21 Ways to Actually Land a Job at Your School’s Career Fair
If you go to career fairs suited up and correctly prepared, you may actually get a job out of it. A …
If you go to career fairs suited up and correctly prepared, you may actually get a job out of it. A …
From a passion for service, to an interest in finding community to career goals, UF students get …
The inviting faculty and atmosphere make it nearly impossible to leave after four years without …
There’s plenty of reason to believe that New Year’s resolutions are positive and …
Last NFL offseason we had to wait until August for free agency to begin because of the lockout. …
So you’re amped up on caffeine, worried about getting an A on that CogSci midterm, and you haven’t …
Ready to make money moves? Head to New York City’s Financial District. The district stays true to …
Choosing a college as an emerging or aspiring writer can prove challenging. What kind of writing do …
Ever try pizza from Pennsylvania or California? Coming from New York, the slices always miss the …
1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ninety percent of UNC’s students who apply to medical …
The past four years have most likely been nothing but blissful—new friends, interesting classes and …
So, you decided to make the big move to download TikTok (and follow us @CollegeMagazine while …
1. Get scuffs out of heels with petroleum jelly. Strutting around the office in heels can mean …
Slip in your headphones and click over to Youtube. Playing your favorite inspirational sports movie …
Every year the end of school and rising temperatures cause us to put away the UGGs in favor of …
So you’ve finally made it past the job search and application process and are preparing for …
Social media sweeps us away with the idea of what our relationship should be. So what truly matters? …
Roger Clemens, I once worshipped you. I was wide-eyed for No. 22. Sure, there was Jeter and …
The place to go to have the traditional college experience of a big campus, the rah-rah atmosphere, …
UCLA, a frequent stand in for beautiful campuses in film and television, exudes a photogenic energy …
When it comes to sex, it’s not difficult to go from healthy to normal to boring. Having sex …
Staying stylish in the warm seasons challenges even seasoned style mavens. When the temperatures …
Men’s fashion to you means reaching into your drawer only to find a single black T-shirt and a …