By: Hilary Weissman>sophomore>Journalism> University of Maryland
In a world where you can be friends with people you don’t actually talk to, your scrapbooks are digitally enhanced and nearly anyone can read your conversations, it’s no surprise PDA between couples has taken on a whole new meaning. Facebook allows couples to shout their love from the virtual mountaintops of social media. Sharing is caring, but where do we draw the line between security in a stable relationship and airing dirty laundry?
In profile pictures everywhere couples showcase their status with serious PDA. Keep in mind this is the picture that represents you to your networks. “I get the novelty and fun of it. You’re in love and you want the world to know,” said Roslyn Ellis, a junior at Western Michigan University. Artistic pictures of a couple gazing into each other’s eyes are nice, but if you don’t want to be mocked, leave your PG-13 pictures to your photo albums.
“Mushy pictures are fine up to a certain point, which I think should be drawn at a closed mouth kiss. Anything beyond that is creepy and borderline pornographic,” said Michael Brightman, a sophomore at New York University.
On the subject of TMI, wall posting should be limited to sharing things with a significant other that can only be shared on the Web: links to videos they would like, songs that remind you of them, even a sporadic funny thought that comes to mind. Recounting private, dramatic or even steamy details from last weekend does not belong on a public wall. Save it for a private inbox or text message.
“Why couples leave those comments on each other’s wall is beyond me. I don’t know why they wouldn’t just say it to them [in person],” said Nick Angelo, a sophomore architecture major at the University of Texas.
Sure it’s important to establish your Facebook relationship status to ward off advances from unwitting suitors. But really?
“I feel like relationship statuses are really up to the people in the relationship. If they wish to publicize their relationship status, Facebook is a great way to do it,” said Brightman. Relationship definition can be a big step for anyone in the real world. In cyberspace, it’s a literal tag linking you to your significant other with one click. “I think it sucks that in today’s society for a relationship to be ‘official’ or real it needs to be on Facebook. That being said, I just think it’s how it is these days,” said Ellis.
Top FB Faux Pas:
1. Poking incessantly—it’s just not cool.
2. Being in a relationship with someone one day, and then not. Oh wait, now it’s back on again, but then it’s over again. Too many posts on the newsfeed about you are not good.
3. Posting on your significant other’s wall so much your wall-to-wall is just you and it is not reciprocated. If your partner isn’t into it, maybe you should cool it.
4. Adding you ex’s new beau. Can you say awkward?
5. Stalking your new boo’s photos and wall posts with their ex. That’s just creepy.
6. Depressing quotes as status updates after a break-up. You’ll be avoided like the plague.
7. The only Valentine’s Day gift you got your significant other was an item on Farmville.
8. Liking or commenting on an ex’s new relationship status.
9. Liking every single one of your significant other’s default pictures. You’re attracted. We get it.
10. De-friending your ex, but checking up on them from your friends’ accounts.
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