The great thing about going to college is that you get to choose where you would like to go. Sometimes you don’t always get to go exactly where you want, but after a semester or two, depending on grades, it is possible to transfer. Many students choose to first go to community college and then transfer to their university of choice. This choice is economical, smart and only a short detour on the path to starting your true college life.
As a student who transferred from a community college, I can say without a doubt that this is 100 percent true. I now attend Salisbury University after transferring this semester from the College of Southern Maryland, a small community college.
My main reason for transferring was because of my major. Salisbury has a better accounting program overall compared to that of CSM. I can also receive my bachelor’s degree at Salisbury, where as at CSM I could only receive an associate’s degree.
People always say that college is one of the best experiences of your life, so I would say that I transferred for social reasons as well. I wanted to feel what it was like to actually live on campus, rather than having to drive to class everyday. It is also pretty interesting living around a whole range of different people.
There are definitely a lot more parties and social events here compared to what was at CSM. You really hear what’s going on while living in an apartment on campus. At CSM I was there for class and only class. Then I would go home, where my parents are…yikes.
I don’t think that CSM had exactly what I was looking for. It’s a good place to start out, but Salisbury is a much better fit for me. The campus is the perfect size and everyone on it is friendly and open to new people. I love it here at Salisbury, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the semester. So far, I like it much more than CSM. I’ve met a lot of new people and my classes seem to be going pretty well. Though my first exam is on Thursday…
I think that transferring is definitely a good idea for everyone who feels they are missing something. I was able to stay at home and save up money and now I get to have my awesome college experience like everyone else.
Photo: Gamma Man at