This year’s been full of a lot of pajamas and sweats, hasn’t it? Most people try hard to go out only when necessary during the pandemic, which means less of a reason to get dressed up. Even Zoom calls only need to see your top-half. With the way this year progressed, it’s time we start exploring new styles again, even if you wear your new finds around the house. These fashion influencers all have different styles and looks that could jumpstart your new wardrobe for the new year. Less hoodies, maybe a few more dresses… or capes. We need new patterns and colors and cuts to spice up our new year. Whether you’re looking for some casual streetwear or ready to make a grand entrance with a daring outfit, these blogs are here for your inspiration.
Read on for the top 10 fashion influencers. You may find your next fashion trend!
1. Zachary Pinsent

I told you there would be some out of the box choices, so we’re starting off strong! You can find Zachary Pinsent on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube and Twitter; on each of these platforms, he shows off his historic style. Ranging from the late seventeenth century and stretching toward the twentieth, Zack lives every day in his vintage aesthetic— regency, Victorian, Georgian and so much more. And it’s just… INSPIRING. His page sparks encouragement to live the life you want with the style that truly fits you. More than just the motivation from the styles themselves, Zack’s clothes-making skills and informative videos built him a strong following. If you’re like me and think vintage fashion—from all eras—is exceptionally beautiful, this is the page for you. Both for inspiration and appreciation.
2. Sincerely Jules
This blog will give you all you need to really investigate your fashion. Julia Sariñana showcases her own beautiful and summery style in an easy-to-navigate and expansive site. She displays her collaborations with different brands, as well as collages of all the styles she has put together. Her blog’s also got a Lifestyle section— home decor tips, gift-giving ideas and, very importantly, a Black Lives Matter page that connects to other black creatives.
“Sincerely Jules is more of a personal project by the creator Julia Sariñana, in which she gives style tips and catalogues collaborations with online fashion brands such as Revolve, which is huge on Instagram,” John Jay junior Raffaella Elmi said, “Very chic, sophisticated street style.”
This is a blog not only for inspiration, but also just one to feel good with. Whether you’re shopping on her Shop With Me page or merely browsing her outfits, styles and blog, you’re sure to leave your computer wanting to make positive changes and choices for your life.
3. Sierra Schultzzie
Style ICON. Sierra’s made herself known online for over five years by sharing her unique style and life guides. She’s focused on having a curvy, mid-sized and plus-sized body in her field and tries out different trends. Yep, this includes some out-of-the-box challenges, and even specifically targeting trends to expand her tastes. This means some “I Styled Clothes That Make Me Feel Insecure For a Week” and “I Style Clothes I Never Wear For a Week.” She additionally shops to show her audience just what does and does not work.
Along with her impeccable fashion, we get to see her talk about experiences with body positivity as she encounters the fashion and YouTube world. Sierra explores more accessible options like Walmart and Target. She also looks into the weird and expensive, such as Dolls Kill or Abercrombie. By pushing herself to challenge her own style and comfort zone, Sierra proves a great mentor for audiences to see different styles and tastes that just might inspire their options.
Stylish and proud? Jess dedicates this page to her fashion, one that’s androgynous and gorgeous. Not only does she display the outfits she puts together and her video compilations, but she proudly thrifts to get clothes sustainably. She features a variety of different outfits and aesthetics and goes through different challenges to get out of her comfort zone. For queer students looking for a new look, you can’t miss checking this page out.
“Personal style is so unique! My best friends describe me as a ‘Precious Gangster.’ I look like a badass (most of the time) then you meet me and I’m really soft. I think my style reflects that too. I love adding leather or black clothing to something super feminine print,” Jess said. “When I first started the Thrifted Gay, my goal was to help people find their style on a budget through thrifting. I realized this page has influenced people that gender norms are not tied to clothing items. Thrifting isn’t gendered and your wardrobe shouldn’t be either. I’m very fortunate to be a part of such a great community on Instagram.”
Jess additionally uses her platform to educate her followers on the LBGTQIA+ community. Through this, she creates a safe space for those who identify as queer and allies of the queer community, allowing for conversations on queer topics and complete freedom of expression. A lovely page and an even lovelier person, this page just must be checked out. The challenges and trends she tries out scream unique – so much so that it just might reveal a style you’ll want too.
