The new year provides an opportunity to reinvent your online profile from a Tucker Max caricature into a legitimate professional. Here are the top ten steps in cleaning up your virtual image.
10. Blog
This seems like a hazard due to the creative freedom promoted in blogging; however, an outlet such as Tumblr or WordPress could allow you to express your passion. By maintaining a sense of professionalism, your blog could revitalize your career.
9. Open a Youtube account
Bieber-mania is only running wild because Ms. Biebs suggested that her little boy showcase his musical chops on Youtube. For all of you aspiring musicians, singers, comedians, actors, broadcasters and athletes, take advantage of TV’s worst nightmare to promote your skills.
8. Copyright and trademark your work
Forget happiness…originality is fleeting. Cyberspace is to thieves what a candy store is to children. By applying for copyrights and trademarks, you have the support of the legal system to protect and maybe even cash in on your material.
7. Clean-up you Facebook photos
If you learn anything from reading College Magazine, remember to delete any pictures of underage drinking, politically incorrect symbolism and illegal activity.
6. Think Before You Tweet
Permanent damage can occur in 140 characters. Contemplate the consequences of tweets that include people or places that influence your life.
5. Privacy Settings
Improve your privacy settings immediately. Make sure the information that you do not want publicly exposed can only be accessible to the people of your choosing.
4. Create Website
Purchasing a url address from for $12 a month is a small fee for controlling your worldwide profile. Designing your own website illustrates professionalism and allows you to post your resume as well as samples, clips, and contact information.
3. Join Linked In
Linked In has become the online reference database for networking with employers and fellow employees. By building your profile on Linked In, you appear legitimate to the notorious 1%.
2. Establish a Professional E-mail Address
Create an e-mail address that simply has your name and e-mail provider. By eliminating any goofy e-mail addresses such as Lazybum4life92 or hotstuffxxoo, you improve your image immensely. You can still keep your 7th grade e-mail, but only refer back to DreamJC1 when checking your fantasy team.
1. Network
After you have dry-cleaned your online presence, you must mingle throughout campus, the internet, and your local community to communicate with people that can aid you in the job market, school, and life. Remember: it is not what you know, it is who you know.