College comes with so many…interesting experiences. You might score a 100 on a test you studied for all night then celebrate so hard that you wake up on a gondola ride in the middle of Venice. Or you might be reading this on the toilet. Also, the fact that you only have 74 cents in your bank account probably hasn’t crossed your mind for days. And you’re tired of hearing the same cliché quotes every time you call your parents. How the hell these sayings correlate to your life? Now’s your chance to finally understand the true meaning behind these phrases, but you might want to flush, though.
Not All Who Wander Are Lost

All the philosopher majors out there try dissecting this to find a deeper meaning. The more literal version probably hits closer to home for college students. As a freshman, you spend half of your first semester trying to figure out the maze of buildings, while trying your best not to look like a freshman. “It amazes me the amount of people that haven’t figured out campus yet. There’s like 200 maps around, please use one!” said University of Miami junior Carlos San Jose. Those looking at their phone stumbling about aren’t lost. Consider them the few souls that still play Pokémon Go.
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead

I’m no statistician, but I’d say that 11 out of 10 college students get less than three hours of sleep a night. Every quick, 30-minute break you find must be taken advantage in the form of a power nap. After staying up till 6 a.m. working on botany homework, you revel in the two hours of sleep before you wake up for your 8 a.m. “College just prepares you for when sleeping two hours is the best night’s rest of your life,” said Miami-Dade College senior Kevin Ramos. Eventually sleep will mean nothing to you, and your zombie-like corpse will be pulling all-nighters in your sleep. Get it? Man, I need to go to bed.
A Penny Saved is A Penny Earned

Confidently swiping your debit card at Hot Topic without checking your bank statement makes you the biggest baller in your college town. You won’t understand the value of a dollar until you eat ramen every night because you’re going to the club this weekend. At the beginning of the month you find yourself with money to blow. You buy beer for the upcoming party, go to lunch with your squad and buy that super fly jacket. Now you have two dollars in your account and 28 days left in the month. “If you can survive on six dollars in your bank account for an entire week, you can be a well functioning adult,” said Florida International University senior Justin Taylor.
You Are What You Eat

PSA: The freshman 15 exists. And so does the sophomore 17. And the junior “just gained 30 pounds,” followed by the senior “shit I should probably eat a salad.” The clock never stops ticking. Spending an hour making a heart healthy, delicious meal for yourself sounds like crazy talk. “If I could eat Firehouse Subs and drink Smoothie King every single day and have a perfect body for the rest of my life I’d be the happiest person on the planet,” said Florida State junior Troy Wisneski. Don’t fret. In the prime of our lives, we can afford to treat them like crap and not worry about the repercussions that follow years down the road.
Give it the Good Ol’ Fashioned College Try

What the hell does this even more? To do your best? Giving it the “good ol’ fashioned college try” means living your life to the fullest. I mean, we’re living the best years of our lives right now and we don’t even realize it. We should try anything and everything we possibly can, from eating weird food to publicly dancing in rain without a care in the world. So get off the toilet, pull your pants up and take on the world in full force. Fashion Institute of Technology junior Gaby Ascunce said, “We’re able to spend every day discovering who we actually are as people in this life. I’m giving it the college try and you should be, too.”