If you're a fan of movies, you probably know that Zooey Deschanel's character Summer in (500) Days of Summer could've been a bit nicer to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. You felt sorry for Juno's unplanned pregnancy but amused by her witty banter, and were more than a little creeeped out by Christian Bale's turn as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.
But at the same time, maybe you couldn't help but wonder: If these characters were assigned to create a mix CD of their favorite songs, how cool would that be? Paste Magazine's answer is pretty darn cool.
Along with Summer, Juno and Patrick Bateman, Bonnie Stierenberg has handpicked a list of the 15 onscreen music buffs that would create the most interesting playlists. Perhaps not coincidentally, most of the movies and TV shows on this list (like Garden State) have pretty stellar soundtracks, but this project goes beyond what the audience sees and hears and gets into the character's heads. Take a scroll through the video clips of these characters and try to figure out what would be featured on their musical creations.