find something you love, and use it as a motivator. Works every time.
Keep A Planner

Keeping a planner helps with time management skills and guarantees you never miss a due date. “I honestly didn’t use a planner until my senior year. Having a planner made it easier for me to schedule out my entire day. I could schedule work and school and give myself enough time to focus and prioritize,” Utah grad student Carlee Ventura said. This goes for things even beyond the classroom and homework. Writing down everything you have to do in one place helps you balance academics and work with your social life. Never worry about overbooking yourself again. I’m a constant offender of double booking myself. Don’t be that girl who shows up for study group instead of a hot date. Use a planner.
Take Care Of Yourself

No, kids, this doesn’t just mean your liver. “Staying healthy and active throughout the semester helps to keep me motivated in my schooling. When I take care of myself and maintain a daily routine I am more able to focus on my schoolwork,” Utah grad student Kelsey Haney said. Getting enough sleep is tough, but I promise if you don’t, you’ll hate college, especially those dreaded morning classes. Sometimes you have to pull an all nighter, but don’t make it a habit. Give yourself plenty of time for assignments and studying. See where that planer comes in handy again? Also, eat right and exercise. Pizza and Netflix aren’t your only options in college. At least get some squats in while you binge Making a Murderer.
Create A Post-Grad Bucket List

Though you already feel like you’re “adulting” (or at least trying to) by just being in college, real life doesn’t truly hit you until you graduate. As a college graduate, you’re supposed to be a mature, sober and serious adult, but don’t let that dictate your life. Come up with a bucket list of things you want and can finally afford to do after graduation once you have a grown-up job. Work should definitely be a priority, but you don’t want it to consume you. Make time for fun. This might even motivate you to keep pushing through all those final exams. Nothing says reward like a long vacation after an even longer final semester.
Remember All The Hard Work

If you don’t remember any of these steps, at least make note of this one. All of the studying, homework, projects, time and money spent aren’t worth throwing away to be lazy during the home stretch. “College is like a marathon; it’s important to finish strong. Remember all of that enthusiasm you had coming into the first semester. Now, here you are, nearly free, but the race is not complete until the final paper is handed in, the final exam taken,” University of Utah law professor Amanda Dickson said. Whenever you lie in bed debating to skip class or not, remind yourself of all the training you put in over the last few years. Then, get your butt up, and go to class. College is without a doubt one of the hardest and most stressful things to go through. If you can stick it out and suffer through the studying, and of course spontaneous crying and breakdowns, you will cross that finish line.