5. The Satorialist
The photographer behind the Satorialist emphasizes the everyday harmonizing with the great styles he shoots. The blog shows a variety of styles and models going about their days all in beautifully inspiring looks. It’s not just the ultra-unreachable they exhibit— these gorgeous photos show you just what you can emulate next time you go shopping.
“The Satorialist is a nice blend between high end fashion and photography, so there’s lots of inspiration for seeing how people create street style looks during fashion week in Milan, New York and Paris,” John Jay junior Raffaella Elmi said.
Their photos are all tagged too, to make it easier for you to browse different styles. You can search by city, such as “Florence”, or even “androgyny” and “patterns.” Either way, it allows a great way to access all kinds of styles that are new and noteworthy.
6. Tomboyfemme
“Tomboy femme is style, not gender. All bodies celebrated,” this page’s bio says. An important message from a great page! While anyone can get something out of it, this page is valuable for queer people looking to explore their personal style. Tomboyfemme showcases some great androgynous or gender non-conforming fashion with a wide range of models and tastes. From sweaters to blazers to overalls, there will be plenty of variety to check out and expand your options. While it started around 2009 on Tumblr, it stills finds itself thriving here on Instagram. The models who submitted their work are all tagged in their photos, connecting you with even more options that just might lend themselves to your style.
7. Kelsey-Marie
Not only do we have another gorgeous style, but another caring advocate for sustainability. Kelsey-Marie features her own style on her page in addition to the day-to-day experiences of her life. She shares her thoughts on journaling, self-reflection and self-care along with her sleek and unique style. Along with the fashion, you’ll hear about nutrition, her lifestyle and her advice. A productive place for love and positivity, you won’t want to miss out.
The fashion she shares extends not just to the beautifully casual, but includes all sorts of wild patterns, extreme sleeves and styles unlikely to be found anywhere else. Whether you’re searching for ideas for funky suits or elegant and flowy dresses, Kelsey-Marie provides a great opportunity to search for what fits you. You won’t only find high-end clothes you’ll want to emulate, but a new appreciation for aesthetics in the everyday.
8. Damilola
Gorgeous, gorgeous everywhere— this U.K. style blogger offers all you’ll need when it comes to fashion, patterns and just how to rock every look. Damilola shows a range of styles, from the completely casual sweats to the ultimate fancy Organza Glamour gowns. With her posts, you won’t only be getting inspiration for your outfits. She also connects you to shops and stores with links to help you add to your own unique style. On her page, you’ll see some beautiful stuff—some more modern like the gorgeous and wildly patterned jumpsuits she rocks. And some with a more vintage style like pinup-esque dresses and pleated skirts. A must-see page, you certainly won’t want to miss out on her bold choices—especially with the cuts on dresses and jackets.
9. Junk Gold
Yes, yes, yes! This Instagram page not only offers inspiration for outfits and styles, but also provides their services to sell some of their items. Junk Gold is for anyone who’s unable to go out and shop or thrift, but still want that vintage and sustainable lifestyle. They show bundle deals on their page and even endeavor Pop-Up Shops when they can.
“Junk Gold is an innovative way to shop for sustainable clothing, especially during such remote times. It is a unique way to play around with new clothing items and styles—which I have found to be an entertaining form of self-expression during quarantine. The founder has made it almost effortless for her clients to receive personalized, curated pieces based on their preferences and any style inspo that they may provide,” Binghamton junior Yara Barakat said, “On her site, she prices three options for thrift bundles based on how many outfits a client would want to purchase. As these are thrifted pieces, it is ultimately up to the stylist to find the right pieces which calls for a trust within her clients as well.”
The styles they offer are varied, colorful and can appeal to all tastes. This page offers great options not only for people wishing to save money and shop better, but also to those looking to support small businesses. There’s nothing better than supporting the locally owned businesses!
10. Tash / @everysingleoneofmyoutfits
Something so simple yet so perfect. Tash’s pages showcases the different outfits she wears, all displayed in the same comfortable and natural pose. Her cozy style shows off plenty of colorful sweaters and unique designs while still expressing the high-fashion she clearly has. You won’t just get one style either. She offers various and popping colors of the rainbow, as well as monochromatic and more simple tastes. You won’t just get one thing either—pants and skirts, zebra and plain, hoodies and button-ups and sweaters. Tash has an amazing wardrobe that works her and surely inspires her 10.4 thousand followers! Everyone glancing at her page can get a new appreciation for patterns—whether fruit or cow—and find a new way to look at their own wardrobe.