When it comes to explaining the infinite complexities of the college student, monotone prose just won’t cut it. But the harmonic perfection that is the musical? Well, that can make sense of the madness that is university life. This is what happens when life really is a song.
The Phantom
When you wake up on the morning after a long Saturday night and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror:
The Just Plain Misérable
When you reflect on your life right now:
The Snape-r Paper
When you try to write your whole term paper from Wikipedia:
The Internal Duel
When your roommates try to cut you off because you threw up in the pub bathroom one time:
The Maybe I Should Read Next Time
When you have to join the debate in section to get your participation points:
The Russell Cr…–Oh my god is that four zeros?
When you get your tuition bill:
The Ogre in the room
When you try to defend your major to your Aunt Kathy:
The yearly drought
When you start looking for jobs in the “real world”:
The Broke Sister Act
When you hit the check-out with nothing but beans and ramen in your basket:
the team spirit
When you failed your o-chem exam and you’re convinced that you’re the stupidest person in the class but then the professor puts the class average on the board:
The not-so-Wicked
When you walk up to get your diploma, and realize just how much you’re going to miss your university: