“Would you rather” questions about your education may not sound as crazy as the original, but you’ll be surprised how difficult and stress-inducing these options are. College ends up being four years filled with anxiety of “what ifs” and “I hope this doesn’t happen” along with all of the good times. The only thing scarier than sleeping through your finals is….well, is there anything scarier?
Which would you rather questions can you even bear to answer?
1. Would you rather have your roommate walk in on you with your date or mistake your class registration date one week late?

Both of these are definitely stress inducing, so choose wisely. But who knows, maybe missing out on registration would have more long lasting effects?
2. Would you rather sleep through all your finals or get locked out of your dorm overnight without a change of clothes?

“Get locked out, get a swanky hotel,” said University of Southern California senior Timothy Nguyen. This one came out to be a pretty large no-brainer. Sounds like a great opportunity to treat yo self.
3. Would you rather have a final on Christmas Eve or run out of meal swipes halfway through the semester?

University of Washington junior Jake Johnson said, “[I’d rather] have a final on Christmas Eve.” Meal swipes are clearly valuable.
4. Would you rather live with your RA in a double or commute an hour to campus everyday while having an 8 a.m.?

New York University Resident Assistant Anna Springer said, “Live with your RA. Duh?”
“I am an RA, so I will live with myself,” joked Nguyen. That commuter life must really suck.
5. Would you rather take a semester of solely general required classes (i.e. basic math, science, writing, etc.) or be forced to graduate a semester late without your friends?

“Take a semester of required classes. If you need it to graduate, then there’s no avoiding it,” said University of Illinois senior Jules Nolasco. This one’s a no-brainer—graduating alone does not sound fun.
6. Would you rather be sexiled for two nights in a row or study—without sleep— for two nights in a row?

While the first option sexiled may equal no sleep, you might have a friend who can offer you a couch. It’s not as comfortable as your sweet sweet bed, but it might beat the books.
7. Would you rather be in a classroom that, strictly, does not allow “technology of any kind” or have professor that was rated a C on Rate My Professor?

“[I’d rather have the] Rate My Professor option. I’ve had the worst rated in the university before and he wasn’t bad at all, he was just strict. It happens. We are adults. Deal with it,” said University of West Florida student Sally Perez.
“No technology. I take notes by hand so I’ll take my chances and keep my grades up,” said University of Central Florida senior Nicole Guevara. Hmm, tough call for this one.
8. Would you rather have two essays due on the same day or have two exams scheduled on the same day?

“Two exams. Essay stress is a whole different ball park,” said UCF junior Ashley Berrios.
9. Would you rather switch your major senior year or begin a full time job the day after graduation?

Most students would want the full time job –there’s nothing more stressful than a last minute major switch.
10. Would you rather come home to a pile of dirty dishes everyday or a grimy shower (both courtesy of your suitemates)?

Now this one really comes down to: What would you make you more disgusted?
11. Would you rather get bed bugs during midterm season or get lice during finals season?

Both sound pretty terrible, but it really depends on your stress levels during different exam seasons. Are finals really more stressful than midterms?
“Lice because by finals, my grade in the classes should hopefully be pretty solid. Plus, it’s the end so people won’t know who spread the lice around,” said Guevara.
“Bed bugs. I’m terrified of lice,” said Perez.
12. Would you rather have a seriously uncomfortable random roommate experience or a horrible ex-best-friend roommate experience?

“As someone who has had a beyond uncomfortable random roommate experience, I would take my chances with the ex-best friend roommate experience,” said Nolasco.
13. Would you rather live with inconsiderate fraternity members who leave their shaved facial hair on the sick or inconsiderate sorority members who are unable to properly dispose of their used tampons?

Again: What would you make you less disgusted? Either way, prepare for a daily cleaning session.
14. Would you rather cook every meal for yourself from scratch or have to do your laundry twice a week at an off campus laundromat?

Cook every meal, right? It may be tiring, but not as much as doing laundry that often. I can barely do it ONCE a week.
15. Would you rather live with someone who smells like poop or smell like poop and not know it?

Self-hatred or self-preservation? The choice is all yours.
16. Would you rather be walked in on while getting in on with your significant other by your roommate’s parents or your RA?

This is all about determining levels of embarrassment. Which one would make you slightly less red?
17. Would you rather be forced to study abroad an entire year your freshman year or your senior year?

Studying abroad is AWESOME, but it’s also a lot of time away from home, right off the bat. Many have done it, but not everyone can handle that. What about you?
18. Would you rather lose your phone or your laptop right the first day of class?

Definitely my laptop. Paper and pen will always exist—and for cheap—and anything I desperately need is usually on my phone. This question is probably more difficult for Windows users as opposed to Mac users, though.
19. Would you rather go a whole month without coffee or go a whole semester without a day off of class?

“A whole semester without a day off. A month without coffee would be my academic demise,” said Berrios.
20. Would you rather have a semester full of 8 a.m. classes or have a semester full of late-night classes?

Late nights. Always. You may think you can do those early morning classes. But so does everyone else.
21. Would you rather show up late and miss commencement or go to school for an extra year?

One of these still means getting your degree on time, sooooo….?
Looking for more? Check out one of the Hardest Questions You’ll Ever Be Asked: Oral Sex or Cheese?
By the College Magazine Team.
CM went out and asked college students one hotly debated question: If you had to give one up, which would it be, oral sex or cheese? Here’s what you said:
Victor, Oklahoma State University, Freshman, Marketing major:
“Definitely oral sex because I love cheese. There’s just so much at stake with giving up cheese; cheeseburgers, sandwiches, cheesecake, cottage cheese, Cheez-It’s, macaroni and cheese, pizza.”
Eric, American University, Freshman, International Business and Marketing major:
“Oral sex because there’s still normal sex and cheese goes on so many things that I couldn’t live without.”
DJ, Auburn University, Sophomore, Psychology major:
“Well, I’m lactose intolerant, so cheese by default.”
Taylor, Clemson University, Sophomore, Early Childhood Education major:
“Well, I don’t really like cheese, so….”
Audrey, Boston University, Sophomore, Religion major:
“Cheese because it is fattening and blow jobs are not, yet they’re both protein packed. I’m just happy I live in a country where I can have cheese and oral.”
Rachel, Barnard University, Sophomore, English major:
“I would give up oral because cheese is a life-long friend who never has given me a urinary tract infection.”
Seth, Cornell University, Junior, Communications major:
“Oral sex because I really don’t think I could go longer than 2 days without cheese.”
Ben, Emory University, Junior, English major:
“All forms of sex are important in relationships. Giving up oral could have detrimental effects.”
Erica, University of Michigan, Junior, Political Science major:
“I’ve never received oral sex, but based on what I hear, I’d give up cheese.”
Steven, The Ohio State University, Senior, Biology major:
“I’d say oral sex, because I can still have regular sex and there’s nothing like a bacon cheeseburger.”
Megan, Kent State University Senior Communications major:
“Cheese because oral sex is so much more fun. Plus, it gives me a reason not to eat so much pizza.”
By Alexis > Sophomore > Journalism > University of Maryland
*Updated on June 13, 2017 by Ana Lopez to include “Would You Rather” questions 1-21.